本文导语: 一.我们经常要做数据统计的工作,如下示例统计各部门每月的工作业绩 table1(月份, 部门, 业绩) mon dep yj ------------------------------------------------------------ 1 1 10 1 2 10 1 3 ...
table1(月份, 部门, 业绩)
mon dep yj
1 1 10
1 2 10
1 3 5
2 2 8
2 4 9
3 3 8
table2(部门, 部门名称)
dep dname
1 A业务部
2 B业务部
3 C业务部
4 D业务部
table3 (结果)
部门 一月份 二月份 三月份
1 10 0 0
2 10 8 0
3 0 5 8
4 0 0 9
sum(case when b.mon=1 then b.yj else 0 end) as '一月份',
sum(case when b.mon=2 then b.yj else 0 end) as '二月份',
sum(case when b.mon=3 then b.yj else 0 end) as '三月份',
sum(case when b.mon=4 then b.yj else 0 end) as '四月份',
sum(case when b.mon=5 then b.yj else 0 end) as '五月份',
sum(case when b.mon=6 then b.yj else 0 end) as '六月份',
sum(case when b.mon=7 then b.yj else 0 end) as '七月份',
sum(case when b.mon=8 then b.yj else 0 end) as '八月份',
sum(case when b.mon=9 then b.yj else 0 end) as '九月份',
sum(case when b.mon=10 then b.yj else 0 end) as '十月份',
sum(case when b.mon=11 then b.yj else 0 end) as '十一月份',
sum(case when b.mon=12 then b.yj else 0 end) as '十二月份',
from table2 a left join table1 b on a.dep=b.dep group by a.dname
语文 数学 英语
及格 优秀 不及格
(case when 语文>=80 then '优秀'
when 语文>=60 then '及格'
else '不及格') as 语文,
(case when 数学>=80 then '优秀'
when 数学>=60 then '及格'
else '不及格') as 数学,
(case when 英语>=80 then '优秀'
when 英语>=60 then '及格'
else '不及格') as 英语,
from table
2005-05-09 胜
2005-05-09 胜
2005-05-09 负
2005-05-09 负
2005-05-10 胜
2005-05-10 负
2005-05-10 负
如果要生成下列结果, 该如何写sql语句?
日期 胜 负
2005-05-09 2 2
2005-05-10 1 2
create table #tmp(
rq varchar(10),
shengfu nchar(1)
insert into #tmp values('2005-05-09','胜')
insert into #tmp values('2005-05-09','胜')
insert into #tmp values('2005-05-09','负')
insert into #tmp values('2005-05-09','负')
insert into #tmp values('2005-05-10','胜')
insert into #tmp values('2005-05-10','负')
insert into #tmp values('2005-05-10','负')
1)select rq, sum(case when shengfu='胜' then 1 else 0 end)'胜',sum(case when shengfu='负' then 1 else 0 end)'负
' from #tmp group by rq
2) select N.rq,N.胜,M.负 from (
select rq,胜=count(*) from #tmp where shengfu='胜' group by rq)N inner join
(select rq,负=count(*) from #tmp where shengfu='负' group by rq)M on N.rq=M.rq
比如有两条记录 编号 单位名称 姓名 手机
001 协广 张三 137
002 协广 李四 138
FROM 观众资料登记表 a
WHERE [姓名]+[手机] IN
(SELECT [姓名]+[手机]
FROM 观众资料登记表 b
GROUP BY [姓名],[手机]
FROM 观众资料登记表 a
WHERE [单位名称] IN
(SELECT [单位名称]
FROM 观众资料登记表 b
GROUP BY [单位名称]
(SELECT TOP 1 [编号] FROM [观众资料登记表] b WHERE a.[单位名称] = b.[单位名称]) AS [编号],
(SELECT TOP 1 [姓名] FROM [观众资料登记表] b WHERE a.[单位名称] = b.[单位名称]) AS [姓名],
(SELECT TOP 1 [手机] FROM [观众资料登记表] b WHERE a.[单位名称] = b.[单位名称]) AS [手机]
FROM [观众资料登记表] a
create table student(
sID int primary key,
sName varchar(50),
sAge int
insert into student values(1,'张三',9)
insert into student values(2,'张三2',14)
insert into student values(3,'张三3',33)
insert into student values(4,'张三4',11)
insert into student values(5,'张三5',19)
insert into student values(6,'张三6',25)
insert into student values(7,'张三7',27)
insert into student values(8,'张三8',23)
create table teacher(
tID int primary key,
tName varchar(50),
tAge int
insert into teacher values(1,'李明',29)
insert into teacher values(2,'李明2',34)
insert into teacher values(3,'李明3',23)
insert into teacher values(4,'李明4',31)
insert into teacher values(5,'李明5',19)
create table ts(
id int primary key,
sID int,
tID int
insert into ts values(1,1,2);
insert into ts values(2,2,3);
insert into ts values(3,3,2);
insert into ts values(4,4,3);
insert into ts values(5,5,4);
insert into ts values(6,6,2);
insert into ts values(7,7,4);
insert into ts values(8,8,2);
select t.tid,t.tname,count(*) from student s,teacher t,ts where s.sID = ts.sid and t.tid=ts.tid and s.sage>12 and t.tage>30 group by t.tid,t.tname