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▪php 分页类(源码+实例) 1,php分页类代码
* php分页类
* by www.
class pagination{
public $Start; // 开始mysql查询
public $End; // 结束mysql查询
private $Number; //.........
▪php连接mysql数据库的类(接口实现) php与mysql连接类的代码分享,如下:
* @连接mysql数据库的类
* @filename:Class_Con.inc.php
* @example $this -> Link ();
interface Connected
// Buat Bayangan Pertama.........
▪分享一个php 验证码类及调用示例 1,php验证码类
// usage:
<img src="/blog_article/captcha_php_cap=login.png">
检查输入的验证码与 $_SESSION['login'] 中保存的值是否相等。
[1]php 分页类(源码+实例)
来源: 互联网 发布时间: 2013-12-24
<?php /** * php分页类 * by www. */ //定义错误级别 error_reporting(E_ALL); //分页类 class pagination{ public $Start; // 开始mysql查询 public $End; // 结束mysql查询 private $Number; //分布数据的数量 public $Pages; // 页数 private $N_p_p; //每页要显示的内容数量 private $Page_number; //当前页数 private $Buttons; //最大显示的按钮数,即每页面中显示出的页数 function __construct($number,$n_p_p=10,$page_number=1,$buttons=5) { //page start from 1 $page_number = ($page_number<1) ? 1 : $page_number ; $this-> Number = $number; $this-> N_p_p = $n_p_p; $this-> Pages = ceil ( $this-> Number / $this-> N_p_p ) ; $this-> Buttons = $buttons ; $page_number= ($page_number>$this->Pages) ? $this->Pages : $page_number ; $this-> Page_number = $page_number ; $this-> Ret() ; } public function Show_Pagination($link,$get='page',$div_class_name='pagination') { //if pages == 1 , no need to print pagination if($this->Pages==1)return; //$link is the addres of current page //$get is name of get method //echo pagination's div echo'<div .$div_class_name.'">'; //echo pre button if($this->Page_number>1)echo '<a href="'.$link.'&'.$get.'='.($this->Page_number -1 ).'">Per</a> '; else echo '<a >Per</a> '; //print button $this->Buttons=(int)$this->Buttons; $start_counter = $this->Page_number-floor($this->Buttons/2);//for normal mode $end_conter = $this->Page_number+floor($this->Buttons/2);//for normal mode //try to buttons exactly equal to $Buttons if($start_counter<1) $end_conter=$end_conter+abs($start_counter); if($end_conter>$this->Pages) $start_counter=$start_counter-($end_conter-$this->Pages); if(($this->Page_number-floor($this->Buttons/2))<1)$end_conter ++; for ($i=$start_counter;$i<=$end_conter;$i++) { if($i>$this->Pages || $i<1)continue; //no print less than 1 value or grater than totall page if($i==$this->Page_number)echo ' <a >'.$i.'</a> '; // change current page' class else echo ' <a href="'.$link.'&'.$get.'='.$i.'">'.$i.'</a> '; // normal pages } //echo next button if($this->Page_number<$this->Pages)echo '<a href="'.$link.'&'.$get.'='. ($this->Page_number +1 ) .'">Nex</a> '; else echo '<a >Nex</a> '; //close div tag echo'</div>'; } //give the page number and return start and end of selection private function Ret() { $this->Start=(($this->Page_number-1)*$this->N_p_p); $this->End= $this->N_p_p ; } }
<html> <head> <style type="text/css"> /* style for show*/ .pagination{direction:ltr} .pagination a{border-radius:3px;background-color:#eee;color:#555;border:1px solid #aaaaaa;padding-top:2px;padding-bottom:2px; padding-right:5px;padding-left:5px;text-decoration:none;} .pagination a:hover ,.pagination .cur{border-color:#0C52CE;color:#0C52CE;background-color:#fff;} </style> <title>php分页类示例---www.</title> </head> <?php //include class: require_once"pagination.php"; //get the numbet of current page //note! you should safe it if(isset($_GET['page'])){ $page=$_GET['page']; } else $page=1; //connect to db ... mysql_connect("localhost","root","");//use your host,username and password to connect to the db mysql_select_db("dbname");//select your database //run query to get number of all records $query=mysql_query("select count(id) from table"); //raplace table with your table name $totall=mysql_result($query,0); //creat new object $pagination=new pagination($totall,3 /*number of content per page*/,$page,5 /*number of button to show*/); //get records of current page $SecondQuery=mysql_query("select id from table order by id desc limit $pagination->Start , $pagination->End"); //echo your result while($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($SecondQuery)) { echo 'id='.$row['id'].'<br>'; } //show pagination: $pagination->Show_Pagination("ExampleMysql.php?param1=value1",'page','pagination'); ?>
