日期:2012-6-9 来源:GBin1.com
超棒彩色PSD按钮经典 PSD Web 按钮
36 Free Web Buttons Collection
Clean Infusionsoft Buttons
日期:2012-6-11 来源:GBin1.com
今天我们介绍5款jQuery的动态过滤插件,这些插件可以有效的帮助你过滤搜索结果,帮助你将搜索过程变得更加简单并且快速。以前我们介绍过一款超酷的动态过滤插件使用jQuery插件filtrify ,这里我们再介绍5个不错的动态过滤插件,通常来说我们都加载搜索结果中所有数据,但是隐藏不匹配的数据内容,展示用户需要的数据内容,以此达到动态搜索目地,希望大家喜欢!
jQuery Fast Live Filter简单快速的过滤插件。用来满足已存在的工具功能的不足。
2. jQuery Filter Images (Search Filter)非常漂亮干净的图片搜索过滤插件,当你开始输入内容时,就开始搜索和更新图片,非常棒的插件!
3. Using jQuery to Manipulate and Filter Data这个插件使用4种方式来控制搜索过滤:hover effect,zebra rows,filtering和排序
/* * PhoneGap is available under *either* the terms of the modified BSD license *or* the * MIT License (2008). See http://opensource.org/licenses/alphabetical for full text. * * Copyright (c) 2005-2010, Nitobi Software Inc. * Copyright (c) 2010, IBM Corporation */ package com.phonegap.api; import android.app.Activity; import android.content.Intent; /** * The Phonegap activity abstract class that is extended by DroidGap. * It is used to isolate plugin development, and remove dependency on entire Phonegap library. */ public abstract class PhonegapActivity extends Activity { /** * Add a class that implements a service. * * @param serviceType * @param className */ abstract public void addService(String serviceType, String className); /** * Send JavaScript statement back to JavaScript. * * @param message */ abstract public void sendJavascript(String statement); /** * Launch an activity for which you would like a result when it finished. When this activity exits, * your onActivityResult() method will be called. * * @param command The command object * @param intent The intent to start * @param requestCode The request code that is passed to callback to identify the activity */ abstract public void startActivityForResult(IPlugin command, Intent intent, int requestCode); /** * Set the plugin to be called when a sub-activity exits. * * @param plugin The plugin on which onActivityResult is to be called */ abstract public void setActivityResultCallback(IPlugin plugin); /** * Load the specified URL in the PhoneGap webview. * * @param url The URL to load. */ abstract public void loadUrl(/blog_article/String url/index.html); }
This class is the main Android activity that represents the PhoneGap application. It should be extended by the user to load the specific html file that contains the application. As an example: package com.phonegap.examples; import android.app.Activity; import android.os.Bundle; import com.phonegap.*; public class Examples extends DroidGap { @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); // Set properties for activity super.setStringProperty("loadingDialog", "Title,Message"); // show loading dialog super.setStringProperty("errorUrl", "file:///android_asset/www/error.html"); // if error loading file in super.loadUrl(). // Initialize activity super.init(); // Clear cache if you want super.appView.clearCache(true); // Load your application super.setIntegerProperty("splashscreen", R.drawable.splash); // load splash.jpg image from the resource drawable directory super.loadUrl("file:///android_asset/www/index.html", 3000); // show splash screen 3 sec before loading app } }
Properties: The application can be configured using the following properties:
// Display a native loading dialog when loading app. Format for value = "Title,Message".
// (String - default=null)
super.setStringProperty("loadingDialog", "Wait,Loading Demo...");
// Display a native loading dialog when loading sub-pages. Format for value = "Title,Message".
// (String - default=null)
super.setStringProperty("loadingPageDialog", "Loading page...");
// Cause all links on web page to be loaded into existing web view,
// instead of being loaded into new browser. (Boolean - default=false)
super.setBooleanProperty("loadInWebView", true);
// Load a splash screen image from the resource drawable directory.
// (Integer - default=0)
super.setIntegerProperty("splashscreen", R.drawable.splash);
// Set the background color.
// (Integer - default=0 or BLACK)
super.setIntegerProperty("backgroundColor", Color.WHITE);
// Time in msec to wait before triggering a timeout error when loading
// with super.loadUrl(). (Integer - default=20000)
super.setIntegerProperty("loadUrlTimeoutValue", 60000);
// URL to load if there's an error loading specified URL with loadUrl().
// Should be a local URL starting with file://. (String - default=null)
super.setStringProperty("errorUrl", "file:///android_asset/www/error.html");
// Enable app to keep running in background. (Boolean - default=true)
super.setBooleanProperty("keepRunning", false);
PhoneGap uses a configuration file at res/xml/phonegap.xml to specify the following settings.
Approved list of URLs that can be loaded into DroidGap
<access origin="http://server regexp" subdomains="true" /
<log level="DEBUG" />
Phonegap plugins:
PhoneGap uses a file at res/xml/plugins.xml to list all plugins that are installed.
Before using a new plugin, a new element must be added to the file.
name attribute is the service name passed to PhoneGap.exec() in JavaScript
value attribute is the Java class name to call.
<plugin name="App" value="com.phonegap.App"/>