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▪ViewConfiguration滑动参数设置种 ViewConfiguration滑动参数设置类
/** * 包含了方法和标准的常量用来设置UI的超时、大小和距离 */public class ViewConfiguration { // 设定水平滚动条的宽度和垂直滚动条的高度,单位是像素px .........
▪ TTS Service Extended (过程:com.google.tts)意外停止 恢复被阉割的TTS文字转语音功能 TTS Service Extended (进程:com.google.tts)意外停止 恢复被阉割的TTS文字转语音功能
TTS Service Extended (进程:com.google.tts)意外停止 恢复被阉割的TTS文字转语音功能
TTS Service Extended (进程:com.google.tts).........
▪ ASIHTTPRequest缓存计策的设置 ASIHTTPRequest缓存策略的设置
ASIHTTPRequest 是一款强大的网络请求框架,该框架自带了数据的缓存策略,下面来介绍该功能的使用方法。
来源: 互联网 发布时间: 2014-02-18
* 包含了方法和标准的常量用来设置UI的超时、大小和距离
public class ViewConfiguration {
// 设定水平滚动条的宽度和垂直滚动条的高度,单位是像素px
private static final int SCROLL_BAR_SIZE = 10;
private static final int SCROLL_BAR_FADE_DURATION = 250;
// 默认的滚动条多少秒之后消失,单位是毫秒
private static final int SCROLL_BAR_DEFAULT_DELAY = 300;
// 定义边缘地方褪色的长度
private static final int FADING_EDGE_LENGTH = 12;
private static final int PRESSED_STATE_DURATION = 125;
private static final int LONG_PRESS_TIMEOUT = 500;
private static final int GLOBAL_ACTIONS_KEY_TIMEOUT = 500;
private static final int TAP_TIMEOUT = 115;
* Defines the duration in milliseconds we will wait to see if a touch event
* is a jump tap. If the user does not complete the jump tap within this interval, it is
* considered to be a tap.
private static final int JUMP_TAP_TIMEOUT = 500;
private static final int DOUBLE_TAP_TIMEOUT = 300;
private static final int ZOOM_CONTROLS_TIMEOUT = 3000;
* Inset in pixels to look for touchable content when the user touches the edge of the screen
private static final int EDGE_SLOP = 12;
* Distance a touch can wander before we think the user is scrolling in pixels
private static final int TOUCH_SLOP = 16;
* Distance a touch can wander before we think the user is attempting a paged scroll
* (in dips)
private static final int PAGING_TOUCH_SLOP = TOUCH_SLOP * 2;
* Distance between the first touch and second touch to still be considered a double tap
private static final int DOUBLE_TAP_SLOP = 100;
* Distance a touch needs to be outside of a window's bounds for it to
* count as outside for purposes of dismissing the window.
private static final int WINDOW_TOUCH_SLOP = 16;
private static final int MINIMUM_FLING_VELOCITY = 50;
private static final int MAXIMUM_FLING_VELOCITY = 4000;
private static final int MAXIMUM_DRAWING_CACHE_SIZE = 320 * 480 * 4; // HVGA screen, ARGB8888
private static float SCROLL_FRICTION = 0.015f;
* Max distance to over scroll for edge effects
private static final int OVERSCROLL_DISTANCE = 0;
* Max distance to over fling for edge effects
private static final int OVERFLING_DISTANCE = 4;
* 包含了方法和标准的常量用来设置UI的超时、大小和距离
public class ViewConfiguration {
// 设定水平滚动条的宽度和垂直滚动条的高度,单位是像素px
private static final int SCROLL_BAR_SIZE = 10;
private static final int SCROLL_BAR_FADE_DURATION = 250;
// 默认的滚动条多少秒之后消失,单位是毫秒
private static final int SCROLL_BAR_DEFAULT_DELAY = 300;
// 定义边缘地方褪色的长度
private static final int FADING_EDGE_LENGTH = 12;
private static final int PRESSED_STATE_DURATION = 125;
private static final int LONG_PRESS_TIMEOUT = 500;
private static final int GLOBAL_ACTIONS_KEY_TIMEOUT = 500;
private static final int TAP_TIMEOUT = 115;
* Defines the duration in milliseconds we will wait to see if a touch event
* is a jump tap. If the user does not complete the jump tap within this interval, it is
* considered to be a tap.
