在技术型团队中,技术与人品同等重要。在软件项目团队 中,技术水平是受人重视和尊重的重要砝码。无论你是做管理、系统分析、设计、编码,还是产品管理、测试、文档、实施、维护,多少你都要有技术基础。算我孤 陋寡闻,我还真没有亲眼看到过一个外行带领一个软件开发团队成功地完成过软件开发项目,哪怕就一个,也没有看到。倒是曾经看到过一个“高学历的牛人”(非 技术型)带一堆人做完过一个项目,项目交付的第二天,项目组成员扔下一句“再也受不了啦!”四分五裂、各奔东西。那个项目的“成功度”大家可想而知了。
众所周知,对软件开发人员而言,有、无经验的一个显著区别是:无经验 者完成任何任务时都从头开始,而有经验者往往通过重组自己的可复用模块、类库来解决问题(其实这个结论不应该被局限在软件开发领域、可以延伸到很多方 面)。这并不是说,所有可复用的东西都必须自己实现,别人成熟的通过测试的成果也可以收集、整理、集成到自己的知识库中。但是,最好还是自己实现,这样没 有知识产权、版权等问题,关键是自己实现后能真正掌握这个知识点,拥有这个技能。
工程师的内涵是:以工 程师的眼光观察、分析事物和世界。一个合格的软件工程师,是真正理解了软件产品的本质及软件产品研发的思想精髓的人(个人观点、欢迎探讨)。掌握软件开发 语言、应用语言工具解决工作中的具体问题、完成目标任务是软件工程师的主要工作,但从软件工程师这个角度来看,这只是外在的东西,并非重要的、本质的工 作。学习、掌握软件产品开发理论知识、软件开发方法论,并在实践中理解、应用软件产品的分析、设计、实现思想来解决具体的软件产品研发问题,才是真正的软 件工程师的工作。站在成熟理论与可靠方法论的高度思考、分析、解决问题,并在具体实践中验证和修正这些思想与方式,最终形成自己的理论体系和实用方法论。
不要抱着自己的技术和成果,等到它们都已经过时变成垃圾了,才拿出来丢人现眼。请及时发布自己的研究成果:开发的 产品、有创意的设计或代码,公布出来让大家交流或者使用,你的成果才有进化和升华的机会。想想自己2000年间开发的那些Windows系统工具,5、6 年之后的今天,还是那个样子,今天流行的好多Windows系统工具都比自己的晚,但进化得很好,且有那么多用户在使用。并且,不要保守自己的技术和思 想,尽可能地与人交流与分享,或者传授给开发团队的成员。“与人交换苹果之后,每个人还是只有一个苹果;但交换思想之后,每个人都拥有两种思想”,道理大 家都懂,但有多少人真正能做到呢?
Here are some definitions:
A Surface is an object holding pixels that are being composited to the screen. Every window you see on the screen (a dialog, your full-screen activity, the status bar) has its own surface that it draws in to, and Surface Flinger renders these to the final display in their correct Z-order. A surface typically has more than one buffer (usually two) to do double-buffered rendering: the application can be drawing its next UI state while the surface flinger is compositing the screen using the last buffer, without needing to wait for the application to finish drawing.
A window is basically like you think of a window on the desktop. It has a single Surface in which the contents of the window is rendered. An application interacts with the Window Manager to create windows; the Window Manager creates a Surface for each window and gives it to the application for drawing. The application can draw whatever it wants in the Surface; to the Window Manager it is just an opaque rectangle.
A View is an interactive UI element inside of a window. A window has a single view hierarchy attached to it, which provides all of the behavior of the window. Whenever the window needs to be redrawn (such as because a view has invalidated itself), this is done into the window's Surface. The Surface is locked, which returns a Canvas that can be used to draw into it. A draw traversal is done down the hierarchy, handing the Canvas down for each view to draw its part of the UI. Once done, the Surface is unlocked and posted so that the just drawn buffer is swapped to the foreground to then be composited to the screen by Surface Flinger.
A SurfaceView is a special implementation of View that also creates its own dedicated Surface for the application to directly draw into (outside of the normal view hierarchy, which otherwise must share the single Surface for the window). The way this works is simpler than you may expect -- all SurfaceView does is ask the window manager to create a new window, telling it to Z-order that window either immediately behind or in front of the SurfaceView's window, and positioning it to match where the SurfaceView appears in the containing window. If the surface is being placed behind the main window (in Z order), SurfaceView also fills its part of the main window with transparency so that the surface can be seen.
A Bitmap is just an interface to some pixel data. The pixels may be allocated by Bitmap itself when you are directly creating one, or it may be pointing to pixels it doesn't own such as what internally happens to hook a Canvas up to a Surface for drawing. (A Bitmap is created and pointed to the current drawing buffer of the Surface.)
Also please keep in mind that, as this implies, a SurfaceView is a pretty heavy-weight object. If you have multiple SurfaceViews in a particular UI, stop and think about whether this is really needed. If you have more than two, you almost certainly have too many.