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    ▪kickstart一键自动安装Linux系统      kickstart,无人值守,自动安装系统。本文介绍kickstart的用法。   #安装系统的信息——可以参考 [root@larrywen pdf]# vim ~/anaconda-ks.cfg 第一步 安装kickstart [root@larrywen /]#yum installsystem-config-ki.........
    ▪AIX 0506-324问题处理      # mount /wolfback Replaying log for /dev/wolfbacklv. mount: 0506-324 Cannot mount /dev/wolfbacklv on /wolfback: The media is not formatted or the format is not correct. 0506-342 The superblock on /dev/wolfbacklv is dirty.  Run a full fsck to fix. .........
    ▪shell Builtin variables(shell内建变量)       内容来自:abs-guide $BASH The path to the Bash binary itself bash$ echo $BASH /bin/bash $BASH_ENV An environmental variable pointing to a Bash startup file to be read when a script.........

    来源: 互联网  发布时间: 2013-11-01



[root@larrywen pdf]# vim ~/anaconda-ks.cfg

第一步 安装kickstart

[root@larrywen /]#yum installsystem-config-kickstart -y
#退出,再以X Window的形式登录
[root@serv01 opt]# exit
Connection to closed.
[root@larrywen Desktop]# ssh
[root@larrywen Desktop]#system-config-kickstart

第二步 生成ks.cfg文件


第一项,基本配置。默认语言选择English(USA),键盘选择U.S.English,时区选择Africa/Chongqing,虚拟机下不建议勾选"Use UTC clock",设定root密码,如果我们不选择加密root密码,生成的文件中密码就以明文显示,高级配置中把目标架构选择x86, AMD64, or Intel EM64T,然后把"Rebootsystem after installation"。

第二项,安装方法。安装方法选择“Perfome new installation(新安装)",安装源选择NFS,NFS 服务器:,NFS 目录:/iso      


第三项,Boot Loader 选项。安装类型选择:安装新的boot loader,GRUB 忽略不写,这个是启动GRUB时使用的密码,如果没设置GRUB密码,进入单用户模式是可以的,但是设置了GRUB密码后,进入单用户模式必须输入GRUB密码。安装选项把"Install boot loader on Master Boot Record(MBR)"勾选该上,内核参数忽略。


第四项,Partition Information(分区信息)。Master Boot Record:Clear Master Boot Record(清除MBR)。Partitions:Remove allexisting partitions(移除所有存在的分区)。Disk label:Do not initialize the disk lable(不初始化卷标)。布局:测试用:我这样分区:/boot(200M) swap(1024M) /(其他的空间分配给根分区)。


第五项,Network Configuration(网络配置)。我们配置一个eth0,自动获取IP。      


第七项,Firewall Configuration(防火墙配置)。我们激活SELinux,启用防火墙,信任的服务把SSH勾选上。

第八项,Display Configuration(显示配置)。在图形化环境安装后,我们第一次启动时把配置的图形化界面禁用掉。

第九项,Package Selection(包的选择)。在语言包中把“Chinese Support(中文支持”勾选上。

第十项,Pre-Installation Script(安装前脚本)。这是在安装前执行的脚本,此处忽略。


useradd oracle;
echo "testoracle" | passwd--stdin oracle;

[root@serv01 opt]# cat ks.cfg
#platform=x86, AMD64, or Intel EM64T
## Firewall configuration
#firewall --enabled --ssh
## Install OS instead of upgrade
## Use NFS installation media
#nfs --server= --dir=/iso
## Root password
#rootpw --plaintext uplooking
## System authorization information
#auth --useshadow  --passalgo=sha512
## Use graphical install
#firstboot --disable
## System keyboard
#keyboard us
## System language
#lang en_US
## SELinux configuration
#selinux --enforcing
## Installation logging level
#logging --level=info
## Reboot after installation
## System timezone
#timezone Asia/Chongqing
## Network information
#network --bootproto=dhcp --device=eth0 --onboot=on
## System bootloader configuration
#bootloader --location=mbr
## Clear the Master Boot Record
## Partition clearing information
#clearpart --all 
## Disk partitioning information
#part /boot --fstype="ext4"--size=200
#part swap --fstype="swap"--size=1024
#part / --fstype="ext4" --grow--size=1
#useradd oracle;
#echo "uplooking" | passwd--stdin oracle;

第三步 配置nfs

[root@serv01 opt]# vim /etc/exports
[root@serv01 opt]# cat /etc/exports
/iso *(ro)
/opt *(ro)
[root@serv01 opt]# yum install nfs* -y
 nfs-utils.x86_64 1:1.2.3-7.el6          nfs-utils-lib.x86_64 0:1.1.5-3.el6           nfs4-acl-tools.x86_64 0:0.3.3-5.el      
[2]AIX 0506-324问题处理
    来源: 互联网  发布时间: 2013-11-01

# mount /wolfback
Replaying log for /dev/wolfbacklv.
mount: 0506-324 Cannot mount /dev/wolfbacklv on /wolfback: The media is not formatted or the format is not correct.
0506-342 The superblock on /dev/wolfbacklv is dirty.  Run a full fsck to fix.

