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▪php验证Email地址的演示示例 在php代码中,经常会遇到验证邮箱格式是否正确的情况,本节分享一段入门级的参考代码,教大家一些基础的验证方法。
<title>php Email验证的演示示例-www.<.........
▪php验证email地址的类(经典) 本文提供的这个php email验证类,具有如下的特点:
▪php正则表达式验证Email地址的例子 php实现验证邮箱地址的例子,很好的应用了php的正则。
<FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="/blog_article/RegularExpressionTester.html">
<FONT FACE="Couri.........
来源: 互联网 发布时间: 2013-12-24
<html> <head> <title>php Email验证的演示示例-www.</title> </head> <body> <form name="form1" method="post" action="/blog_article/EMailValidation.html"> <table> <tr> <td colspan="2"><b>请输入一个Email地址</div></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%">E-mail</td> <td width="75%"> <input type="text" name="email" size="30"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit"> </td> </tr> </table> </form> </body> </html> <!-- EMailValidation.php <html> <head> <title> 验证Email地址 </title> </head> <body> <?php if (!isset($email)){ die("没有检测到任何的Email地址数据"); } if(empty($email)) { die("您输入的内容为空"); } if ( (strlen($email) < 3) || (strlen($email) > 200)) { die("Email长度不符合要求"); } elseif(!ereg("@",$email)) { die("Invalid E-mail address, no @ symbol found"); } else { echo "<b>".$email."</b> is correct in format.<br>"; } list($username,$hostname) = split("@",$email); if ( (empty($username)) or (empty($hostname)) ) { die("username or host name section is not valid."); } if(checkdnsrr($hostname)) { echo "<b>". $email ."</b> hostname has a valid MX record !<br>"; } else { die("<b>". $email ."</b> hostname does not exist"); } ?> <br> </body> </html> -->
来源: 互联网 发布时间: 2013-12-24
本文提供的这个php email验证类,具有如下的特点:
4,对于windows平台,实现了getmxrr不具备的功能,用到了Moriyoshi Koizumi的 DNS 解析类。
<?php /* * email_validation.php * * @(#) $Header: /home/mlemos/cvsroot/emailvalidation/email_validation.php,v 1.23 2005/09/16 18:20:58 mlemos Exp $ * */ class email_validation_class { var $email_regular_expression="^([-!#\$%&'*+./0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~])+@([-!#\$%&'*+/0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~]+\\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,6}\$"; var $timeout=0; var $data_timeout=0; var $localhost=""; var $localuser=""; var $debug=0; var $html_debug=0; var $exclude_address=""; var $getmxrr="GetMXRR"; var $next_token=""; var $preg; var $last_code=""; Function Tokenize($string,$separator="") { if(!strcmp($separator,"")) { $separator=$string; $string=$this->next_token; } for($character=0;$character<strlen($separator);$character++) { if(GetType($position=strpos($string,$separator[$character]))=="integer") $found=(IsSet($found) ? min($found,$position) : $position); } if(IsSet($found)) { $this->next_token=substr($string,$found+1); return(substr($string,0,$found)); } else { $this->next_token=""; return($string); } } Function OutputDebug($message) { $message.="\n"; if($this->html_debug) $message=str_replace("\n","<br />\n",HtmlEntities($message)); echo $message; flush(); } Function GetLine($connection) { for($line="";;) { if(feof($connection)) return(0); $line.=fgets($connection,100); $length=strlen($line); if($length>=2 && substr($line,$length-2,2)=="\r\n") { $line=substr($line,0,$length-2); if($this->debug) $this->OutputDebug("S $line"); return($line); } } } Function PutLine($connection,$line) { if($this->debug) $this->OutputDebug("C $line"); return(fputs($connection,"$line\r\n")); } Function ValidateEmailAddress($email) { if(IsSet($this->preg)) { if(strlen($this->preg)) return(preg_match($this->preg,$email)); } else { $this->preg=(function_exists("preg_match") ? "/".str_replace("/", "\\/", $this->email_regular_expression)."/" : ""); return($this->ValidateEmailAddress($email)); } return(eregi($this->email_regular_expression,$email)!=0); } Function ValidateEmailHost($email,&$hosts) { if(!