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Mysql Error Code : 1436 Thread stack overrun

    来源: 互联网  发布时间:2014-09-06

    本文导语:  ERRNO: 256 TEXT: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1436 Thread stack overrun: 4904 bytes used of a 131072 byte stack, and 128000 bytes needed. Use 'mysqld -O thread_stack=#' to specify a bigger stack.  According to the MySQL manual “The default (192KB) is large enough for normal operation. If th...

ERRNO: 256 
TEXT: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1436 Thread stack overrun: 4904 bytes used of a 131072 byte stack, and 128000 bytes needed. Use 'mysqld -O thread_stack=#' to specify a bigger stack. 

According to the MySQL manual “The default (192KB) is large enough for normal operation. If the thread stack size is too small, it limits the complexity of the SQL statements that the server can handle, the recursion depth of stored procedures, and other memory-consuming actions” .

To resolve this issue you need to change the default value of parameter 'thread_stack' in /etc/my.cnf  in your MySQL configuration file. I use the XAMPP for php/mysql development. 

Once you set this value you need to restart MySQL as this value cannot be set dynamically.

you maybe also encounter with the message when you try to modify the my.cnf

"Cannot open file for writing: Permission denied"

We will try to use the 'chmod' instruction to change permission as usually. I seldom take the concrete permission into consideration, so I use always use the 'chmod 777'. but it resulted in another errors when I use the phpmyadmin, another tools included in XAMPP, after running 'chmod 777'.

After googling it, I get this file (my.cnf) permissions has to be 600. I change its permission and it works well now.


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