1 位图结构及相关参数 1.1 位图结构在rt-thread的源码文件scheduler.c中在一位图,如下定义:
const rt_uint8_t rt_lowest_bitmap[] = { /* 00 */ 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, /* 10 */ 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, /* 20 */ 5, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, /* 30 */ 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, /* 40 */ 6, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, /* 50 */ 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, /* 60 */ 5, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, /* 70 */ 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, /* 80 */ 7, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, /* 90 */ 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, /* A0 */ 5, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, /* B0 */ 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, /* C0 */ 6, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, /* D0 */ 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, /* E0 */ 5, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, /* F0 */ 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0 };
从这里暂时我们看不出什么名堂出来,暂且跳过,且再看些与此位图相关的一些参数. 1.2 与位图相关的参数
rt_list_t rt_thread_priority_table[RT_THREAD_PRIORITY_MAX];//线程就绪表,上一篇文章已有介绍 struct rt_thread *rt_current_thread;//当前正在运行的线程 rt_uint8_t rt_current_priority;//保存当前正在运行的线程的优先级 #if RT_THREAD_PRIORITY_MAX > 32//最多优先级大于32时 /* Maximum priority level, 256 */ rt_uint32_t rt_thread_ready_priority_group;//暂且叫做就绪优先级组 rt_uint8_t rt_thread_ready_table[32];//暂且叫做就绪表 #else /* Maximum priority level, 32 */ rt_uint32_t rt_thread_ready_priority_group;//就绪优先级组 #endif
由上源码可知,不管用户设置定义最大优先级是多少,都存在全局变量就绪优先级组,而只有当最大优先级大于32个优先级时,才会存在另一个全局变量就就绪表,它是一个数组,含义暂先不管,接着看后述内容。 1.3 线程控制块中与位图相关的参数
//... /* priority */ rt_uint8_t current_priority; /**< current priority */ rt_uint8_t init_priority; /**< initialized priority */ #if RT_THREAD_PRIORITY_MAX > 32 rt_uint8_t number; rt_uint8_t high_mask; #endif rt_uint32_t number_mask; //...
从上述源码可知,线程控制块中,只有当用户定义的最大优先级大于32个时,才会存在number和high_mask两个成员变量,这两个成员变量及另一个成员变量number_mask都是用来作位图运算用的,只不过后面那个成员变量number_mask不管用户定义的优先级个数大于32还是在32个优先级以内都会存在。它们的含义暂且看后述内容解说. 2 参数在初始化时的变化
//... thread->init_priority = priority; thread->current_priority = priority; //...得知在线程初始化时,已经将线程的当前优先级设为初始优先级.
//... /* calculate priority attribute */ #if RT_THREAD_PRIORITY_MAX > 32 thread->number = thread->current_priority >> 3; /* 5bit */ thread->number_mask = 1L << thread->number; thread->high_mask = 1L << (thread->current_priority & 0x07); /* 3bit */ #else thread->number_mask = 1L << thread->current_priority; #endif //...
而将1左移number次所得的值做为number_mask的值,而high_mask的值取将1左移thread->current_priority &0x07后的值,即左称当前优先级低三位所代表的值.
3 参数在线程调试过程中的变化在线程rt_thread_startup后,系统会调用rt_thread_resume函数将线程立即运行,而在rt_thread_resume函数中,系统会调用rt_schedule_insert_thread函数将线程加入到调试器中,接着在rt_schedule_insert_thread函数中,系统会操作线程就绪表rt_thread_ready_table和线程就绪优先级组rt_thread_ready_priority_group,如下代码所示:
//... #if RT_THREAD_PRIORITY_MAX > 32 rt_thread_ready_table[thread->number] |= thread->high_mask; #endif rt_thread_ready_priority_group |= thread->number_mask; //...由上可见,系统以thread->number值作为下标,在线程就绪表rt_thread_ready_table中对应的值或上thread->high_mask,而线程就绪优先级组th_thread_ready_priority_group的值或上thread->number_mask. 4 调试中获取当前最高优先级线程过程
