这些经纬线是怎样定出来的呢?地球是在不停地绕地轴旋转(地轴是一根通过地球南北两极和地球中心的 假想线),在地球中腰画一个与地轴垂直的大圆圈,使圈上的每一点都和南北两极的距离相等,这个圆圈 就叫作“赤道”。在赤道的南北两边,画出许多和赤道平行的圆圈,就是“纬圈”;构成这些圆圈的线段, 叫做纬线。我们把赤道定为纬度零度,向南向北各为90度,在赤道以南的叫南纬,在赤道以北的叫北纬。 北极就是北纬90度,南极就是南纬90度。纬度的高低也标志着气候的冷热,如赤道和低纬度地地区无冬, 两极和高纬度地区无夏,中纬度地区四季分明。 其次,从北极点到南极点,可以画出许多南北方向的与地球赤道垂直的大圆圈,这叫作“经圈”;构成这 些圆圈的线段,就叫经线。公元1884平面坐标图年,国际上规定以通过英国伦敦近郊的格林尼治天文台的 经线作为计算经度的起点,即经度零度零分零秒,也称“本初子午线”。在它东面的为东经,共180度; 在它西面的为西经,共180度。因为地球是圆的,所以东经180度和西经180度的经线是同一条经线。各国 公定180度经线为“国际日期变更线”。为了避免同一地区使用两个不同的日期,国际日期变线在遇陆地时 略有偏离。 每一经度和纬度还可以再细分为60分,每一分再分为60秒以及秒的小数。利用经纬线,我们就可以确定 地球上每一个地方的具体位置,并且把它在地图或地球仪上表示出来。例如问北京的经纬度是多少?我们 很容易从地图上查出来是东经116度24分,北纬39度54分。在大海中航行的船只,只要把所在地的经度测 出来,就可以确定船在海洋中的位置和前进方向。 纬度共有90度。赤道为0度,向两极排列,圈子越小, 度数越大。 横线是纬度,竖线是经度。 当然可以计算,四元二次方程。 经度和纬度都是一种角度。经度是个两面角,是两个经线平面的夹角。因所有经线都是一样长,为了度量 经度选取一个起点面,经1884年国际会议协商,决定以通过英国伦敦近郊、泰晤士河南岸的格林尼治皇家 天文台(旧址)的一台主要子午仪十字丝的那条经线为起始经线,称为本初子午线。本初子午线平面是起 点面,终点面是本地经线平面。某一点的经度,就是该点所在的经线平面与本初子午线平面间的夹角。在 赤道上度量,自本初子午线平面作为起点面,分别往东往西度量,往东量值称为东经度,往西量值称为西 经度。由此可见,一地的经度是该地对于本初子午线的方向和角距离。本初子午线是0°经度,东经度的最 大值为180°,西经度的最大值为180°,东、西经180°经线是同一根经线,因此不分东经或西经,而统称 180°经线。 纬度是个线面角。起点面是赤道平面,线是本地的地面法线。所谓法线,即垂直于参考扁球体表面的线。 某地的纬度就是该地的法线与赤道平面之间的夹角。纬度在本地经线上度量,由赤道向南、北度量,向北 量值称为北纬度,向南量值称为南纬度。由此可见,一地的纬度是该地对于赤道的方向和角距离。赤道是 0°纬线,北纬度的最大值为90°,即北极点;南纬度的最大值为90°,即南极点。
度(DDD):E 108.90593度 N 34.21630度
如何将度(DDD):: 108.90593度换算成度分秒(DMS)东经E 108度54分22.2秒?转换方法是将108.90593整数位不变取108(度),用0.90593*60=54.3558,取整数位 54(分),0.3558*60=21.348再取整数位21(秒),故转化为108度54分21秒.
