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    ▪变量那些事      关于全局变量和局部变量1.局部变量 1 <script type="text/javascript"> 2 3 function aaa() 4 { 5 var a=10; 6 } 7 function bbb() 8 { 9 alert(a)10 }11 aaa()12 bbb()13 </script>.........
    ▪了解html页面的渲染过程      最近在学习前端的性能优化,有必要了解一下页面的渲染流程,以便对症下药,找出性能的瓶颈所在。以下是我看到的一些东西,分享给大家。参考:Understanding the renderer页面的渲染有以下特.........
    ▪PHP(3): Start using Smarty      1. About Smarty When we are doing web programming using PHP, one problem is that the php files can be mixed with php code as long as the html code. At some point, it is not very clean and also not safe. And the work can't be seperated for back-end prog.........

    来源:    发布时间: 2013-11-06



1 <script type="text/javascript">
3 function aaa()
4 {
5 var a=10;
6 }
7 function bbb()
8 {
9 alert(a)
10 }
11 aaa()
12 bbb()
13 </script>

运行结果:错误: “a”未定义,a是局部变量,他只属于函数aaa,并不属于函数bbb


1 <script type="text/javascript">
2 var a
3 function aaa()
4 {
5 var a=10;
6 }
7 function bbb()
8 {
9 alert(a)
10 }
11 aaa()
12 bbb()
13 </script>




1 <script type="text/javascript">
2 var a
3 function aaa()
4 {
5 a=10;
6 }
7 function bbb()
8 {
9 alert(a)
10 }
11 aaa()
12 bbb()
13 </script>




    来源:    发布时间: 2013-11-06


参考:Understanding the renderer


  • 单线程事件轮询
  • 定义明确、连续、操作有序(HTML5)
  • 分词和构建DOM树
  • 请求资源并预加载
  • 构建渲染树并绘制页面



  • HTML的响应流被阻塞在了网络中
  • 有未加载完的脚本
  • 遇到了script节点,但是此时还有未加载完的样式文件




  • 定义的defer属性和async属性的
  • 没有匹配的媒体类型的样式文件
  • 没有通过解析器插入script节点或样式节点


1 <html>
2 <body>
3   <link rel="stylesheet" href="/blog_article/example.css">
4   <div>Hi there!</div>
5   <script>
6     document.write('<script src="/blog_article/other.js"></scr' + 'ipt>');
7   </script>
8   <div>Hi again!</div>
9   <script src="/blog_article/last.js"></script>
10 </body>
11 </html>


1 <html>
2 <body>
3   <link rel="stylesheet" href="/blog_article/example.css">
4 <div>Hi there!</div>
5 <script>...


渲染树也会被样式文件阻塞,所以这时候没有浏览器不会去渲染页面,换句话说,如果example.css文件下载不下来,Hi there! 是显示不出来的。


  <link rel="stylesheet" href="/blog_article/example.css">
<div>Hi there!</div>
  document.write('<script src="/blog_article/other.js"></scr' + 'ipt>');


内联的脚本执行完之后,解析器就会立即被other.js阻塞住。一旦解析器被阻塞,浏览器就会收到绘制请求,"Hi there!"也就显示在了页面上。


1 <html>
2 <body>
3 <link rel="stylesheet" href="/blog_article/example.css">
4   <div>Hi there!</div>
5   &l
[3]PHP(3): Start using Smarty
    来源: 互联网  发布时间: 2013-11-06
1. About Smarty

When we are doing web programming using PHP, one problem is that the php files can be mixed with php code as long as the html code. At some point, it is not very clean and also not safe. And the work can't be seperated for back-end programmers and front-end programmers. So we need a tool to seperate the php logic from the html code to well organize the and maintain the developing process.So here it comes Smarty.

Smarty is a web template system written in PHP. Smarty is primarily promoted as a tool for separation of concerns.[1] Smarty is intended to simplify compartmentalization, allowing the presentation of a web page to change separately from the back-end. Ideally, this eases the costs and efforts associated with software maintenance.

Smarty generates web content by the placement of special Smarty tagswithin a document. These tags are processed and substituted with other code. Tags are directives for Smarty that are enclosed by template delimiters. These directives can be variables, denoted by a dollar sign ($), functions, logical or loop statements. Smarty allows PHP programmers to define custom functions that can be accessed using Smarty tags.

2. Set up Smarty

Step1: download the Smarty and rename it's libs folder and import it into our php project.

Step2: create a php file to connect to Smarty( SmartyCon.php)

 * Created on Jan 10, 2013
 * Author: Nick
 * Function: Connecting to Smarty
 $smarty = new Smarty();		  //new an instance of smarty
 $smarty->config_dir = "smarty/"; 	  //smarty's config info
 $smarty->caching = false;		  //use cache or not
 $smarty->template_dir = "./templates";   //set the folder for keeping the templates
  * smarty can automatically compile the templates and php contents to an mixed file
  * and be stored in templates_C folder
 $smarty->compile_dir = "./templates_c";  //the folder that store compiled files
 $smarty->cache_dir = "./smarty_cache";   //store cache files

 $smarty->left_delimiter = "{";
 $smarty->right_delimiter = "}";



According to the code we should also create 3 folders which are used to store some corresponding files. templates folder is used to store html files which as the folder's name shows: they are templates, and will be called by "$smarty->display()" to show different styles for a project. tempates_c is used to store the compiled files. php files and templates are written in different files, but the php compiler can compile the templates and php contents to an mixed file and store them into templates_c folder. smarty_cache is used to store cache files.


Step3: write the php content ( a.php)

 * Created on Jan 10, 2013
 * Author: Nick
 * Function:
 $name = "php100";
 //$smarty->assign("title",$name); //assign php variabel to the tab in templates
 //$smarty->display("a.html");	 //show the template

 $nameTwo[] = array("name"=>"jimmy","city"=>"Montreal");
 $nameTwo[] = array("name"=>"tim","city"=>"wuxi");
 $nameTwo[] = array("name"=>"sam","city"=>"newyork");
 $nameTwo[] = array("name"=>"john","city"=>"sanfran");
 $nameTwo[] = array("name"=>"lily","city"=>"loyola");

 $title= array("a"=>"name","b"=>"News","c"=>"date","d"=>"now()");

 $smarty->assign("title",$nameTwo); //assign php variabel to the tab in templates

 $smarty->display("a.html");	 //show the template


As the code abouve shows, we can use $smarty->assign("ab",$title), we can assign a php variable to a smarty variable. Then we use $smarty->display() to display the corresponding template. In the template file we havce to use the same assigned file to display the value of the php content here. For example, if we want the template show $title's "News". In a.html file we have to use "{$ab[b]}" 


Step 4: write template file( a.html)


{section name=list loop=$title}
	{$title[list].name} - {$title[list].city}


The result is like this:

As to how to print out the values in a two dimentional table, we have to use {section name='' loop=$..}{/section}

作者:liuhuan_tao 发表于2013-1-11 2:40:47 原文链接
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