//... register rt_ubase_t highest_ready_priority; #if RT_THREAD_PRIORITY_MAX == 8 highest_ready_priority = rt_lowest_bitmap[rt_thread_ready_priority_group];//如果用户设置优先级总共为8个时最简单 #else register rt_ubase_t number;//number为一中间参数 /* find out the highest priority task */ if (rt_thread_ready_priority_group & 0xff)//以rt_thread_ready_priority_group的取值人条件,然后在位图中找到number这一中间参数的值 { number = rt_lowest_bitmap[rt_thread_ready_priority_group & 0xff]; } else if (rt_thread_ready_priority_group & 0xff00) { number = rt_lowest_bitmap[(rt_thread_ready_priority_group >> 8) & 0xff] + 8; } else if (rt_thread_ready_priority_group & 0xff0000) { number = rt_lowest_bitmap[(rt_thread_ready_priority_group >> 16) & 0xff] + 16; } else { number = rt_lowest_bitmap[(rt_thread_ready_priority_group >> 24) & 0xff] + 24; } //接着再以number为因数,在位图和线程就绪表中经过一算法得到最高就绪优先级,这种算法有点怪,不是太明白为什么要这样做 //其实这并不妨碍我们理解,只要理解这是一种已经做好的算法即可 #if RT_THREAD_PRIORITY_MAX > 32 highest_ready_priority = (number << 3) + rt_lowest_bitmap[rt_thread_ready_table[number]]; #else highest_ready_priority = number; #endif #endif /* get switch to thread */ to_thread = rt_list_entry(rt_thread_priority_table[highest_ready_priority].next,//最终从优先级算法系统中对应的就绪队列中得到相应的线程 struct rt_thread, tlist); //...5 线程失去占用CPU时的参数变化
在线程主动失去CPU时,程序最终会执行rt_schedule_remove_thread函数,将当前线程从调试器中移除.而在被动失去CPU中(这里指第一种,第二种完全由硬件来完成,不需要软件干预),程序会执行rt_list_remove(&(thread->tlist));同样将当前线程从调度器中移除,然后再执行: rt_list_insert_before(&(rt_thread_priority_table[thread->current_priority]),&(thread->tlist));将当前线程加入到调试器中对应队列末尾,紧接着执行rt_schedule();重新调试线程.
/* * This function will remove a thread from system ready queue. * * @param thread the thread to be removed * * @note Please do not invoke this function in user application. */ void rt_schedule_remove_thread(struct rt_thread *thread) { register rt_base_t temp; RT_ASSERT(thread != RT_NULL); /* disable interrupt */ temp = rt_hw_interrupt_disable(); #if RT_THREAD_PRIORITY_MAX <= 32 RT_DEBUG_LOG(RT_DEBUG_SCHEDULER, ("remove thread[%s], the priority: %d\n", thread->name, thread->current_priority)); #else RT_DEBUG_LOG(RT_DEBUG_SCHEDULER, ("remove thread[%s], the priority: %d 0x%x %d\n", thread->name, thread->number, thread->number_mask, thread->high_mask)); #endif /* remove thread from ready list */ rt_list_remove(&(thread->tlist));//将当前线程从就绪队列中移除 if (rt_list_isempty(&(rt_thread_priority_table[thread->current_priority]))) { #if RT_THREAD_PRIORITY_MAX > 32//之前参数操作的逆操作 rt_thread_ready_table[thread->number] &= ~thread->high_mask; if (rt_thread_ready_table[thread->number] == 0) { rt_thread_ready_priority_group &= ~thread->number_mask; } #else rt_thread_ready_priority_group &= ~thread->number_mask; #endif } /* enable interrupt */ rt_hw_interrupt_enable(temp); }
漫谈 QML/Qt Quick
QML是从Qt 4.7开始引入的,QML是一种声明语言,使得可以像设计师思考的一样编码,并且Qt Quick元素就是应用程序的编译单元,每一帧的故事板被声明为元素树中的一个分支,每一个视觉方面的分支元素的属性被声明为一帧,每帧之间的过渡可装饰各种动画和特效。
Qt Quick运行时实现了UI并且提供直接访问本地API的功能,并且在适当的时候可以使用C++扩展获取更好的性能。由于Qt Quick的运行时也是在Qt内部实现的,所以可以十分简单的做到跨平台。
Qt Quick是构建在强大的Qt之上。QML可以用来扩展已经存在的应用或者是构建全新的应用。QML是完全从C++扩展而来的。
其实QML只是一种语言,它主要是定义了QML文件的语法,以及QML语言的基本实现。而Qt Quick内置很多常用的元素,使得我们可以很方便的使用。我个人将QML和Qt Quick的关系类比编程语言和编程框架(或者函数库)。
Qt Quick内置了很多常用的可视化元素,主要如下图:
Qt Quick也提供了对动画,以及模型/视图编程,以及数据存储等方面的支持。
下面我们来看看Qt 提供的文档对QML和Qt Quick的介绍。
首先是QML:Qt QML模块为使用QML语言开发应用程序提供了框架和库。它定义并实现了语言以及引擎,并且提供了API使得应用程序开发者可以使用自定义类型扩展QML语言,并且将QML代码和JavaScript,C++集成。
Qt QML模块提供了QtQml QML模块,该模块提供了一系列核心的QML类型,用于创建QML应用;也提供了QtQml C++模块,该模块提供了一系列的C++ API用于使用自定义类型扩展QML应用,并且将C++实现集成到QML应用程序中。
QML模块提供的C++ API:
注意:Qt QML模块只提供语言以及QML的基本实现,并不提供一个可视化的画布或者渲染引擎用于创建用户界面。这两个部分都是由Qt Quick提供的Qt Quick提供了许多组件,模型/视图支持,动画框架并且许多用于创建用户界面的QML细节。
再来看看Qt Quick:Qt Quick是用于创建QML应用程序的标准库。Qt QML模块提供QML的引擎以及语言基础,Qt Quick模块提供QML创建基本用户界面的常用元素。它提供了可视化的画布用于创建和绘制可视化组件,接受用户输入,创建数据模型,视图以及代理。
Qt Quick模块提供了QtQuick QML模块,该模块提供了一系列用于创建用户界面的QML类型;也提供QtQuick C++模块,该模块提供一系列C++ API用于集成用户界面和QtQuick QML模块
Qt Quick提供的基本QML类型:
Qt Quick提供的C++ API:
本例子中只是简单地用到了Sprite和SpriteBatchNode等概念,使用TexturePacker进行了图片的处理。WiEngine中读取TexturePacker信息的类为wyZwoptexManager, 代码如下:
wyZwoptexManager* zm = wyZwoptexManager::getInstance(); wyTexture2D* tex = wyTexture2D::makePNG(RES("R.drawable.renzhet")); zm->addZwoptex("renzhet", RES("R.raw.renzhet"), tex);
CCSpriteFrameCache* frameCache = [CCSpriteFrameCache sharedSpriteFrameCache]; [frameCache addSpriteFramesWithFile:@"renzhet.plist"];
wyZwoptexManager* zm = wyZwoptexManager::getInstance(); wySprite* sprite = zm->makeSprite("boy1.png");
if(self=[super initWithSpriteFrameName:@"boy1.png"]) //别的写法可能更合适
下面是完整的C++代码:#ifndef SAMPLE_H_ #define SAMPLE_H_ #include "com_wiyun_engine_skeleton_Skeleton.h" #include "FirstScene.h" #include <cstdlib> #include <android/log.h> #define LOG_TAG "SkeletonProject" #define LOGI(...) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO,LOG_TAG,__VA_ARGS__) void runSample(); class CloudCache; class ttCloud; class Background; class BoyAndDog; void log(const char* msg); float genRand() { return rand() % 10000 / 10000.0f; } wyLabel* m_hint; class Cloud: public wyLayer { private: wySprite* cloud; float speed; public: Cloud() { buildCloud(); } virtual ~Cloud() { } void buildCloud() { wyZwoptexManager* zm = wyZwoptexManager::getInstance(); char buf[50]; sprintf(buf, "cloud_%d.png", 1); cloud = zm->makeSprite(buf); cloud->setScale(0.5f); addChildLocked(cloud); this->setVisible(false); wyTimer* timer = wyTimer::make( wyTargetSelector::make(this, SEL(Cloud::onUpdateSprite))); scheduleLocked(timer); } void spawn() { LOGI("Cloud#spawn"); this->setVisible(true); speed = genRand() * 0.3f + 0.2f; cloud->setPosition(wyDevice::winWidth + getContentSize().width / 2, genRand() * wyDevice::winHeight / 3 + wyDevice::winHeight / 2); char msg[50]; sprintf(msg, "posy: %f", cloud->getPositionY()); LOGI(msg); } void onUpdateSprite(wyTargetSelector* ts) { if (cloud->isVisible()) { cloud->setPosition(cloud->getPositionX() - speed, cloud->getPositionY()); if (cloud->getPositionX() < 0) { this->setVisible(false); cloud->stopAllActions(true); } } } }; class CloudCache: public wyLayer { private: Cloud* clouds[10]; public: CloudCache() { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { clouds[i] = new Cloud(); clouds[i]->setVisible(false); addChildLocked(clouds[i]); } clouds[0]->spawn(); wyTimer* timer = wyTimer::make( wyTargetSelector::make(this, SEL(CloudCache::onUpdateSprite))); scheduleLocked(timer); } virtual ~CloudCache() { } void spawn() { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Cloud* cloud = clouds[i]; if (!cloud->isVisible()) { cloud->spawn(); break; } } } void onUpdateSprite(wyTargetSelector* ts) { float rr = genRand(); if (rr < 0.001) { spawn(); } } }; class Background: public wyLayer { private: wySprite* bg[4]; public: Background() { buildbg1(); buildbg2(); } virtual ~Background() { } void buildbg1() { wySprite* bg = wySprite::make( wyTexture2D::makeJPG(RES("R.drawable.bg1"))); bg->setPosition(wyDevice::winWidth / 2, wyDevice::winHeight / 2 + 50); bg->setScale(0.5f); addChildLocked(bg); } void