同样将度分秒(DMS):东经E 108度54分22.2秒 换算成度(DDD)的方法如下:108度54分22.2秒=108+(54/60)+(22.2/3600)=108.90616度
纬度1度 = 大约111km
纬度1分 = 大约1.85km
纬度1秒 = 大约30.9m
地球是一个近乎标准的椭球体,它的赤道半径为6378.140千米,极半径为 6356.755千米,平均半径6371.004千米。如果我们假设地球是一个完美的球体,那么它的半径就是地球的平均半径,记为R。如果以0度经线为基 准,那么根据地球表面任意两点的经纬度就可以计算出这两点间的地表距离(这里忽略地球表面地形对计算带来的误差,仅仅是理论上的估算值)。设第一点A的经 纬度为(LonA, LatA),第二点B的经纬度为(LonB, LatB),按照0度经线的基准,东经取经度的正值(Longitude),西经取经度负值(-Longitude),北纬取90-纬度值(90- Latitude),南纬取90+纬度值(90+Latitude),则经过上述处理过后的两点被计为(MLonA, MLatA)和(MLonB, MLatB)。那么根据三角推导,可以得到计算两点距离的如下公式:
C = sin(MLatA)*sin(MLatB)*cos(MLonA-MLonB) + cos(MLatA)*cos(MLatB)
Distance = R*Arccos(C)*Pi/180
C = sin(LatA)*sin(LatB) + cos(LatA)*cos(LatB)*cos(MLonA-MLonB)
Distance = R*Arccos(C)*Pi/180
C = sin(LatA*Pi/180)*sin(LatB*Pi/180) + cos(LatA*Pi/180)*cos(LatB*Pi/180)*cos((MLonA-MLonB)*Pi/180)
Distance = R*Arccos(C)*Pi/180
C = sin(LatA/57.2958)*sin(LatB/57.2958) + cos(LatA/57.2958)*cos(LatB/57.2958)*cos((MLonA-MLonB)/57.2958)
Distance = R*Arccos(C) = 6371.004*Arccos(C) kilometer = 0.621371192*6371.004*Arccos(C) mile = 3958.758349716768*Arccos(C) mile
private const double EARTH_RADIUS = 6378.137;//地球半径
private static double rad(double d)
return d * Math.PI / 180.0;
public static double GetDistance(double lat1, double lng1, double lat2, double lng2)
double radLat1 = rad(lat1);
double radLat2 = rad(lat2);
double a = radLat1 - radLat2;
double b = rad(lng1) - rad(lng2);
double s = 2 * Math.Asin(Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(Math.Sin(a/2),2) +
s = Math.Round(s * 10000) / 10000;
return s;
popupWindow = new PopupWindow(menuView, LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT,LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, true);
<gradient android:startColor="#c0000000" android:endColor="#c0000000" android:angle="90" /><!--背景颜色渐变 -->
<stroke ></stroke>,边框就是这个实现的。
dashWidth指的是边线的宽度 dashGap 指的是每条线之间的间距,(因为是边线是很多小横线组成的)。
popupWindow.setBackgroundDrawable(new BitmapDrawable());
//把这一行放在 showAtLocation前面就行了,以前是放在后面的,粗心了。
popupWindow.showAtLocation(findViewById(R.id.parent), Gravity.CENTER
| Gravity.CENTER, 0, 0);
在gridview加上 setOnKeyListener,就能解决。
* ColorDrawable dw = new ColorDrawable(-00000);
* popupWindow.setBackgroundDrawable(dw);
* 本来看了个示例,加上上面这两行就不用调用dismiss,点击窗口之外的部位,或者按back键都能关闭窗口。 但是我这样写了,还是不行。
* 而且竟然捕获不到键盘事件,杯具,希望哪个解决了这个问题告诉我,谢谢。 ytdcr@tom.com
* @Override public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { switch
* (keyCode) { case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK: if (popupWindow != null) {
* popupWindow.dismiss(); }
* Toast.makeText(this, "fd", 1000).show(); break;
* } return super.onKeyUp(keyCode, event); }
(1.73 MB, 下载次数: 331)
下载积分: e币 -1 元
修改版demo.rar (1.74 MB, 下载次数: 1486)
1. 个性化字体,计分器使用的是LED字体,可以帮助我们如何导入外部字体在Android平台中显示。
2. 带图片的Toast,下面的You won in 36 seconds这个Toast使用了自定义的布局,可以显示图片和文字。
3. 自定义Button控件,可以看到标记是否为雷,显示附近地雷数量的按钮控件,初学者可以很容易的学习到Android开发中常用的自定义控件技术。
4. 因为游戏实时性不高,这里没有用到SurfaceView,下次Android开发网给大家提供一个将对高级些的例子。
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <TableLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" android:stretchColumns="0,2" android:background="@drawable/back"> <TableRow> <TextView android:id="@+id/Timer" android:layout_column="0" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="48px" android:gravity="center_horizontal" android:padding="5dip" android:textColor="#FFFFFF" android:textSize="40sp" android:text="000" /> <ImageButton android:id="@+id/Smiley" android:layout_column="1" android:background="@drawable/smiley_button_states" android:scaleType="center" android:padding="5dip" android:layout_width="48px" android:layout_height="48px"/> <TextView android:id="@+id/MineCount" android:layout_column="2" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="48px" android:gravity="center_horizontal" android:padding="5dip" android:textColor="#FFFFFF" android:textSize="40sp" android:text="000" /> </TableRow> <TableRow> <TextView android:layout_column="0" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="50px" android:layout_span="3" android:padding="10dip"/> </TableRow> <TableRow> <TableLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:id="@+id/MineField" android:layout_width="260px" android:layout_height="260px" android:gravity="bottom" android:stretchColumns="*" android:layout_span="3" android:padding="5dip" > </TableLayout> </TableRow> </TableLayout>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <selector xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"> <item android:state_focused="true" android:state_pressed="false" android:layout_width="48px" android:layout_height="48px" android:drawable="@drawable/smile" /> <item android:state_focused="true" android:state_pressed="true" android:layout_width="48px" android:layout_height="48px" android:drawable="@drawable/surprise" /> <item android:state_focused="false" android:state_pressed="true" android:layout_width="48px" android:layout_height="48px" android:drawable="@drawable/surprise" /> <item android:layout_width="48px" android:layout_height="48px" android:drawable="@drawable/smile" /> </selector>
package com.VertexVerveInc.Games; import android.content.Context; import android.graphics.Color; import android.graphics.Typeface; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.widget.Button; public class Block extends Button { private boolean isCovered; // is block covered yet private boolean isMined; // does the block has a mine underneath private boolean isFlagged; // is block flagged as a potential mine private boolean isQuestionMarked; // is block question marked private boolean isClickable; // can block accept click events private int numberOfMinesInSurrounding; // number of mines in nearby blocks public Block(Context context) { super(context); } public Block(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); } public Block(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) { super(context, attrs, defStyle); } // set default properties for the block public void setDefaults() { isCovered = true; isMined = false; isFlagged = false; isQuestionMarked = false; isClickable = true; numberOfMinesInSurrounding = 0; this.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.square_blue); setBoldFont(); } // mark the block as disabled/opened // update the number of nearby mines public void setNumberOfSurroundingMines(int number) { this.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.square_grey); updateNumber(number); } // set mine icon for block // set block as disabled/opened if false is passed public void setMineIcon(boolean enabled) { this.setText("M"); if (!enabled) { this.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.square_grey); this.setTextColor(Color.RED); } else { this.setTextColor(Color.BLACK); } } // set mine as flagged // set block as disabled/opened if false is passed public void setFlagIcon(boolean enabled) { this.setText("F"); if (!enabled) { this.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.square_grey); this.setTextColor(Color.RED); } else { this.setTextColor(Color.BLACK); } } // set mine as question mark // set block as disabled/opened if false is passed public void setQuestionMarkIcon(boolean enabled) { this.setText("?"); if (!enabled) { this.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.square_grey); this.setTextColor(Color.RED); } else { this.setTextColor(Color.BLACK); } } // set block as disabled/opened if false is passed // else enable/close it public void setBlockAsDisabled(boolean enabled) { if (!enabled) { this.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.square_grey); } else { this.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.square_blue); } } // clear all icons/text public void clearAllIcons() { this.setText(""); } // set font as bold private void setBoldFont() { this.setTypeface(null, Typeface.BOLD); } // uncover this block public void OpenBlock() { // cannot uncover a mine which is not covered if (!isCovered) return; setBlockAsDisabled(false); isCovered = false; // check if it has mine if (hasMine()) { setMineIcon(false); } // update with the nearby mine count else { setNumberOfSurroundingMines(numberOfMinesInSurrounding); } } // set text as nearby mine count public void updateNumber(int text) { if (text != 0) { this.setText(Integer.toString(text)); // select different color for each number // we have already skipped 0 mine count switch (text) { case 1: this.setTextColor(Color.BLUE); break; case 2: this.setTextColor(Color.rgb(0, 100, 0)); break; case 3: this.setTextColor(Color.RED); break; case 4: this.setTextColor(Color.rgb(85, 26, 