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    ▪淘宝评述数据抓取简记        淘宝评论数据抓取简记        刚才趴在床上搞清楚了淘宝评论数据的抓取方法,在此记录,以备后用。         淘宝商品详情页面下方有如下script:  <script> window.App = (window.App || {.........
    ▪ win7笔记本电脑干wifi热点        win7笔记本电脑做wifi热点1.打开网络与共享中心2.点击“管理无线网络”3.点击添加4.创建临时网络5.下一步6.下一步7.关闭,打开网络与共享中心8.点更改适配器配置9.查看本地连接2的属性10.点确.........
    ▪ hibernate拦截器的用处之一       hibernate拦截器的用途之一 举个实际的例子, 偶们有时候会需要做Audit: 一条记录什么时候被谁创建, 以及最近由谁在何时更新, 以前的做法是在代码里面各处分散地写上: Java代码 entity.setCre.........

    来源: 互联网  发布时间: 2014-02-18


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var Zepto = function () {
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                return a.call(b, c, b)
        slice: function () {
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            }, !1), this
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            return this.get()
        size: function () {
            return this.length
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                a.call(b, c, b)
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        add: function (a, b) {
            return c(y(this.concat(c(a, b))))
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            return this.length > 0 && w.matches(this[0], a)
        not: function (b) {
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            return c(d)
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                return w.qsa(this, a)
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                    return a !== b
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                return this.cloneNode(!0)
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            }) : e += H(b) + ":" + J(b, c[b]) + ";";
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            }) : e = H(c) + ":" + J(c, d)), this.each(function () {
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                    c(this).hasClass(a) || d.push(a)
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                    d = d.replace(I(a), " ")
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                return a[0].toUpperCase()
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                        a.nodeName != null && a.nodeName.toUpperCase() === "SCRIPT" && (!a.type || a.type === "text/javascript") && window.eval.call(window, a.innerHTML)
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window.Zepto = Zepto, "$" in window || (window.$ = Zepto),
function (a) {
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            return a && (!b.e || a.e == b.e) && (!b.ns || g.test(a.ns)) && (!d || f(a.fn) === f(d)) && (!e || a.sel == e)
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            ns: b.slice(1).sort().join(" ")
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    function j(b, c, d) {
        a.isObject(b) ? a.each(b, d) : b.split(/\s/).forEach(function (a) {
            d(a, c)
    function k(b, d, e, g, i, k) {
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                    var c = f.apply(b, [a].concat(a.data));
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                }, l = a.extend(h(c), {
                    fn: d,
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                    sel: g,
                    del: e,
                    i: m.length
            m.push(l), b.addEventListener(l.e, j, k)
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        var h = f(a);
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            g(a, b, d, e).forEach(function (b) {
                delete c[h][b.i], a.removeEventListener(b.e, b.proxy, !1)
    function p(b) {
        var c = a.extend({
            originalEvent: b
        }, b);
        return a.each(o, function (a, d) {
            c[a] = function () {
                return this[d] = m, b[a].apply(b, arguments)
            }, c[d] = n
        }), c
    function q(a) {
        if (!("defaultPrevented" in a)) {
            a.defaultPrevented = !1;
            var b = a.preventDefault;
            a.preventDefault = function () {
                this.defaultPrevented = !0, b.call(this)
    var b = a.zepto.qsa,
        c = {}, d = 1,
        e = {};
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        add: k,
        remove: l
    }, a.proxy = function (b, c) {
        if (a.isFunction(b)) {
            var d = function () {
                return b.apply(c, arguments)
            return d._zid = f(b), d
        if (typeof c == "string") return a.proxy(b[c], b);
        throw new TypeError("expected function")
    }, a.fn.bind = function (a, b) {
        return this.each(function () {
            k(this, a, b)
    }, a.fn.unbind = function (a, b) {
        return this.each(function () {
            l(this, a, b)
    }, a.fn.one = function (a, b) {
        return this.each(function (c, d) {
            k(this, a, b, null, function (a, b) {
                return function () {
                    var c = a.apply(d, arguments);
                    return l(d, b, a), c
    var m = function () {
        return !0
    }, n = function () {
        return !1
    }, o = {
        preventDefault: "isDefaultPrevented",