private static final int JUMP_TAP_TIMEOUT = 500;
private static final int DOUBLE_TAP_TIMEOUT = 300;
private static final int ZOOM_CONTROLS_TIMEOUT = 3000;
* Inset in pixels to look for touchable content when the user touches the edge of the screen
private static final int EDGE_SLOP = 12;
* Distance a touch can wander before we think the user is scrolling in pixels
private static final int TOUCH_SLOP = 16;
* Distance a touch can wander before we think the user is attempting a paged scroll
* (in dips)
private static final int PAGING_TOUCH_SLOP = TOUCH_SLOP * 2;
* Distance between the first touch and second touch to still be considered a double tap
private static final int DOUBLE_TAP_SLOP = 100;
* Distance a touch needs to be outside of a window's bounds for it to
* count as outside for purposes of dismissing the window.
private static final int WINDOW_TOUCH_SLOP = 16;
private static final int MINIMUM_FLING_VELOCITY = 50;
private static final int MAXIMUM_FLING_VELOCITY = 4000;
private static final int MAXIMUM_DRAWING_CACHE_SIZE = 320 * 480 * 4; // HVGA screen, ARGB8888
private static float SCROLL_FRICTION = 0.015f;
* Max distance to over scroll for edge effects
private static final int OVERSCROLL_DISTANCE = 0;
* Max distance to over fling for edge effects
private static final int OVERFLING_DISTANCE = 4;
[2] TTS Service Extended (过程:com.google.tts)意外停止 恢复被阉割的TTS文字转语音功能
来源: 互联网 发布时间: 2014-02-18
TTS Service Extended (进程:com.google.tts)意外停止 恢复被阉割的TTS文字转语音功能
TTS Service Extended (进程:com.google.tts)意外停止 恢复被阉割的TTS文字转语音功能
TTS Service Extended (进程:com.google.tts)意外停止 恢复被阉割的TTS文字转语音功能
TTS Service Extended (进程:com.google.tts)意外停止 恢复被阉割的TTS文字转语音功能
这个整了很久才搞定 分享下过程
恢复方法: 先安装附属软件:
1.安装 com.svox.classic
2.安装 com.svox.classic.langpack.cmn_chn_fem
3.安装语音同步增强软件 Speech Synthesis Data Installer 1.0.1 (v11)
4.如果没有odex文件可以安装钛备份Titanium Backup 这个会把odex功能给装上
安装TTS软件 因为是安装到系统的软件需要先进行权限设置 否则无法正常读取
(2).用RE管理器进入SYSTEM/APP中 长按com.google.tts(一定要长按才会弹出界面),在弹出的界面中选择"权限"
(4).设置-语音输入与输出-文字转语音设置如下图所示:总是使用我的设置选中,默认引擎选择Svox Classic TTS
流风,飘然的风 本人创建的Android软件交流群(253065556) 需要的人可以加入
[3] ASIHTTPRequest缓存计策的设置
来源: 互联网 发布时间: 2014-02-18
ASIHTTPRequest 是一款强大的网络请求框架,该框架自带了数据的缓存策略,下面来介绍该功能的使用方法。
//创建缓存对象 ASIDownloadCache *asiCache = [[ASIDownloadCache alloc] init]; //设置缓存目录,这里设置沙盒目录下的Documents目录作为缓存目录 NSString *document = [NSHomeDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Documents"]; [asiCache setStoragePath:document]; //设置缓存策略 [asiCache setDefaultCachePolicy:ASIOnlyLoadIfNotCachedCachePolicy];
//创建数据请求对象 ASIFormDataRequest *request = [ASIFormDataRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:urlstring]]; /* *设置缓存策略 *ASICacheForSessionDurationCacheStoragePolicy 程序下次启动会清除本地的缓存数据 *ASICachePermanentlyCacheStoragePolicy 是持久缓存,程序下次启动,缓存仍然还在 */ request.cacheStoragePolicy = ASICachePermanentlyCacheStoragePolicy; [request setDownloadCache:[UserContext shareInstance].cache]; //开始异步请求网络 [request startAsynchronous];
//网络数据加载完成后调用的block [request setCompletionBlock:^{ NSString *responseString = request.responseString; //打印返回的数据 NSLog(@"%@",responseString); //判断返回的数据是否来自本地缓存 if (request.didUseCachedResponse) { NSLog(@"使用缓存数据"); } else { NSLog(@"请求网络数据"); } }];