139)); break; case 5: this.setTextColor(Color.rgb(139, 28, 98)); break; case 6: this.setTextColor(Color.rgb(238, 173, 14)); break; case 7: this.setTextColor(Color.rgb(47, 79, 79)); break; case 8: this.setTextColor(Color.rgb(71, 71, 71)); break; case 9: this.setTextColor(Color.rgb(205, 205, 0)); break; } } } // set block as a mine underneath public void plantMine() { isMined = true; } // mine was opened // change the block icon and color public void triggerMine() { setMineIcon(true); this.setTextColor(Color.RED); } // is block still covered public boolean isCovered() { return isCovered; } // does the block have any mine underneath public boolean hasMine() { return isMined; } // set number of nearby mines public void setNumberOfMinesInSurrounding(int number) { numberOfMinesInSurrounding = number; } // get number of nearby mines public int getNumberOfMinesInSorrounding() { return numberOfMinesInSurrounding; } // is block marked as flagged public boolean isFlagged() { return isFlagged; } // mark block as flagged public void setFlagged(boolean flagged) { isFlagged = flagged; } // is block marked as a question mark public boolean isQuestionMarked() { return isQuestionMarked; } // set question mark for the block public void setQuestionMarked(boolean questionMarked) { isQuestionMarked = questionMarked; } // can block receive click event public boolean isClickable() { return isClickable; } // disable block for receive click events public void setClickable(boolean clickable) { isClickable = clickable; } }
package com.VertexVerveInc.Games; import java.util.Random; import android.app.Activity; import android.graphics.Typeface; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.view.Gravity; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnClickListener; import android.view.View.OnLongClickListener; import android.widget.ImageButton; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import android.widget.TableRow.LayoutParams; import android.widget.TableLayout; import android.widget.TableRow; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.Toast; public class MinesweeperGame extends Activity { private TextView txtMineCount; private TextView txtTimer; private ImageButton btnSmile; private TableLayout mineField; // table layout to add mines to private Block blocks[][]; // blocks for mine field private int blockDimension = 24; // width of each block private int blockPadding = 2; // padding between blocks private int numberOfRowsInMineField = 9; private int numberOfColumnsInMineField = 9; private int totalNumberOfMines = 10; // timer to keep track of time elapsed private Handler timer = new Handler(); private int secondsPassed = 0; private boolean isTimerStarted; // check if timer already started or not private boolean areMinesSet; // check if mines are planted in blocks private boolean isGameOver; private int minesToFind; // number of mines yet to be discovered @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main); txtMineCount = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.MineCount); txtTimer = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.Timer); // set font style for timer and mine count to LCD style Typeface lcdFont = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(), "fonts/lcd2mono.ttf"); txtMineCount.setTypeface(lcdFont); txtTimer.setTypeface(lcdFont); btnSmile = (ImageButton) findViewById(R.id.Smiley); btnSmile.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View view) { endExistingGame(); startNewGame(); } }); mineField = (TableLayout)findViewById(R.id.MineField); showDialog("Click smiley to start New Game", 2000, true, false); } private void startNewGame() { // plant mines and do rest of the calculations createMineField(); // display all blocks in UI showMineField(); minesToFind = totalNumberOfMines; isGameOver = false; secondsPassed = 0; } private void showMineField() { // remember we will not show 0th and last Row and Columns // they are used for calculation purposes only for (int row = 1; row < numberOfRowsInMineField + 1; row++) { TableRow tableRow = new TableRow(this); tableRow.setLayoutParams(new LayoutParams((blockDimension + 2 * blockPadding) * numberOfColumnsInMineField, blockDimension + 2 * blockPadding)); for (int column = 1; column < numberOfColumnsInMineField + 1; column++) { blocks[row][column].setLayoutParams(new LayoutParams( blockDimension + 2 * blockPadding, blockDimension + 2 * blockPadding)); blocks[row][column].setPadding(blockPadding, blockPadding, blockPadding, blockPadding); tableRow.addView(blocks[row][column]); } mineField.addView(tableRow,new TableLayout.LayoutParams( (blockDimension + 2 * blockPadding) * numberOfColumnsInMineField, blockDimension + 2 * blockPadding)); } } private void endExistingGame() { stopTimer(); // stop if timer is running txtTimer.setText("000"); // revert all text txtMineCount.setText("000"); // revert mines count btnSmile.