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    ▪SpringMVC request生命周期               When the request leaves the browser, it carries information about what the user is asking for. At very least, the request will be carrying the requested URL. But it may also carry additional data such as the inf.........
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[1]SpringMVC request生命周期
    来源: 互联网  发布时间: 2013-10-26

        When the request leaves the browser, it carries information about what the user is asking for. At very least, the request will be carrying the requested URL. But it may also carry additional data such as the information submitted in a form by the user.

The first stop in the request’s travels is Spring’s DispatcherServlet . Like most Java-based MVC frameworks, Spring MVC funnels requests through a single front controller servlet. A front controller is a common web-application pattern where a single servlet delegates responsibility for a request to other components of an application to perform the actual processing. In the case of Spring MVC, DispatcherServlet is the front controller.

        The DispatcherServlet’s job is to send the request on to a Spring MVC controller. A controller is a Spring component that processes the request. But a typical application may have several controllers and DispatcherServlet needs help deciding which controller to send the request to. So, the DispatcherServlet consults one or more handler mappings C to figure out where the request’s next stop will be. The handler mapping will pay particular attention to the URL carried by the request when making its decision.

        Once an appropriate controller has been chosen, DispatcherServlet sends the request on its merry way to the chosen controller. D At the controller, the request will drop off its payload (the information submitted by the user) and patiently wait for the controller to process that information. (Actually, a well-designed Controller performs little or no processing itself and instead delegates responsibility for the business logic to one or more service objects.)

The logic performed by a controller often results in some information that needs to be carried back to the user and displayed in the browser. This information is referred to as the model. But sending raw information back to the user isn’t sufficient—it needs to be formatted in a user-friendly format, typically HTML. For that the information needs to be given to a view, typically a JSP.

       So, the last thing that the controller will do is package up the model data and the name of a view into a ModelAndView object.  It then sends the request, along with its new ModelAndView parcel, back to the DispatcherServlet. As its name implies, the ModelAndView object contains both the model data as well as a hint to what view should render the results.

       So that the controller isn’t coupled to a particular view, the ModelAndView doesn’t carry a reference to the actual JSP. Instead it only carries a logical name that will be used to look up the actual view that will produce the resulting HTML. Once the ModelAndView is delivered to the DispatcherServlet, the DispatcherServlet asks a view resolver to help find the actual JSP. 

       Now that the DispatcherServlet knows which view will render the results, the request’s job is almost over. Its final stop is at the view implementation (probably a JSP) where it delivers the model data.  With the model data delivered to the view, the request’s job is done. The view will use the model data to render a page that will be carried back to the browser by the (not-so-hard-working) response object.

摘自《 Manning Spring in action》


作者:changsheng1453052832 发表于2013-7-21 14:59:54 原文链接
阅读:12 评论:0 查看评论

    来源: 互联网  发布时间: 2013-10-26



1 变量维护:


       <c:set value="值" var="变量名" scope="变量的作用域" target="对象名" property=" 对象属性名"></c:set>


a. 使用标记属性设置JSP变量

<c:set value="值" var="变量名" scope="作用域"/>

b. 使用标记体设置JSP变量

<c:set var="变量名" scope="作用域">标记内容</c:set>

c. 使用标记属性设置对象属性

<c:set value="变量名" target="对象名" property="对象属性名"/>

d. 使用标记体设置对象属性

<c:set target="对象名" property="作用域">标记内容</set>


<c:remove var="变量名" scope="作用域"/>

2 流程控制:分为条件标签和迭代标签。

条件标签:<c:if> <c:choose> <c:when> <c:otherwise>




         <c:if test="测试条件" var="变量名" [scope="作用域"]/>


         <c:if test="测试条件" var="变量名" [scope="作用域"]>




<c:if test="${user.visitCount!=0}">欢迎光临</c:if>

(2)<c:choose> <c:when> <c:otherwise>

<c:when> <c:otherwise>无法单独使用,只能作为<c:choose>的子标签来使用。这三个标签组合起来实现Java中的switch语句的功能。语法如下:


    <c:when test="${user.class==’guest’}">



    <c:when test="${user.class==’vip’}">







迭代标签:<c:forEach> <c:forTokens>


    <c:forEach var="变量名" items="集合" varStatus="遍历状态名"

               begin="begin" end="end" step="step" >




    <c:forTokens items="字符串" delims="分界符" var="变量名"

          varStatus="遍历状态名" begin="begin" end="end" step="sep">



3 URL管理



   <c:url value="URL" context="路径" var="变量名" scope="作用域">




<c:url value="http://localhost:8080/el/index.jsp" var="NewURL">

      <c:param name="name" value="zero"/>

      <c:param name="age" value="28"/>


<a href=/blog_article/"${NewURL}">点我呀</a>_br/index.html>


   <c:url value="URL" context="路径" var="变量名" scope="作用域"/>


   <c:url value="/logon.jsp">登录</c:url>         




<c:import url="地址" context="上下文路径" var="变量名"

    scope="作用域" charEncoding="字符集">




<c:import url="http://www.hao123.com" var="myurl" charEncoding="gb2312">


<a href=/blog_article/"${myurl }">地址</a>_br/index.html>

<c:import url="地址" context="上下文路径" varReader="变量名"

    scope="作用域" charEncoding="字符集">





<c:redirect url="地址" context="上下文路径"/>


<c:redirect url="地址" context="上下文路径">



<c:param name="名称" value="值"/ >


<c:param name="名称" value="值" >

4 其它标签:<c:out>、<c:catch>。



<c:out value="值" escapeXml="{true|false}" default="默认值"/>


<c:out value="值" escapeXml="{true|false}" default="默认值">


default: 用于指定当value值为null时,应该输出的值。

escapeXml: 用于设置是否将"<"、">"、"&"、"’"、"""、这些字符进行转义。







[3]python django MySQLdb 连接 mysql 5.5 中文乱码问题的解决
    来源: 互联网  发布时间: 2013-10-26

mysqldump -uroot -p --skip-opt database table >temp.sql


mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character%';


| Variable_name |Value


| character_set_client | latin1

|character_set_connection | latin1

|character_set_database | utf8

| character_set_filesystem | binary

| character_set_results |latin1

| character_set_server |utf8

| character_set_system |utf8

| character_sets_dir |D:\mysql\share\charsets\


8 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql>SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'collation_%';


| Variable_name |Value


| collation_connection |latin1_swedish_ci

| collation_database |utf8_general_ci

| collation_server |utf8_general_ci


3 rows in set (0.00 sec)


解决的方式:当然就是编码统一,全部采用utf8编码方式。如何更改?这里只介绍mysql5.5 以上的修改方式,我的mysql是5.5.29的。修改方式如下:

打开mysql配置文件:sudovim /etc/mysql/my.cnf


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