        stopImmediatePropagation: "isImmediatePropagationStopped",
        stopPropagation: "isPropagationStopped"
    a.fn.delegate = function (b, c, d) {
        var e = !1;
        if (c == "blur" || c == "focus") a.iswebkit ? c = c == "blur" ? "focusout" : c == "focus" ? "focusin" : c : e = !0;
        return this.each(function (f, g) {
            k(g, c, d, b, function (c) {
                return function (d) {
                    var e, f = a(d.target).closest(b, g).get(0);
                    if (f) return e = a.extend(p(d), {
                        currentTarget: f,
                        liveFired: g
                    }), c.apply(f, [e].concat([].slice.call(arguments, 1)))
            }, e)
    }, a.fn.undelegate = function (a, b, c) {
        return this.each(function () {
            l(this, b, c, a)
    }, a.fn.live = function (b, c) {
        return a(document.body).delegate(this.selector, b, c), this
    }, a.fn.die = function (b, c) {
        return a(document.body).undelegate(this.selector, b, c), this
    }, a.fn.on = function (b, c, d) {
        return c == undefined || a.isFunction(c) ? this.bind(b, c) : this.delegate(c, b, d)
    }, a.fn.off = function (b, c, d) {
        return c == undefined || a.isFunction(c) ? this.unbind(b, c) : this.undelegate(c, b, d)
    }, a.fn.trigger = function (b, c) {
        return typeof b == "string" && (b = a.Event(b)), q(b), b.data = c, this.each(function () {
            "dispatchEvent" in this && this.dispatchEvent(b)
    }, a.fn.triggerHandler = function (b, c) {
        var d, e;
        return this.each(function (f, h) {
            d = p(typeof b == "string" ? a.Event(b) : b), d.data = c, d.target = h, a.each(g(h, b.type || b), function (a, b) {
                e = b.proxy(d);
                if (d.isImmediatePropagationStopped()) return !1
        }), e
    }, "focusin focusout load resize scroll unload click dblclick mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseover mouseout change select keydown keypress keyup error".split(" ").forEach(function (b) {
        a.fn[b] = function (a) {
            return this.bind(b, a)
    }), ["focus", "blur"].forEach(function (b) {
        a.fn[b] = function (a) {
            if (a) this.bind(b, a);
            else if (this.length) try {
            } catch (c) {}
            return this
    }), a.Event = function (a, b) {
        var c = document.createEvent(e[a] || "Events"),
            d = !0;
        if (b) for (var f in b) f == "bubbles" ? d = !! b[f] : c[f] = b[f];
        return c.initEvent(a, d, !0, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null), c
function (a) {
    function b(a) {
        var b = this.os = {}, c = this.browser = {}, d = a.match(/WebKit\/([\d.]+)/),
            e = a.match(/(Android)\s+([\d.]+)/),
            f = a.match(/(iPad).*OS\s([\d_]+)/),
            g = !f && a.match(/(iPhone\sOS)\s([\d_]+)/),
            h = a.match(/(webOS|hpwOS)[\s\/]([\d.]+)/),
            i = h && a.match(/TouchPad/),
            j = a.match(/Kindle\/([\d.]+)/),
            k = a.match(/Silk\/([\d._]+)/),
            l = a.match(/(BlackBerry).*Version\/([\d.]+)/);
        if (c.webkit = !! d) c.version = d[1];
        e && (b.android = !0, b.version = e[2]), g && (b.ios = b.iphone = !0, b.version = g[2].replace(/_/g, ".")), f && (b.ios = b.ipad = !0, b.version = f[2].replace(/_/g, ".")), h && (b.webos = !0, b.version = h[2]), i && (b.touchpad = !0), l && (b.blackberry = !0, b.version = l[2]), j && (b.kindle = !0, b.version = j[1]), k && (c.silk = !0, c.version = k[1]), !k && b.android && a.match(/Kindle Fire/) && (c.silk = !0)
    b.call(a, navigator.userAgent), a.__detect = b
function (a, b) {
    function l(a) {
        return a.toLowerCase()
    function m(a) {
        return d ? d + a : l(a)
    var c = "",
        d, e, f, g = {
            Webkit: "webkit",
            Moz: "",
            O: "o",
            ms: "MS"
        }, h = window.document,
        i = h.createElement("div"),
        j = /^((translate|rotate|scale)(X|Y|Z|3d)?|matrix(3d)?|perspective|skew(X|Y)?)$/i,
        k = {};
    a.each(g, function (a, e) {
        if (i.style[a + "TransitionProperty"] !== b) return c = "-" + l(a) + "-", d = e, !1
    }), k[c + "transition-property"] = k[c + "transition-duration"] = k[c + "transition-timing-function"] = k[c + "animation-name"] = k[c + "animation-duration"] = "", a.fx = {
        off: d === b && i.style.transitionProperty === b,
        cssPrefix: c,
        transitionEnd: m("TransitionEnd"),
        animationEnd: m("AnimationEnd")
    }, a.fn.animate = function (b, c, d, e) {
        return a.isObject(c) && (d = c.easing, e = c.complete, c = c.duration), c && (c /= 1e3), this.anim(b, c, d, e)
    }, a.fn.anim = function (d, e, f, g) {
        var h, i = {}, l, m = this,
            n, o = a.fx.transitionEnd;
        e === b && (e = .4), a.fx.off && (e = 0);
        if (typeof d == "string") i[c + "animation-name"] = d, i[c + "animation-duration"] = e + "s", o = a.fx.animationEnd;
        else {
            for (l in d) j.test(l) ? (h || (h = []), h.push(l + "(" + d[l] + ")")) : i[l] = d[l];