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.smile); // remove all rows from mineField TableLayout mineField.removeAllViews(); // set all variables to support end of game isTimerStarted = false; areMinesSet = false; isGameOver = false; minesToFind = 0; } private void createMineField() { // we take one row extra row for each side // overall two extra rows and two extra columns // first and last row/column are used for calculations purposes only // x|xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|x // ------------------ // x| |x // x| |x // ------------------ // x|xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|x // the row and columns marked as x are just used to keep counts of near by mines blocks = new Block[numberOfRowsInMineField + 2][numberOfColumnsInMineField + 2]; for (int row = 0; row < numberOfRowsInMineField + 2; row++) { for (int column = 0; column < numberOfColumnsInMineField + 2; column++) { blocks[row][column] = new Block(this); blocks[row][column].setDefaults(); // pass current row and column number as final int's to event listeners // this way we can ensure that each event listener is associated to // particular instance of block only final int currentRow = row; final int currentColumn = column; // add Click Listener // this is treated as Left Mouse click blocks[row][column].setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View view) { // start timer on first click if (!isTimerStarted) { startTimer(); isTimerStarted = true; } // set mines on first click if (!areMinesSet) { areMinesSet = true; setMines(currentRow, currentColumn); } // this is not first click // check if current block is flagged // if flagged the don't do anything // as that operation is handled by LongClick // if block is not flagged then uncover nearby blocks // till we get numbered mines if (!blocks[currentRow][currentColumn].isFlagged()) { // open nearby blocks till we get numbered blocks rippleUncover(currentRow, currentColumn); // did we clicked a mine if (blocks[currentRow][currentColumn].hasMine()) { // Oops, game over finishGame(currentRow,currentColumn); } // check if we win the game if (checkGameWin()) { // mark game as win winGame(); } } } }); // add Long Click listener // this is treated as right mouse click listener blocks[row][column].setOnLongClickListener(new OnLongClickListener() { public boolean onLongClick(View view) { // simulate a left-right (middle) click // if it is a long click on an opened mine then // open all surrounding blocks if (!blocks[currentRow][currentColumn].isCovered() && (blocks[currentRow][currentColumn].getNumberOfMinesInSorrounding() > 0) && !isGameOver) { int nearbyFlaggedBlocks = 0; for (int previousRow = -1; previousRow < 2; previousRow++) { for (int previousColumn = -1; previousColumn < 2; previousColumn++) { if (blocks[currentRow + previousRow][currentColumn + previousColumn].isFlagged()) { nearbyFlaggedBlocks++; } } } // if flagged block count is equal to nearby mine count // then open nearby blocks if (nearbyFlaggedBlocks == blocks[currentRow][currentColumn].getNumberOfMinesInSorrounding()) { for (int previousRow = -1; previousRow < 2; previousRow++) { for (int previousColumn = -1; previousColumn < 2; previousColumn++) { // don't open flagged blocks if (!blocks[currentRow + previousRow][currentColumn + previousColumn].isFlagged()) { // open blocks till we get numbered block rippleUncover(currentRow + previousRow, currentColumn + previousColumn); // did we clicked a mine if (blocks[currentRow + previousRow][currentColumn + previousColumn].hasMine()) { // oops game over finishGame(currentRow + previousRow, currentColumn + previousColumn); } // did