Hibernate允许我们在映射文件里控制insert和update语句的内容.比如在映射文件中<property 元素中的update属性设置成为false,那么这个字段,将不被包括在基本的update语句中,修改的时候,将不包括这个字段了.insert同理.dynamic动态SQL语句的配置也是很常用的.下面介绍配置SQL语句的具体属性:
1)<property>元素 insert属性:设置为false,在insert语句中不包含这个字段,表示永远不会被插入,默认true
2)<property>元素 update属性:设置为false,在update语句中不包含这个字段,表示永远不会被修改,默认true
3)<class>元素 mutable属性:设置为false就是把所有的<property>元素的update属性设置为了false,说明这个对象不会被更新,默认true
4)<property>元素 dynamic-insert属性:设置为true,表示insert对象的时候,生成动态的insert语句,如果这个字段的值是null就不会加入到insert语句当中.默认false
5)<property>元素 dynamic-update属性,设置为true,表示update对象的时候,生成动态的update语句,如果这个字段的值是null就不会被加入到update语句中,默认false
6)<class>元素 dynamic-insert属性:设置为true,表示把所有的<property>元素的dynamic-insert属性设置为true,默认false
7)<class>元素 dynamic-update属性:设置为true,表示把所有的<property>元素的dynamic-update属性设置为true,默认false
HotSpot source: command line arguments
You may have read Joseph D. Mocker's excellent collection of JVM Options - a compilation of all the JVM options for various versions of the JVM on primarily SPARC/Solaris Platform. If you have downloaded JDK source from http://jdk6.dev.java.net, you may want to look at these files:
- $JDK/hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp (and globals.cpp)
- $JDK/hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/arguments.hpp (and arguments.cpp)
Please note that I am not suggesting this for tuning JVM on deployment - you may want to read No Tuning Required: Java SE Out-of-Box Vs. Tuned Performance.
You may be curious to know what options are available in product, debug modes of the HotSpot JVM. In particular, you may want to see what diagnostic/debug options which may help in debugging/troubleshooting.
These files have HotSpot command line flags (specified by -XX) and argument parsing code (in arguments.cpp). Also, you may want to look at Java launcher source at [some options by "java" are implemented by launcher sources (eg. -client, -server and -J-XXX) and many other options are implemented by hotspot JVM sources]
- $JDK/j2se/src/share/back/bin/java.h
- $JDK/j2se/src/share/back/bin/java.c
The launcher sources help in better understanding of JNI Invocation API as well.
A. Sundararajan's Weblog
A. Sundararajan's Weblog -- sundararajan