# fsck -p /wolfback


The current volume is: /dev/wolfbacklv
Primary superblock is valid.
J2_LOGREDO:log redo processing for /dev/wolfbacklv                   
Primary superblock is valid.
*** Phase 1 - Initial inode scan
*** Phase 2 - Process remaining directories
*** Phase 3 - Process remaining files
*** Phase 4 - Check and repair inode allocation map
*** Phase 5 - Check and repair block allocation map
File system is clean.
Superblock is marked dirty (FIXED)
All observed inconsistencies have been repaired.
# mount /wolfback
# ls
.TTauthority              Host-1_0                  backzc                    interfaces                studio_version.txt
.Xauthority               Installer                 backzc.sql                jConnect-4_5              sybcent32
.dt                       Installer.log             charsets                  jConnect-5_5              textsvr.cfg
.dtprofile                OCS-12_5                  collate                   jutils-2_0                updata1.sql
.flexlmrc                 RPL-12_5                  config                    locales                   update
.profile                  SYBASE.cfg                cwlog12.dat               lost+found                update.sql
.sh_history               SYBASE.csh                cwstart                   nohup.out                 update_cwbase20.sh
.vi_history               SYBASE.env                cwstop                    shared-1_0                update_cwbase20.sql
.wmrc                     SYBASE.sh                 cwstop.sql                smit.log                  update_cwbase20_nohup.sh
ASE-12_5                  SYBASEZC.cfg              docs                      smit.script               zcstart
ASEP-1_0                  SYSAM-1_0                 docs-45_55                smit.transaction          zcstop
CFG-1_0                   TT_DB                     dsmerror.log              startdb
CFG89163.bag              backcw                    installed                 stopdb
EFTS-12_5                 backcw.sql                interf.old                stopdb.sql
# df -g
Filesystem    GB blocks      Free %Used    Iused %Iused Mounted on
/dev/hd4           5.00      4.89    3%     5734     1% /
/dev/hd2          10.00      8.04   20%    44189     3% /usr
/dev/hd9var       30.00     26.36   13%     9219     1% /var
/dev/hd3          10.00      9.78    3%      273     1% /tmp
/dev/hd1           5.00      5.00    1%        5     1% /home
/proc                 -         -    -         -     -  /proc
/dev/hd10opt      10.00      6.40   36%    15167     2% /opt
/dev/lv00          0.25      0.24    4%       18     1% /var/adm/csd
/dev/tsmfslv      20.00     20.00    1%       10     1% /tsmfs
/dev/datalv      625.00    100.13   84%       70     1% /data
/dev/sybaselv     19.00     14.60   24%     6480     1% /sybase
/dev/wolfbacklv   1590.00     68.79   96%      170     1% /wolfback
# cd wolfback
ksh: wolfback:  not found.
# ls
.TTauthority              Host-1_0                  backzc                    interfaces                studio_version.txt
.Xauthority               Installer                 backzc.sql                jCo

[3]shell Builtin variables(shell内建变量)
    来源: 互联网  发布时间: 2013-11-01

The path to the Bash binary itself
bash$ echo $BASH
An environmental variable pointing to a Bash startup file to be read when a script is invoked
A variable indicating the subshell level. This is a new addition to Bash, version 3.
See Example 21-1 for usage.
Process ID of the current
A 6-element array containing version information about the installed release of Bash. This is similar
to $BASH_VERSION, below, but a bit more detailed.
for n in 0 1 2 3 4 5
# BASH_VERSINFO[0] = 3 # Major version no.
# BASH_VERSINFO[1] = 00 # Minor version no.
# BASH_VERSINFO[2] = 14 # Patch level.
# BASH_VERSINFO[3] = 1 # Build version.
# BASH_VERSINFO[4] = release # Release status.
# BASH_VERSINFO[5] = i386-redhat-linux-gnu # Architecture