we win the game if (checkGameWin()) { // mark game as win winGame(); } } } } } // as we no longer want to judge this gesture so return // not returning from here will actually trigger other action // which can be marking as a flag or question mark or blank return true; } // if clicked block is enabled, clickable or flagged if (blocks[currentRow][currentColumn].isClickable() && (blocks[currentRow][currentColumn].isEnabled() || blocks[currentRow][currentColumn].isFlagged())) { // for long clicks set: // 1. empty blocks to flagged // 2. flagged to question mark // 3. question mark to blank // case 1. set blank block to flagged if (!blocks[currentRow][currentColumn].isFlagged() && !blocks[currentRow][currentColumn].isQuestionMarked()) { blocks[currentRow][currentColumn].setBlockAsDisabled(false); blocks[currentRow][currentColumn].setFlagIcon(true); blocks[currentRow][currentColumn].setFlagged(true); minesToFind--; //reduce mine count updateMineCountDisplay(); } // case 2. set flagged to question mark else if (!blocks[currentRow][currentColumn].isQuestionMarked()) { blocks[currentRow][currentColumn].setBlockAsDisabled(true); blocks[currentRow][currentColumn].setQuestionMarkIcon(true); blocks[currentRow][currentColumn].setFlagged(false); blocks[currentRow][currentColumn].setQuestionMarked(true); minesToFind++; // increase mine count updateMineCountDisplay(); } // case 3. change to blank square else { blocks[currentRow][currentColumn].setBlockAsDisabled(true); blocks[currentRow][currentColumn].clearAllIcons(); blocks[currentRow][currentColumn].setQuestionMarked(false); // if it is flagged then increment mine count if (blocks[currentRow][currentColumn].isFlagged()) { minesToFind++; // increase mine count updateMineCountDisplay(); } // remove flagged status blocks[currentRow][currentColumn].setFlagged(false); } updateMineCountDisplay(); // update mine display } return true; } }); } } } private boolean checkGameWin() { for (int row = 1; row < numberOfRowsInMineField + 1; row++) { for (int column = 1; column < numberOfColumnsInMineField + 1; column++) { if (!blocks[row][column].hasMine() && blocks[row][column].isCovered()) { return false; } } } return true; } private void updateMineCountDisplay() { if (minesToFind < 0) { txtMineCount.setText(Integer.toString(minesToFind)); } else if (minesToFind < 10) { txtMineCount.setText("00" + Integer.toString(minesToFind)); } else if (minesToFind < 100) { txtMineCount.setText("0" + Integer.toString(minesToFind)); } else { txtMineCount.setText(Integer.toString(minesToFind)); } } private void winGame() { stopTimer(); isTimerStarted = false; isGameOver = true; minesToFind = 0; //set mine count to 0 //set icon to cool dude btnSmile.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.cool); updateMineCountDisplay(); // update mine count // disable all buttons // set flagged all un-flagged blocks for (int row = 1; row < numberOfRowsInMineField + 1; row++) { for (int column = 1; column < numberOfColumnsInMineField + 1; column++) { blocks[row][column].setClickable(false); if (blocks[row][column].hasMine()) { blocks[row][column].setBlockAsDisabled(false); blocks[row][column].setFlagIcon(true); } } } // show message showDialog("You won in " + Integer.toString(secondsPassed) + " seconds!", 1000, false, true); } private void finishGame(int currentRow, int currentColumn) { isGameOver = true; // mark game as over stopTimer(); // stop timer isTimerStarted = false; btnSmile.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.sad); // show all mines // disable all blocks for (int row = 1; row < numberOfRowsInMineField + 1; row++) { for (int column = 1; column < numberOfColumnsInMineField + 1; column++) { // disable block blocks[row][column].setBlockAsDisabled(false); // block has mine and is not flagged if (blocks[row][column].hasMine() && !blocks[row][column].isFlagged()) { // set mine icon blocks[row][column].setMineIcon(false); } // block is flagged and doesn't not have mine if (!blocks[row][column].hasMine() && blocks[row][column].isFlagged()) { // set flag icon blocks[row][column].setFlagIcon(false); } // block is flagged if (blocks[row][column].isFlagged()) { // disable the block blocks[row][column].setClickable(false); } } } // trigger mine blocks[currentRow][currentColumn].triggerMine(); // show