<html> <head> <style type="text/css"> /* style for show*/ .pagination{direction:ltr} .pagination a{border-radius:3px;background-color:#eee;color:#555;border:1px solid #aaaaaa;padding-top:2px;padding-bottom:2px; |padding-right:5px;padding-left:5px;text-decoration:none;} .pagination a:hover ,.pagination .cur{border-color:#0C52CE;color:#0C52CE;background-color:#fff;} </style> <title>php分页类的调用示例-www.</title> </head> <?php //include分页类文件 require_once "pagination.php"; //param of url to specify page_number $get_param='page'; //get current page from url $current_page=(isset($_GET[$get_param]) && is_numeric($_GET[$get_param]))?$_GET[$get_param]:1; //notice: when get param , youe should SAFE it //get totall available content // for example you can get number of news from news table in database ( mysql_num_rows or count()) $totall_content=120; // for example //creat new cat object $cat=new pagination($totall_content,10 /*number of content per page*/,$current_page,5 /*number of button*/); //when you want to load content of page: for example in db queris : // select * from table where conditions order by key limit $cat->Start , $cat->End //for show : $cat->Show_Pagination("example.php?",'page','pagination'); ?> </html>
来源: 互联网 发布时间: 2013-12-24
<?php /** * @连接mysql数据库的类 * @filename:Class_Con.inc.php * * @example $this -> Link (); */ //接口定义 interface Connected { // Buat Bayangan Pertama public function __construct(); // Buat Bayangan Function Kedua public function connect (); // Buat Bayangan Function Ketiga public function error_mysql (); // Buat Bayangan Function Keempat public function db_selected (); // Buat Bayangan Function Kelima public function mysql_close (); } /** * * 使用接品类操作mysql * * @return Function Dari Interface * @var String Variable */ class ConfigureMysql implements Connected{ /** * @var String */ var $_link ; /** * @var String */ var $_Link_Cons ; /** * @var String */ var $_Error; /** * @var String */ var $_DB; // Setting Function Dari Interface public function __construct() { $this ->_Link_Cons = $this ->connect(); return $this ->_Link_Cons ; } // Setting Function Kedua Dari Interface public function connect () { $this ->_link = @mysql_connect('localhost' , 'Faizal' , 'XXXXXXXXXXX' , '3306') or die($this->error_mysql ()); } // Settiong Function Ketiga Dari Interface public function error_mysql () { $this ->_Error = "<h2> Masalah Pada Koneksi Ke Jalur Mysql </h2>"; } // Settiong Function Keempat Dari Interface public function db_selected () { $this ->_DB = mysql_select_db('XXXXXXXX'); if ($this ->_DB != TRUE) { return $this ->error_mysql(); }else { return false ; } } // Setting Function Kelima Dari Interface public function mysql_close () { return mysql_close($this ->connect()); } } /** * Gunakan Script Classes Untuk Function Parent:: * * @example parent::__Construct(); */ class LinkCon extends ConfigureMysql { /** * @var String */ var $_Con ; /** * @var String */ var $_Db ; /** * @magic Self:: */ var $_Error_Show ; /** * @return Mysql_Close */ var $_Close ; // Setting Function Dari Class Yang Di Extends public function Conf_Show_Mysql () { $this ->_Con = parent::__construct(); } // Setting Function Dari Class Yang Di Extends public function DB_Selected () { $this ->_Db = $this ->DB_Selected(); return $this ->_Db ; } // Setting Function Dari Class Yang Di Extends public function _CloseMysql () { $this ->_Close = $this ->mysql_close(); return $this ->_Close ; } // Set Error public function Eroor_Show () { $this ->_Error_Show = $this ->error_mysql();; return true ; } // Akhir Classes } ?>2,mysql类的调用示例:
<?php // Included File Classes Connected include("Class_Con.inc.php"); // Set Varibale Untuk Configure Data Classes $_Configure = new LinkCon(); // Set Variable Function $_Configure ->Conf_Show_Mysql(); // Set Variable Function $_Configure ->DB_Selected(); // Set Variable Function $_Configure ->_CloseMysql(); // Set Variable Function $_Configure ->Eroor_Show(); ?>
[3]分享一个php 验证码类及调用示例
来源: 互联网 发布时间: 2013-12-24
<?php // usage: /* 显示验证码: <img src="/blog_article/captcha_php_cap=login.png"> 检查验证码: 检查输入的验证码与 $_SESSION['login'] 中保存的值是否相等。 */ error_reporting(E_ALL); session_start(); (!isset($_GET['cap']))?die('Error !'):1; $captcha_array=array('login.png','contact.png','comment.png'); (!in_array($_GET['cap'],$captcha_array))?die('Error !'):1; $captcha_cod=new captcha(basename($_GET['cap'],'.png')) ; //验证码类 class captcha { private $session_name; private $image_width; private $image_height; private $cod_length; private $cod_mode; private $font_path; private $avtage_font_size; private $sec_cod; private $res_image; function __construct($name,$width=200,$height=50,$length=5,$mod=2,$font='arial.ttf',$av_font_size=25) { $this-> session_name = $name ; $this-> image_width = $width ; $this-> image_height = $height ; $this-> cod_length = $length ; $this-> mode = $mod ; $this-> font_path = $font ; $this-> avrage_font_size = $av_font_size ; $this->Gen_Cod(); } function Write_Text($text) { $x_pos=10; for($pos=0;$pos<strlen($text);$pos++) { imagettftext($this->res_image,rand($this->avrage_font_size -2,$this->avrage_font_size +2), rand(-40,+40),$x_pos,rand(35,$this->image_height - $this->avrage_font_size), imagecolorallocate($this->res_image,rand(0,150),rand(0,150),rand(0,150)), $this->font_path,$text[$pos]); $x_pos+=($this->image_width/$this->cod_length); } } function Draw_Line() { // for($pos=0;$pos<$this->image_height;$pos+=8) imageline($this->res_image,0,$pos,$this->image_width,$pos,imagecolorallocate($this->res_image,rand(200,230),rand(200,230),rand(200,230))); // for($pos=0;$pos<$this->image_width;$pos+=8) imageline($this->res_image,$pos,0,$pos,$this->image_height,imagecolorallocate($this->res_image,rand(200,230),rand(200,230),rand(200,230))); } function Gen_Cod() { //generate rand cod : //mode:1 => 0-9 , mode:2 => 0-9 , a-z ($this->mode==1) ? $this->sec_cod=substr((string)rand(1000000000,9999999999),0,$this->cod_length) : $this->sec_cod=substr(md5(rand(1000000000,9999999999)),0,$this->cod_length); //set session : $_SESSION[$this->session_name] = $this->sec_cod ; //creat image : $this->res_image=imagecreatetruecolor( $this->image_width , $this->image_height ); //fill color: imagefilledrectangle($this->res_image,0,0,$this->image_width,$this->image_height,imagecolorallocate($this->res_image,255,255,255)); //write text : $this->Write_Text($this->sec_cod); //draw line : $this->Draw_Line(); //output : imagejpeg($this->res_image); header('content-type:image/jpeg'); //destroy: imagedestroy($this->res_image); } }
<?php session_start(); if(isset($_POST['captchacod'])){ if($_SESSION['login']==$_POST['captchacod'])echo'<a >Your Entered Cod Was Correct</a><br>'; else echo'<a >Your Entered Cod Was Incorrect</a><br>'; } ?> <img src="/blog_article/captcha_php_cap=login.png" > <form action="/blog_article/</php echo $_SERVER[.html'PHP_SELF']; //safe it later (xss)?>" method="post"> <a>INPUT TEXT :</a><br> <input type="text" name="captchacod"><br> <input type="submit" value="check"><br> </form>
php GD库生成验证码的实例
php随机验证码 php生成随机验证码(图文)