buildbg2() { wyZwoptexManager* zm = wyZwoptexManager::getInstance(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { int id = i / 2; char sn[20]; sprintf(sn, "bg%d.png", id + 2); bg[i] = zm->makeSprite(sn); bg[i]->setPosition(bg[i]->getContentSize().width * (i%2), bg[i]->getContentSize().height / 2); addChildLocked(bg[i]); } // start to update wyTimer* timer = wyTimer::make( wyTargetSelector::make(this, SEL(Background::onUpdateSprite))); scheduleLocked(timer); } void onUpdateSprite(wyTargetSelector* ts) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (bg[i]->getPositionX() < -bg[i]->getContentSize().width) { bg[i]->setPosition(bg[i]->getContentSize().width-0.3, bg[i]->getPositionY()); } int id = i / 2; bg[i]->setPosition(bg[i]->getPositionX() - 0.1f - 0.7f * id, bg[i]->getPositionY()); } } }; class BoyAndDog: public wyLayer { public: BoyAndDog() { wySprite* boy = buildBoy(); wySprite* dog = buildDog(); boy->setPosition(wyDevice::winWidth / 2, boy->getContentSize().height / 2); dog->setPosition(wyDevice::winWidth / 2 - 80, dog->getContentSize().height / 2 - 10); addChildLocked(boy); addChildLocked(dog); } virtual ~BoyAndDog() { } wySprite* buildBoy() { wyZwoptexManager* zm = wyZwoptexManager::getInstance(); // add sprite wySprite* sprite = zm->makeSprite("boy1.png"); // create animation and add it to atlas sprite char buf[128]; wyAnimation* anim = wyAnimation::make(0); for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) { sprintf(buf, "boy%d.png", i); wySpriteFrame* f = zm->getSpriteFrame(buf); f->setDuration(0.15f); anim->addFrame(f); } wyAnimate* a = wyAnimate::make(anim); wyRepeatForever* rp = wyRepeatForever::make(a); sprite->runAction(rp); return sprite; } wySprite* buildDog() { wyZwoptexManager* zm = wyZwoptexManager::getInstance(); // add sprite wySprite* sprite = zm->makeSprite("0.png"); sprite->setFlipX(true); // create animation and add it to atlas sprite char buf[128]; wyAnimation* anim = wyAnimation::make(0); int si = 3 * 4; for (int i = si; i < 4 + si; i++) { sprintf(buf, "%d.png", i); wySpriteFrame* f = zm->getSpriteFrame(buf); f->setDuration(0.1f); anim->addFrame(f); } wyAnimate* a = wyAnimate::make(anim); wyRepeatForever* rp = wyRepeatForever::make(a); sprite->runAction(rp); return sprite; } }; void log(const char* msg) { if (m_hint != NULL) { m_hint->setText(msg); } } // void runSample() { // init the texture wyZwoptexManager* zm = wyZwoptexManager::getInstance(); wyTexture2D* tex = wyTexture2D::makePNG(RES("R.drawable.renzhet")); zm->addZwoptex("renzhet", RES("R.raw.renzhet"), tex); tex = wyTexture2D::makePNG(RES("R.drawable.dog")); zm->addZwoptex("dog", RES("R.raw.dog"), tex); // setup the texture wyDirector* director = wyDirector::getInstance(); director->setShowFPS(true); // create scene wyScene* scene = new wyScene(); m_hint = wyLabel::make("display some information here", SP(20)); m_hint->setPosition(wyDevice::winWidth / 2, wyDevice::winHeight - m_hint->getContentSize().height / 2); scene->addChildLocked(new Background()); scene->addChildLocked(new BoyAndDog()); scene->addChildLocked(new CloudCache()); scene->addChildLocked(m_hint); // run with it director->runWithScene(scene); // release, the scene and action will be hold by others // so this won't destory them wyObjectRelease(scene); }
使用Android SDK文件夹下tool文件夹下的ddms,然后点击菜单Device=>Screen Capture..或者直接按组合键,ctrl+S,会再弹出一个对话框,也就是截图的对话框,这个时候,你可以刷新,旋转,保存或者复制手机的截图了