message showDialog("You tried for " + Integer.toString(secondsPassed) + " seconds!", 1000, false, false); } private void setMines(int currentRow, int currentColumn) { // set mines excluding the location where user clicked Random rand = new Random(); int mineRow, mineColumn; for (int row = 0; row < totalNumberOfMines; row++) { mineRow = rand.nextInt(numberOfColumnsInMineField); mineColumn = rand.nextInt(numberOfRowsInMineField); if ((mineRow + 1 != currentColumn) || (mineColumn + 1 != currentRow)) { if (blocks[mineColumn + 1][mineRow + 1].hasMine()) { row--; // mine is already there, don't repeat for same block } // plant mine at this location blocks[mineColumn + 1][mineRow + 1].plantMine(); } // exclude the user clicked location else { row--; } } int nearByMineCount; // count number of mines in surrounding blocks for (int row = 0; row < numberOfRowsInMineField + 2; row++) { for (int column = 0; column < numberOfColumnsInMineField + 2; column++) { // for each block find nearby mine count nearByMineCount = 0; if ((row != 0) && (row != (numberOfRowsInMineField + 1)) && (column != 0) && (column != (numberOfColumnsInMineField + 1))) { // check in all nearby blocks for (int previousRow = -1; previousRow < 2; previousRow++) { for (int previousColumn = -1; previousColumn < 2; previousColumn++) { if (blocks[row + previousRow][column + previousColumn].hasMine()) { // a mine was found so increment the counter nearByMineCount++; } } } blocks[row][column].setNumberOfMinesInSurrounding(nearByMineCount); } // for side rows (0th and last row/column) // set count as 9 and mark it as opened else { blocks[row][column].setNumberOfMinesInSurrounding(9); blocks[row][column].OpenBlock(); } } } } private void rippleUncover(int rowClicked, int columnClicked) { // don't open flagged or mined rows if (blocks[rowClicked][columnClicked].hasMine() || blocks[rowClicked][columnClicked].isFlagged()) { return; } // open clicked block blocks[rowClicked][columnClicked].OpenBlock(); // if clicked block have nearby mines then don't open further if (blocks[rowClicked][columnClicked].getNumberOfMinesInSorrounding() != 0 ) { return; } // open next 3 rows and 3 columns recursively for (int row = 0; row < 3; row++) { for (int column = 0; column < 3; column++) { // check all the above checked conditions // if met then open subsequent blocks if (blocks[rowClicked + row - 1][columnClicked + column - 1].isCovered() && (rowClicked + row - 1 > 0) && (columnClicked + column - 1 > 0) && (rowClicked + row - 1 < numberOfRowsInMineField + 1) && (columnClicked + column - 1 < numberOfColumnsInMineField + 1)) { rippleUncover(rowClicked + row - 1, columnClicked + column - 1 ); } } } return; } public void startTimer() { if (secondsPassed == 0) { timer.removeCallbacks(updateTimeElasped); // tell timer to run call back after 1 second timer.postDelayed(updateTimeElasped, 1000); } } public void stopTimer() { // disable call backs timer.removeCallbacks(updateTimeElasped); } // timer call back when timer is ticked private Runnable updateTimeElasped = new Runnable() { public void run() { long currentMilliseconds = System.currentTimeMillis(); ++secondsPassed; if (secondsPassed < 10) { txtTimer.setText("00" + Integer.toString(secondsPassed)); } else if (secondsPassed < 100) { txtTimer.setText("0" + Integer.toString(secondsPassed)); } else { txtTimer.setText(Integer.toString(secondsPassed)); } // add notification timer.postAtTime(this, currentMilliseconds); // notify to call back after 1 seconds // basically to remain in the timer loop timer.postDelayed(updateTimeElasped, 1000); } }; private void showDialog(String message, int milliseconds, boolean useSmileImage, boolean useCoolImage) { // show message Toast dialog = Toast.makeText( getApplicationContext(), message, Toast.LENGTH_LONG); dialog.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER, 0, 0); LinearLayout dialogView = (LinearLayout) dialog.getView(); ImageView coolImage = new ImageView(getApplicationContext()); if (useSmileImage) { coolImage.setImageResource(R.drawable.smile); } else if (useCoolImage) { coolImage.setImageResource(R.drawable.cool); } else { coolImage.setImageResource(R.drawable.sad); } dialogView.addView(coolImage, 0); dialog.setDuration(milliseconds); dialog.show(); } }