自从学习苹果开发以来买了很多书,但是市面上所有的书几乎都是对于iOS 4或者以前xCode也用的都是老版本,和现在的开发环境完全搭配不上,尤其是xCode4.2 推出的storyboards ,就连在线文档都是12年1月9号进行的last update,去哪里找出,就连英文的原版书也没有将4.2的。更别说iOS 5或者iCould的内容了。所以暂时先去学习Object-C。。。
之前有下载过公开课,里面有iPhone开发的课程,网易上提供的是翻译最多的,但是里面一样还是过时的开发环境,所以用了一段时间学完了斯坦福的106A&B(Programming Methodology& Programming Abstractions)两门课,受益匪浅啊。建议所有在计算机开发上想由一定成绩的人都应该去学习一下。
前段时间Apple发布了iBook 2.0 于是去AppStore上去下载更新,想起了iPhone开发的公开课上提到过大学用于教育目的使用的开发者账号,于是想看看了解一下,但是不知道怎么就突然发现了iTunes U,里面有很多最新的公开课,排名第二的就是iPad and iPhone Application Development. 一看介绍居然是2011Fall 的,里面讲解的都是xCode 4.2在iOS 5上的开发,视频,讲义,作业的都是可以下载的,而且质量都是高清的。简直太酷了,唯一就是下载起来比较慢,于是我开着机用了40多个小时终于把所有的课程都下载下来了,一共20多个G,昨天一口气看了2节课,现在正在慢慢消化中。我后来又把课程同步到我的iPad和Air笔记本上了,随时随地的可以学习,而且配合iCould他会直到你看到哪里了,你在iPad上看了20分钟,再用电脑打开他会继续播放,包括讲义也会精确定位到你上次看的页数,想起2010WWDC大会上乔布斯的演讲,关于云,你不需要了解或者设置太多,但是他就是work!
突然看到以前写过一个总结,做j2me的 小雷电,发个帖子 看看有用没,
void doFire() { int m = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Balls.length; i++) { if (Balls[i][0] == 0) { m++; Balls[i][0] = 1; Balls[i][1] = shipX + shipImg.getWidth() / 2 - 3; Balls[i][2] = shipY - 20; Balls[i][3] = m; switch (m) { case 1: Balls[i][4] = 9; break; case 2: Balls[i][4] = 8; break; case 3: Balls[i][4] = 10; break; case 4: Balls[i][4] = 7; break; case 5: Balls[i][4] = 11; break; } if (m >= 5) break; } }
之前初始化x,y和inx, incy的坐标(位置移动,如果越界根据inx,iny的正负确定移动方向,从而位置纠正)
x+= incX; y+= incY; if (x] <= 0|| x + giftImg.getWidth() >= width) { x = incX > 0 ? width- giftImg.getWidth() : 0; incX = -incX; } if (y <= 0 || y + giftImg.getHeight() >= height) { y = incY > 0 ? height- giftImg.getHeight() : 0; incY = -incY; }
宝物飞机碰撞, 飞机处理碰撞的原理等碰撞的原理(利用坐标和长和宽确定两个矩形 是否相交)
boolean checkCollide(int x1, int y1, int w1, int h1, int x2, int y2,int w2, int h2) { if (x1 + w1 >= x2 && x1 <= x2 + w2 && y1 + h1 >= y2 && y1 <= y2 + h2) { return true; } return false; }
int keyQueue[]=new int [3]; void putKey(int keyCode){ keyQueue[2]=keyQueue[1]; keyQueue[1]=keyQueue[0]; keyQueue[0]=keyCode; } void clearKey(){ keyQueue[2]=keyQueue[1]=keyQueue[0]=0; } protected void keyPressed(int keyCode){ if(System.currentTimeMillis()-keyReleasedTime>400){ clearKey();} putKey(keyCode); } protected void keyReleased(int keyCode){ keyReleasedTime=System.currentTimeMillis(); }
int [][] enemyFleets=new int [14][4];//active ,x,y,type //初始化抛物线运动 void createEnemyFleets(){ int p=0; for(int i=0;i<enemyFleets.length;i++){ if(enemyFleets[i][0]==0){ p++; enemyFleets[i][0]=1; enemyFleets[i][2]=-enemyFleetImg.getHeight(); enemyFleets[i][3]=p; if(p>=2){ break; } } } } //画抛物线 int [][] enemyFleets=new int [14][4];//active ,x,y,type for(int i=0;i<enemyFleets.length;i++){ if(enemyFleets[i][0]==1){ enemyFleets[i][2]+=7; if(enemyFleets[i][3]==1){ enemyFleets[i][1]=-enemyFleets[i][2]*enemyFleets[i][2]/200+width/2-enemyFleetImg.getWidth(); } else{ enemyFleets[i][1]=enemyFleets[i][2]*enemyFleets[i][2]/200+width/2; } if(enemyFleets[i][2]>height){ enemyFleets[i][0]=0; } g.drawImage(enemyFleetImg, enemyFleets[i][1], enemyFleets[i][2], 20); } }
Security and Permissions
In this document
* Security Architecture 安全架构
* Application Signing 应用程序签名
* User IDs and File Access 用户ID和文件访问权