$this->ValidateEmailAddress($email)) return(0); $user=$this->Tokenize($email,"@"); $domain=$this->Tokenize(""); $hosts=$weights=array(); $getmxrr=$this->getmxrr; if(function_exists($getmxrr) && $getmxrr($domain,$hosts,$weights)) { $mxhosts=array(); for($host=0;$host<count($hosts);$host++) $mxhosts[$weights[$host]]=$hosts[$host]; KSort($mxhosts); for(Reset($mxhosts),$host=0;$host<count($mxhosts);Next($mxhosts),$host++) $hosts[$host]=$mxhosts[Key($mxhosts)]; } else { if(strcmp($ip=@gethostbyname($domain),$domain) && (strlen($this->exclude_address)==0 || strcmp(@gethostbyname($this->exclude_address),$ip))) $hosts[]=$domain; } return(count($hosts)!=0); } Function VerifyResultLines($connection,$code) { while(($line=$this->GetLine($connection))) { $this->last_code=$this->Tokenize($line," -"); if(strcmp($this->last_code,$code)) return(0); if(!strcmp(substr($line, strlen($this->last_code), 1)," ")) return(1); } return(-1); } Function ValidateEmailBox($email) { if(!$this->ValidateEmailHost($email,$hosts)) return(0); if(!strcmp($localhost=$this->localhost,"") && !strcmp($localhost=getenv("SERVER_NAME"),"") && !strcmp($localhost=getenv("HOST"),"")) $localhost="localhost"; if(!strcmp($localuser=$this->localuser,"") && !strcmp($localuser=getenv("USERNAME"),"") && !strcmp($localuser=getenv("USER"),"")) $localuser="root"; for($host=0;$host<count($hosts);$host++) { $domain=$hosts[$host]; if(ereg('^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$',$domain)) $ip=$domain; else { if($this->debug) $this->OutputDebug("Resolving host name \"".$hosts[$host]."\"..."); if(!strcmp($ip=@gethostbyname($domain),$domain)) { if($this->debug) $this->OutputDebug("Could not resolve host name \"".$hosts[$host]."\"."); continue; } } if(strlen($this->exclude_address) && !strcmp(@gethostbyname($this->exclude_address),$ip)) { if($this->debug) $this->OutputDebug("Host address of \"".$hosts[$host]."\" is the exclude address"); continue; } if($this->debug) $this->OutputDebug("Connecting to host address \"".$ip."\"..."); if(($connection=($this->timeout ? @fsockopen($ip,25,$errno,$error,$this->timeout) : @fsockopen($ip,25)))) { $timeout=($this->data_timeout ? $this->data_timeout : $this->timeout); if($timeout && function_exists("socket_set_timeout")) socket_set_timeout($connection,$timeout,0); if($this->debug) $this->OutputDebug("Connected."); if($this->VerifyResultLines($connection,"220")>0 && $this->PutLine($connection,"HELO $localhost") && $this->VerifyResultLines($connection,"250")>0 && $this->PutLine($connection,"MAIL FROM: <$localuser@$localhost>") && $this->VerifyResultLines($connection,"250")>0 && $this->PutLine($connection,"RCPT TO: <$email>") && ($result=$this->VerifyResultLines($connection,"250"))>=0) { if($result) { if($this->PutLine($connection,"DATA")) $result=($this->VerifyResultLines($connection,"354")!=0); } else { if(strlen($this->last_code) && !strcmp($this->last_code[0],"4")) $result=-1; } if($this->debug) $this->OutputDebug("This host states that the address is ".($result ? ($result>0 ? "valid" : "undetermined") : "not valid")."."); fclose($connection); if($this->debug) $this->OutputDebug("Disconnected."); return($result); } if($this->debug) $this->OutputDebug("Unable to validate the address with this host."); fclose($connection); if($this->debug) $this->OutputDebug("Disconnected."); } else { if($this->debug) $this->OutputDebug("Failed."); } } return(-1); } }; ?> //GetMXRR function emulation need to make the class work properly under Windows and other platforms without this function (needs DNS.php mentioned in the Related links section). <?php /* * getmxrr.php * * @(#) $Header: /home/mlemos/cvsroot/PHPlibrary/getmxrr.php,v 1.1 2002/06/21 05:33:42 mlemos Exp $ * */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PHPresolver - PHP DNS resolver library Version 1.1 Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Moriyoshi Koizumi <koizumi@ave.sytes.net> All Rights Reserved. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ if(IsSet($_NAMESERVERS) && (GetType($_NAMESERVERS)!="array" || count($_NAMESERVERS)==0)) Unset($_NAMESERVERS); /*************************************************************************** Description $_NAMESERVER[] The array that contains IP addresses or domain names of name servers used for DNS resolution. If nothing is set before require()'ing this library, the values will automatically prepared. bool getmxrr( string $hostname, arrayref $mxhosts, arrayref $weight ); This function works in the same way as getmxrr(), however the third parameter cannot be omitted. If you need no MX preference information, please do like: getmxrr( 'example.com', $mxhosts, ${''} ); ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Configuration If you are doing with win32 environments and don't set $_NAMESERVER manually, make sure that ipconfig.exe is within the PATH. ipconfig.exe is generally distributed with any Microsoft(R) Windows distributions except for Windows 95. ***************************************************************************/ require_once( 'DNS.php' ); /* rewrite this path to the same as the box's configuration if you run scripts on *NIX platforms */ define( 'RESOLV_CONF_PATH', '/etc/resolv.conf' ); if( !isset( $_NAMESERVERS ) ) { $_NAMESERVERS = array(); if( strncmp( PHP_OS, "WIN", 3 ) == 0 ) { unset( $res ); exec( 'ipconfig /all', $res ); $cnt = count( $res ); for( $i = 0; $i < $cnt; ++$i ) { if( strpos( $res[$i], 'DNS Servers' ) !== false ) { $_NAMESERVERS[] = substr( $res[$i], strpos( $res[$i], ': ' ) + 2 ); break; } } while( $i<$cnt-1 && strpos( $res[++$i], ':' ) === false ) { $_NAMESERVERS[] = trim( $res[$i] ); } } elseif( file_exists( RESOLV_CONF_PATH ) ) { $lines = file( RESOLV_CONF_PATH ); $cnt = count( $lines ); for( $i = 0; $i < $cnt; ++$i ) { list( $dr, $val ) = split( '[ \t]', $lines[$i] ); if( $dr == 'nameserver' ) { $_NAMESERVERS[] = rtrim( $val ); } } unset( $lines ); } } if(count($_NAMESERVERS)) $__PHPRESOLVER_RS = new DNSResolver( $_NAMESERVERS[0] ); else { Unset($_NAMESERVERS); Unset($__PHPRESOLVER_RS); } function GetMXRR( $hostname, &$mxhosts, &$weight ) { global $__PHPRESOLVER_RS; if(!IsSet($__PHPRESOLVER_RS)) return(false); $dnsname = & DNSName::newFromString( $hostname ); $answer = & $__PHPRESOLVER_RS->sendQuery( new DNSQuery( new DNSRecord( $dnsname, DNS_RECORDTYPE_MX ) ) ); if( $answer === false || $answer->rec_answer === false ) { return false; } else { $i = count( $answer->rec_answer ); $mxhosts = $weight = array(); while( --$i >= 0 ) { if( $answer->rec_answer[$i]->type == DNS_RECORDTYPE_MX ) { $rec = &$answer->rec_answer[$i]->specific_fields; $mxhosts[] = substr( $rec['exchange']->getCanonicalName(), 0, -1 ); $weight[] = $rec['preference']; } } return true; } } ?> //TEST SCRIPT <?php /* * test_email_validation.html * * @(#) $Header: /home/mlemos/cvsroot/emailvalidation/test_email_validation.php,v 1.11 2003/12/12 15:25:52 mlemos Exp $ * */ ?><HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Test for Manuel Lemos's PHP E-mail validation class</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <H1><CENTER>Test for Manuel Lemos's PHP E-mail validation class</CENTER></H1> <HR> <?php require("email_validation.php"); $validator=new email_validation_class; /* * If you are running under Windows or any other platform that does not * have enabled the MX resolution function GetMXRR() , you need to * include code that emulates that function so the class knows which * SMTP server it should connect to verify if the specified address is * valid. */ if(!function_exists("GetMXRR")) { /* * If possible specify in this array the address of at least on local * DNS that may be queried from your network. */ $_NAMESERVERS=array(); include("getmxrr.php"); } /* * If GetMXRR function is available but it is not functional, you may * use a replacement function. */ /* else { $_NAMESERVERS=array(); if(count($_NAMESERVERS)==0) Unset($_NAMESERVERS); include("rrcompat.php"); $validator->getmxrr="_getmxrr"; } */ /* how many seconds to wait before each attempt to connect to the destination e-mail server */ $validator->timeout=10; /* how many seconds to wait for data exchanged with the server. set to a non zero value if the data timeout will be different than the connection timeout. */ $validator->data_timeout=0; /* user part of the e-mail address of the sending user (info@phpclasses.org in this example) */ $validator->localuser="info"; /* domain part of the e-mail address of the sending user */ $validator->localhost="phpclasses.org"; /* Set to 1 if you want to output of the dialog with the destination mail server */ $validator->debug=1; /* Set to 1 if you want the debug output to be formatted to be displayed properly in a HTML page. */ $validator->html_debug=1; /* When it is not possible to resolve the e-mail address of destination server (MX record) eventually because the domain is invalid, this class tries to resolve the domain address (A record). If it fails, usually the resolver library assumes that could be because the specified domain is just the subdomain part. So, it appends the local default domain and tries to resolve the resulting domain. It may happen that the local DNS has an * for the A record, so any sub-domain is resolved to some local IP address. This prevents the class from figuring if the specified e-mail address domain is valid. To avoid this problem, just specify in this variable the local address that the resolver library would return with gethostbyname() function for invalid global domains that would be confused with valid local domains. Here it can be either the domain name or its IP address. */ $validator->exclude_address=""; if(IsSet($_GET["email"])) $email=$_GET["email"]; if(IsSet($email) && strcmp($email,"")) { if(($result=$validator->ValidateEmailBox($email))<0) echo "<H2><CENTER>It was not possible to determine if <TT>$email</TT> is a valid deliverable e-mail box address.</CENTER></H2>\n"; else echo "<H2><CENTER><TT>$email</TT> is ".($result ? "" : "not ")."a valid deliverable e-mail box address.</CENTER></H2>\n"; } else { $port=(strcmp($port=getenv("SERVER_PORT"),"") ? intval($port) : 80); $site="http://".(strcmp($site=getenv("SERVER_NAME"),"") ? $site : "localhost").($port==80 ? "" : ":".$port).GetEnv("REQUEST_URI"); echo "<H2>Access this page using a URL like: $site?email=<A href=/index.html"$site?email=mlemos@acm.org\"><TT>your@test.email.here</TT></A></H2>\n"; } ?> <HR> </BODY> </HTML>
来源: 互联网 发布时间: 2013-12-24
<HTML> <BODY> <H2>php正则验证Email地址</H2> <FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="/blog_article/RegularExpressionTester.html"> <FONT FACE="Courier"> String: <BR> <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="string"> <BR><BR> 正则表达式: <BR> <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" SIZE=64 NAME="pattern" VALUE="^([_a-zA-Z0-9-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9-]+(.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)*)$"> <BR><BR> <BR> <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT"> </FONT> </FORM> </BODY> </HTML>
2,php代码部分 RegularExpressionTester.php
<?php echo "<BR><B>string:</B>$string"; echo "<BR><B>regular expression:</B> $pattern"; if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()){ echo "<BR><BR>"; echo "<BR>Stripping magic quotes...."; $string = stripslashes($string); $pattern = stripslashes($pattern); echo "<BR><B>string:</B> $string"; echo "<BR><B>regular expression:</B> $pattern"; } $found = ereg($pattern, $string, $matches); echo "<BR><BR>"; if ($found) { echo "<BR><B>验证:</B> 成功"; echo "<BR><BR>"; echo "<BR><B>Components: </B>"; for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches); $i++) { echo "<BR>$matches[$i]"; } } else echo "<BR><B>验证:</B> 失败"; ?>