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SQL Server 数据库基本操作语句总结

    来源: 互联网  发布时间:2014-10-11

    本文导语:  代码如下:--sql基本操作 --创建数据库 create database Studets --创建表 create table student ( sno char(5), sname char(20), ssex char(2), sage smallint, sdept char(15) ) create table course ( cno char(3), cname char(30), cpno char(3), ccredit smallint ) create table sc ( sno char(...




create database Studets


create table student ( sno char(5), sname char(20), ssex char(2), sage smallint, sdept char(15) )

create table course ( cno char(3), cname char(30), cpno char(3), ccredit smallint )

create table sc ( sno char(5), cno char(3), grade int )


select * from student select sno as 学号 from student select * from course select * from sc



alter table student add  scome  datetime

--修改列的字段类型 alter table student alter column scome  char(50)

--删除 --删除列

alter table student drop column scome

--删除表 drop table student drop table course drop table sc


--sno 非空唯一,ssex检查约束, sage默认大小

create table student ( sno char(5) not null unique, sname char(20), sex char(2), sage smallint default 20, sdept char(15), constraint sex check(sex in('男','女')), )

--删除表的约束 alter table student drop  constraint ssex

--添加字段约束 alter table student add constraint ssex check(sex in('男','女'))

--添加主键约束 alter table student add constraint PK_SNO primary key(sno) create table course ( cno char(3) not null unique, cname char(30), cpno char(3), ccredit smallint )


alter table course add constraint PK_CNO primary key(cno), constraint FK_CPNO foreign key(cpno) REFERENCES sc(cno)

create table sc


sno char(5) foreign key references student(sno),

cno char(3) foreign key references course(cno),

grade int,

constraint PK_SC primary key(sno,cno)


ALTER TABLE [dbo].[sc] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK__sc__sno__0F975522]




alter table sc add constraint PK_SC primary key(sno,cno),

constraint FK_SNO foreign key(sno) references student(sno),

constraint FK_CNO foreign key(cno) references course(cno)




--not null约束字段时候。会创建一个系统内置的约束键值,并且这种非空判断,通过索引查询实现 --的,索引默认创建一个系统索引

create unique index STUsno

on student(sno)

create unique index COUcno

on course(cno)

create unique index SCno

on sc(sno asc,cno desc)

drop index SCno on sc

--显示表的数据和索引的碎块信息 DBCC SHOWCONTIG

--插入数据 select * from student

alter table student alter column sno char(10)

insert into student values('10021','张三','男',20,'计科系')

insert into student values('10022','王朝','女',18,'软件')

insert into student values('10023','朱元璋','男',20,'管理')

insert into student values('10024','刘彻','男',18,'军事')

insert into student values('10025','刘表','男',20,'商学系')

insert into student values('10026','白居易','男',19,'文法')

insert into student values('10027','李清照','女',24,'文法')

select * from course insert into course  values('001','数据库','005',4)

insert into course  values('002','高等数学','',2)

insert into course  values('003','信息系统','001',4)

insert into course  values('004','操作系统','006',2)

insert into course  values('005','数据结构','007',3)

insert into course  values('006','数据处理','',2)

insert into course  values('007','C语言','006',5)

select * from sc insert into sc values('10021','002',100)

insert into sc values('10021','001',88)

insert into sc values('10021','006',100)

insert into sc values('10021','007',68)

insert into sc values('10022','002',100)

insert into sc values('10023','005',30)

insert into sc values('10024','002',100)

insert into sc values('10024','006',56)

select * from student --查询操作

--查询 select * from student select * from course select * from sc

--去掉重复行 select distinct sno from sc


select sname as '姓名',2013-sage as '出生日期' from student

select sname,'出生日期',2013-sage   from student

select 姓名=sname,出生日期=2013-sage  from student


select * from course where ccredit>3

select * from course where ccredit between 2 and 5

select * from course where ccredit> 2 and ccredit100 -



select distinct student.*,sc.* from student,sc where student.sno=sc.sno


select distinct A.*,B.* from student A,sc B where A.sno=B.sno

select B.sname as '同一个系' from student A,student B where A.sname='白居易' and A.sdept=B.sdept


select A.*,B.* from student  A left join sc B on A.sno=B.sno

select A.*,B.* from student  A right join sc B on A.sno=B.sno

select A.*,B.* from student  A FULL join sc B on A.sno=B.sno


select * from sc select * from course

select distinct  A.*,B.* from student A,sc B where A.sno=B.sno and B.grade>99 and B.cno='002'

select distinct  A.*,B.*,C.* from student A,sc B,course C where A.sno=B.sno and B.cno=C.cno and B.grade>99 and B.cno='002'


select sname+sno from student

select distinct sname from student ,sc where student.sno=sc.sno

select  sname from student ,sc where student.sno=sc.sno and student.sno not in (select sno from sc where grade(select AVG(sage) from student)


select * from student where exists(select * from sc where sno=student.sno)

select * from student where not exists(select * from sc where sno=student.sno)

--sql创建用户 sys.sp_addlogin bnc,bnc,Studets sp_adduser bnc,bnc


grant select on student to bnc

select * from student

revoke select on student from bnc


create view VIEW_STUGrade(学号,姓名,课程,成绩)


select student.sno,student.sname,course.cname,sc.grade from student,course,sc

where student.sno=sc.sno and course.cno=sc.cno and student.sdept='软件'


select * from VIEW_STUGrade


alter view VIEW_STUGrade(学号,姓名,课程,成绩)


select student.sno,student.sname,course.cname,sc.grade from student,course,sc

where student.sno=sc.sno and course.cno=sc.cno and student.sdept='软件'

with check option



update VIEW_STUGrade set 姓名='王超' where 学号='10022' select * from student where  sno='10022'