* Using Permissions 使用权限
* Declaring and Enforcing Permissions 声明和实施权限
* ...in AndroidManifest.xml 在AndroidManifest.xml中实施权限(注:此处原文省略了前半句Enforcing Permissions)
* ...when Sending Broadcasts 当发送广播时实施权限(注:此处原文省略了前半句Enforcing Permissions)
* Other Permission Enforcement 其它权限实施
* URI Permissions URI权限
This document describes how application developers can use the security features provided by Android. A more general Android Security Overview is provided in the Android Open Source Project.
Android is a privilege-separated operating system, in which each application runs with a distinct system identity (Linux user ID and group ID). Parts of the system are also separated into distinct identities. Linux thereby isolates applications from each other and from the system.
Additional finer-grained security features are provided through a "permission" mechanism that enforces restrictions on the specific operations that a particular process can perform, and per-URI permissions for granting ad-hoc access to specific pieces of data.
Security Architecture
A central design point of the Android security architecture is that no application, by default, has permission to perform any operations that would adversely impact other applications, the operating system, or the user. This includes reading or writing the user's private data (such as contacts or e-mails), reading or writing another application's files, performing network access, keeping the device awake, etc.
Because Android sandboxes applications from each other, applications must explicitly share resources and data. They do this by declaring the permissions they need for additional capabilities not provided by the basic sandbox. Applications statically declare the permissions they require, and the Android system prompts the user for consent at the time the application is installed. Android has no mechanism for granting permissions dynamically (at run-time) because it complicates the user experience to the detriment of security.
The application sandbox does not depend on the technology used to build an application. In particular the Dalvik VM is not a security boundary, and any app can run native code (see the Android NDK). All types of applications — Java, native, and hybrid — are sandboxed in the same way and have the same degree of security from each other.
应用程序的沙箱不依赖于用于构建应用程序的技术。特别地Dalvik虚拟机不是一个安全范围,而且任意应用可以运行原生代码(见Android NDK)。所有应用程序类型——Java,原生,以及混合——以相同的方式被沙箱,并且各自拥有相同的安全度。
Application Signing
All Android applications (.apk files) must be signed with a certificate whose private key is held by their developer. This certificate identifies the author of the application. The certificate does not need to be signed by a certificate authority: it is perfectly allowable, and typical, for Android applications to use self-signed certificates. The purpose of certificates in Android is to distinguish application authors. This allows the system to grant or deny applications access to signature-level permissions and to grant or deny an application's request to be given the same Linux identity as another application.
