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    来源:    发布时间:2015-02-05

    本文导语:  基于Java的图形化工作流编辑器。图形化工作流编辑器 。使用JAVA语言开发,开放源码 。严格遵循WFMC规范 。XPDL(XML Process Definition Language)WFMC的 XML 过程描述语言 。工作流定义文件保存在本地的XML文件中 Enhydra JaWE (Java Workflow Ed...

基于Java的图形化工作流编辑器。图形化工作流编辑器 。使用JAVA语言开发,开放源码 。严格遵循WFMC规范 。XPDL(XML Process Definition Language)WFMC的 XML 过程描述语言 。工作流定义文件保存在本地的XML文件中

Enhydra JaWE (Java Workflow Editor) is the first open source graphical Java workflow process editor fully according to WfMC specifications supporting XPDL as its native file format. It can be used to edit / view every XPDL file which conforms to WfMC XPDL specifications, does NOT use any proprietary XPDL extensions and is available in English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Serbian language already. But we are still searching for volunteers for even more translations... ! Feel free to contribute.

Advanced features like the consistency validation and guided property editor dialogs for all XPDL objects make it really easy to create valid XPDL files.

The representation of workflow participants as "swimlanes" in the editor graphics gives a comprehensive overview of process responsibilities.

In combination with Enhydra Shark, the Java XPDL Open Source Workflow Engine you get a complete workflow solution for embedded or standalone usage !




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