/* 1,可更新视图:   a,单个基本表导出的 2,不可更新视图   a 两个以上基本表导出的   b 视图字段来自表达式或者函数   c 嵌套查询的表   d 分组子句使用distinct */

--删除视图 drop view VIEW_STUGrade


--数据类型1,int 2,smallint 3,tinyint (0--255) 4,bigint 5char固定长度@b

print '最小值是:'+@a


print '最大值是:'+@b


waitfor delay '00:00:04' print '推迟4秒执行'

waitfor time '17:45:50' print '等待这一时刻执行'


CREATE FUNCTION GetTime (    @date1 datetime,   @date2 datetime )



select datediff(dd,@date1,@date2) 日差,datediff(mm,@date1,@date2) 月差,  datediff(yy,@date1,@date2) 年差




GO create proc [dbo].[sel] (

@sno char(10)



select * from student where sno=@sno

exec sel @sno='10021'


GO create proc sel2


select * from student

exec sel2


GO create proc updat @sno char(10), @sex char(2)


update student set sex=@sex where sno=@sno

select * from student  exec updat @sno='10021', @sex='女'


GO create proc dele @sno char(10)


delete student where sno=@sno

select * from student

exec dele @sno='10029'


GO create proc inser @sno char(10), @sname char(20), @sex char(2), @sage smallint, @sdept char(15)


insert into student values(@sno,@sname,@sex,@sage,@sdept)

exec inser @sno='10029', @sname='tom', @sex='男', @sage=100, @sdept='sc' select * from student



select * from student select * from course select * from sc

--去掉重复行 select distinct sno from sc


select sname as '姓名',2013-sage as '出生日期' from student

select sname,'出生日期',2013-sage   from student

select 姓名=sname,出生日期=2013-sage  from student


select * from course where ccredit>3

select * from course where ccredit between 2 and 5

select * from course where ccredit> 2 and ccredit100

--连接查询、 --等值连接

select distinct student.*,sc.* from student,sc where student.sno=sc.sno


select distinct A.*,B.* from student A,sc B where A.sno=B.sno select B.sname as '同一个系' from student A,student B where A.sname='白居易' and A.sdept=B.sdept


select A.*,B.* from student  A left join sc B on A.sno=B.sno select A.*,B.* from student  A right join sc B on A.sno=B.sno

select A.*,B.* from student  A FULL join sc B on A.sno=B.sno


select distinct  A.*,B.* from student A,sc B where A.sno=B.sno and B.grade>99 and B.cno='002'

select distinct  A.*,B.*,C.* from student A,sc B,course C where A.sno=B.sno and B.cno=C.cno and B.grade>99 and B.cno='002'


select sname+sno from student

select distinct sname from student ,sc where student.sno=sc.sno

select  sname from student ,sc where student.sno=sc.sno and student.sno not in (select sno from sc where grade(select AVG(sage) from student)


select * from student where exists(select * from sc where sno=student.sno)

select * from student where not exists(select * from sc where sno=student.sno)


sys.sp_addlogin bnc,bnc,Studets sp_adduser bnc,bnc


grant select on student to bnc

select * from student

revoke select on student from bnc


create view VIEW_STUGrade(学号,姓名,课程,成绩)


select student.sno,student.sname,course.cname,sc.grade from student,course,sc

where student.sno=sc.sno and course.cno=sc.cno and student.sdept='软件'


select * from VIEW_STUGrade


alter view VIEW_STUGrade(学号,姓名,课程,成绩) as select student.sno,student.sname,course.cname,sc.grade from student,course,sc

where student.sno=sc.sno and course.cno=sc.cno and student.sdept='软件'

with check option

--更新失败后不影响视图查看 --视图更新

update VIEW_STUGrade set 姓名='王超' where 学号='10022' select * from student where  sno='10022'

/* 1,可更新视图:   a,单个基本表导出的 2,不可更新视图   a 两个以上基本表导出的   b 视图字段来自表达式或者函数   c 嵌套查询的表   d 分组子句使用distinct */

--删除视图 drop view VIEW_STUGrade


use Studets

GO create trigger insert_Tri

ON student  after

insert as print '有新数据插入!'


GO create trigger update_Tri

on student after

update as print '有数据更新!'


GO create trigger delete_Tri

on student after

delete as print '有数据删除!'



GO alter trigger delete_Tri

on student after delete


if '王帅' in (select sname from deleted)

print '该信息不许删除!'

rollback transaction


exec sel @sno='10021'

exec inser @sno='10029', @sname='王帅', @sex='男', @sage=25, @sdept='国贸'

exec updat @sno='10029', @sex='女'

exec dele @sno='10029'


/*   sp_*+触发器名称

  sp_helptext:触发器正文信息   sp_help:查看一般信息,触发器名称,属性,创建时间,类型   sp_depends:引用或指定表的所有触发器   sp_helptrigger:指定信息 */  sp_help delete_Tri 

sp_helptext delete_Tri

 sp_depends delete_Tri 

sp_helptrigger student   


drop trigger delete_Tri 



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