所有Android应用程序(.apk文件)必须用证书签名,证书的私钥由它们的开发者持有。证书标识应用程序的作者。证书不需要由证书认证中心(注:CA,Certificate Authority,维基的中文翻译为电子商务认证授权机构)签名:Android程序使用自签名证书是完全允许的和惯常的。在Android中证书的目的是区分应用程序的作者。它允许系统授权或拒绝应用程序对签名层面的权限的访问权以及授权或拒绝一个应用程序请求给予和另一个应用程序相同的Linux标识符。
User IDs and File Access
At install time, Android gives each package a distinct Linux user ID. The identity remains constant for the duration of the package's life on that device. On a different device, the same package may have a different UID; what matters is that each package has a distinct UID on a given device.
Because security enforcement happens at the process level, the code of any two packages can not normally run in the same process, since they need to run as different Linux users. You can use the sharedUserId attribute in the AndroidManifest.xml's manifest tag of each package to have them assigned the same user ID. By doing this, for purposes of security the two packages are then treated as being the same application, with the same user ID and file permissions. Note that in order to retain security, only two applications signed with the same signature (and requesting the same sharedUserId) will be given the same user ID.
Any data stored by an application will be assigned that application's user ID, and not normally accessible to other packages. When creating a new file with getSharedPreferences(String, int), openFileOutput(String, int), or openOrCreateDatabase(String, int, SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory), you can use the MODE_WORLD_READABLE and/or MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE flags to allow any other package to read/write the file. When setting these flags, the file is still owned by your application, but its global read and/or write permissions have been set appropriately so any other application can see it.
任何被一个应用程序保存的数据将被赋予那个应用程序的用户ID,并且通常对于其它包是不可访问的。当用getSharedPreferences(String, int),openFileOutput(String, int),或openOrCreateDatabase(String, int, SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory)创建一个新文件时,你可以使用MODE_WORLD_READABLE和/或MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE标志以允许其它任何包读/写文件。当设置这些标志时,文件仍然被你的应用程序拥有,但它的全局读和/或写权限已经被合适地设置,使其它任意应用程序可以看到它。
Using Permissions
A basic Android application has no permissions associated with it, meaning it can not do anything that would adversely impact the user experience or any data on the device. To make use of protected features of the device, you must include in your AndroidManifest.xml one or more <uses-permission> tags declaring the permissions that your application needs.
For example, an application that needs to monitor incoming SMS messages would specify:
例如,一个需要监视输入的SMS(注:Short Messaging Service,短信服务的缩写)消息的应用程序应该指定:
<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
package="com.android.app.myapp" >
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS" />
At application install time, permissions requested by the application are granted to it by the package installer, based on checks against the signatures of the applications declaring those permissions and/or interaction with the user. No checks with the user are done while an application is running: it either was granted a particular permission when installed, and can use that feature as desired, or the permission was not granted and any attempt to use the feature will fail without prompting the user.
Often times a permission failure will result in a SecurityException being thrown back to the application. However, this is not guaranteed to occur everywhere. For example, the sendBroadcast(Intent) method checks permissions as data is being delivered to each receiver, after the method call has returned, so you will not receive an exception if there are permission failures. In almost all cases, however, a permission failure will be printed to the system log.
The permissions provided by the Android system can be found at Manifest.permission. Any application may also define and enforce its own permissions, so this is not a comprehensive list of all possible permissions.
A particular permission may be enforced at a number of places during your program's operation:
* At the time of a call into the system, to prevent an application from executing certain functions.
* 在一个调用进入系统的时候,阻止一个应用程序执行某些功能。
* When starting an activity, to prevent applications from launching activities of other applications.
* 当启动一个活动时,阻止应用程序启动其它应用程序的活动。
* Both sending and receiving broadcasts, to control who can receive your broadcast or who can send a broadcast to you.
* 发送和接收广播,控制谁可以接收你的广播或者谁可以发送广播给你。
* When accessing and operating on a content provider.
* 当访问和操作在一个内容提供者时。
* Binding to or starting a service.
* 绑定到或启动一个服务。
Declaring and Enforcing Permissions
To enforce your own permissions, you must first declare them in your AndroidManifest.xml using one or more <permission> tags.
For example, an application that wants to control who can start one of its activities could declare a permission for this operation as follows:
<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
package="com.me.app.myapp" >
<permission android:name="com.me.app.myapp.permission.DEADLY_ACTIVITY"
android:protectionLevel="dangerous" />
The <protectionLevel> attribute is required, telling the system how the user is to be informed of applications requiring the permission, or who is allowed to hold that permission, as described in the linked documentation.
The <permissionGroup> attribute is optional, and only used to help the system display permissions to the user. You will usually want to set this to either a standard system group (listed in android.Manifest.permission_group) or in more rare cases to one defined by yourself. It is preferred to use an existing group, as this simplifies the permission UI shown to the user.
Note that both a label and description should be supplied for the permission. These are string resources that can be displayed to the user when they are viewing a list of permissions (android:label) or details on a single permission ( android:description). The label should be short, a few words describing the key piece of functionality the permission is protecting. The description should be a couple sentences describing what the permission allows a holder to do. Our convention for the description is two sentences, the first describing the permission, the second warning the user of what bad things can happen if an application is granted the permission.
Here is an example of a label and description for the CALL_PHONE permission:
<string name="permlab_callPhone">directly call phone numbers</string>
<string name="permdesc_callPhone">Allows the application to call
phone numbers without your intervention. Malicious applications may
cause unexpected calls on your phone bill. Note that this does not
allow the application to call emergency numbers.</string>
<string name="permlab_callPhone">直接拨打电话号码</string>
<string name="permdesc_callPhone">允许应用程序拨打电话号码而不受你的干预。
You can look at the permissions currently defined in the system with the Settings app and the shell command adb shell pm list permissions. To use the Settings app, go to Settings > Applications. Pick an app and scroll down to see the permissions that the app uses. For developers, the adb '-s' option displays the permissions in a form similar to how the user will see them:
你可以用Settings应用和外壳命令adb shell pm list permissions来查看当前定义系统中的权限。要想使用Settings应用,请转至设置>应用程序。挑选一个应用并向下滚动以查看应用使用的权限。对于开发者,adb的'-s'开关以类似于用户看到它们的格式来显示权限:
$ adb shell pm list permissions -s
All Permissions:
Network communication: view Wi-Fi state, create Bluetooth connections, full
Internet access, view network state
Your location: access extra location provider commands, fine (GPS) location,
mock location sources for testing, coarse (network-based) location
Services that cost you money: send SMS messages, directly call phone numbers
$ adb shell pm list permissions -s
Enforcing Permissions in AndroidManifest.xml
High-level permissions restricting access to entire components of the system or application can be applied through your AndroidManifest.xml. All that this requires is including an android:permission attribute on the desired component, naming the permission that will be used to control access to it.
Activity permissions (applied to the <activity> tag) restrict who can start the associated activity. The permission is checked during Context.startActivity() and Activity.startActivityForResult(); if the caller does not have the required permission then SecurityException is thrown from the call.
Service permissions (applied to the <service> tag) restrict who can start or bind to the associated service. The permission is checked during Context.startService(), Context.stopService() and Context.bindService(); if the caller does not have the required permission then SecurityException is thrown from the call.
BroadcastReceiver permissions (applied to the <receiver> tag) restrict who can send broadcasts to the associated receiver. The permission is checked after Context.sendBroadcast() returns, as the system tries to deliver the submitted broadcast to the given receiver. As a result, a permission failure will not result in an exception being thrown back to the caller; it will just not deliver the intent. In the same way, a permission can be supplied to Context.registerReceiver() to control who can broadcast to a programmatically registered receiver. Going the other way, a permission can be supplied when calling Context.sendBroadcast() to restrict which BroadcastReceiver objects are allowed to receive the broadcast (see below).
ContentProvider permissions (applied to the <provider> tag) restrict who can access the data in a ContentProvider. (Content providers have an important additional security facility available to them called URI permissions which is described later.) Unlike the other components, there are two separate permission attributes you can set: android:readPermission restricts who can read from the provider, and android:writePermission restricts who can write to it. Note that if a provider is protected with both a read and write permission, holding only the write permission does not mean you can read from a provider. The permissions are checked when you first retrieve a provider (if you don't have either permission, a SecurityException will be thrown), and as you perform operations on the provider. Using ContentResolver.query() requires holding the read permission; using ContentResolver.insert(), ContentResolver.update(), ContentResolver.delete() requires the write permission. In all of these cases, not holding the required permission results in a SecurityException being thrown from the call.
Enforcing Permissions when Sending Broadcasts
In addition to the permission enforcing who can send Intents to a registered BroadcastReceiver (as described above), you can also specify a required permission when sending a broadcast. By calling Context.sendBroadcast() with a permission string, you require that a receiver's application must hold that permission in order to receive your broadcast.
Note that both a receiver and a broadcaster can require a permission. When this happens, both permission checks must pass for the Intent to be delivered to the associated target.
Other Permission Enforcement
Arbitrarily fine-grained permissions can be enforced at any call into a service. This is accomplished with the Context.checkCallingPermission() method. Call with a desired permission string and it will return an integer indicating whether that permission has been granted to the current calling process. Note that this can only be used when you are executing a call coming in from another process, usually through an IDL interface published from a service or in some other way given to another process.
细粒度权限可以任意地实施在任何进入一个服务的调用。它用Context.checkCallingPermission()来完成。有一个期待权限字符串来调用,它将返回一个整型,指示哪个权限是否已经被授权到当前的调用进程。注意它可以仅在你正在执行从另一个进程传入的调用时被使用,通常是通过从一个服务中发布的IDL(注:Interactive Data Language,交互式数据语言,这里应该是指AIDL)接口,或者是传给(注:given的意思待考)另一个进程的一些其它方式。
There are a number of other useful ways to check permissions. If you have the pid of another process, you can use the Context method Context.checkPermission(String, int, int) to check a permission against that pid. If you have the package name of another application, you can use the direct PackageManager method PackageManager.checkPermission(String, String) to find out whether that particular package has been granted a specific permission.
有一些其它有用的方法检查权限。如果你有另一个进程的pid(注:进程ID),你可以使用Context的方法Context.checkPermission(String, int, int)来检查对应于那个pid的权限。如果你有另一个应用程序的包名,你可以使用直接的PackageManager方法PackageManager.checkPermission(String, String)来找出特定包是否已经被授权一个指定的权限。
URI Permissions
The standard permission system described so far is often not sufficient when used with content providers. A content provider may want to protect itself with read and write permissions, while its direct clients also need to hand specific URIs to other applications for them to operate on. A typical example is attachments in a mail application. Access to the mail should be protected by permissions, since this is sensitive user data. However, if a URI to an image attachment is given to an image viewer, that image viewer will not have permission to open the attachment since it has no reason to hold a permission to access all e-mail.
The solution to this problem is per-URI permissions: when starting an activity or returning a result to an activity, the caller can set Intent.FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION and/or Intent.FLAG_GRANT_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION. This grants the receiving activity permission access the specific data URI in the Intent, regardless of whether it has any permission to access data in the content provider corresponding to the Intent.
This mechanism allows a common capability-style model where user interaction (opening an attachment, selecting a contact from a list, etc) drives ad-hoc granting of fine-grained permission. This can be a key facility for reducing the permissions needed by applications to only those directly related to their behavior.
The granting of fine-grained URI permissions does, however, require some cooperation with the content provider holding those URIs. It is strongly recommended that content providers implement this facility, and declare that they support it through the android:grantUriPermissions attribute or <grant-uri-permissions> tag.
More information can be found in the Context.grantUriPermission(), Context.revokeUriPermission(), and Context.checkUriPermission() methods.
Except as noted, this content is licensed under Apache 2.0. For details and restrictions, see the Content License.
除特别说明外,本文在Apache 2.0下许可。细节和限制请参考内容许可证。
Android 4.0 r1 - 20 Jan 2012 22:25
Portions of this page are modifications based on work created and shared by the Android Open Source Project and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 2.5 Attribution License.
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