            h && (i[c + "transform"] = h.join(" ")), !a.fx.off && typeof d == "object" && (i[c + "transition-property"] = Object.keys(d).join(", "), i[c + "transition-duration"] = e + "s", i[c + "transition-timing-function"] = f || "linear")
        return n = function (b) {
            if (typeof b != "undefined") {
                if (b.target !== b.currentTarget) return;
                a(b.target).unbind(o, arguments.callee)
            a(this).css(k), g && g.call(this)
        }, e > 0 && this.bind(o, n), setTimeout(function () {
            m.css(i), e <= 0 && setTimeout(function () {
                m.each(function () {
            }, 0)
        }, 0), this
    }, i = null
function ($) {
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        var d = $.Event(b);
        return $(a).trigger(d, c), !d.defaultPrevented
    function triggerGlobal(a, b, c, d) {
        if (a.global) return triggerAndReturn(b || document, c, d)
    function ajaxStart(a) {
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    function ajaxStop(a) {
        a.global && !--$.active && triggerGlobal(a, null, "ajaxStop")
    function ajaxBeforeSend(a, b) {
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        triggerGlobal(b, c, "ajaxSend", [a, b])
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            e = "success";
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    function ajaxError(a, b, c, d) {
        var e = d.context;
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    function ajaxComplete(a, b, c) {
        var d = c.context;
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        document = window.document,
        key, name, rscript = /<script\b[^<]*(?:(?!<\/script>)<[^<]*)*<\/script>/gi,
        scriptTypeRE = /^(?:text|application)\/javascript/i,
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        jsonType = "application/json",
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            d = function () {
                $(c).remove(), b in window && (window[b] = empty), ajaxComplete("abort", e, a)
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                abort: d
            }, f;
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            e.abort(), a.error()
        }), window[b] = function (d) {
            clearTimeout(f), $(c).remove(), delete window[b], ajaxSuccess(d, e, a)
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            e.abort(), ajaxComplete("timeout", e, a)
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        complete: empty,
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        timeout: 0
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        ajaxStart(settings), settings.crossDomain || (settings.crossDomain = /^([\w-]+:)?\/\/([^\/]+)/.test(settings.url) && RegExp.$2 != window.location.host);
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            hasPlaceholder = /=\?/.test(settings.url);
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                    } catch (e) {
                        error = e
                    error ? ajaxError(error, "parsererror", xhr, settings) : ajaxSuccess(result, xhr, settings)
                } else ajaxError(null, "error", xhr, settings)
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            xhr.onreadystatechange = empty, xhr.abort(), ajaxError(null, "timeout", xhr, settings)
        }, settings.timeout)), xhr.send(settings.data ? settings.data : null), xhr)
    }, $.get = function (a, b) {
        return $.ajax({
            url: a,
            success: b
    }, $.post = function (a, b, c, d) {
        return $.isFunction(b) && (d = d || c, c = b, b = null), $.ajax({
            type: "POST",
            url: a,
            data: b,
            success: c,
            dataType: d
    }, $.getJSON = function (a, b) {
        return $.ajax({
            url: a,
            success: b,
            dataType: "json"
    }, $.fn.load = function (a, b) {
        if (!this.length) return this;
        var c = this,
            d = a.split(/\s/),
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            c.html(e ? $(document.createElement("div")).html(a.replace(rscript, "")).find(e).html() : a), b && b.call(c)
        }), this
    var escape = encodeURIComponent;
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        var c = [];
        return c.add = function (a, b) {
            this.push(escape(a) + "=" + escape(b))
        }, serialize(c, a, b), c.join("&").replace("%20", "+")
function (a) {
    a.fn.serializeArray = function () {
        var b = [],
        return a(Array.prototype.slice.call(this.get(0).elements)).each(function () {
            c = a(this);
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                name: c.attr("name"),
                value: c.val()
        }), b
    }, a.fn.serialize = function () {
        var a = [];
        return this.serializeArray().forEach(function (b) {
            a.push(encodeURIComponent(b.name) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(b.value))
        }), a.join("&")
    }, a.fn.submit = function (b) {
        if (b) this.bind("submit", b);
        else if (this.length) {
            var c = a.Event("submit");
            this.eq(0).trigger(c), c.defaultPrevented || this.get(0).submit()
        return this
function (a) {
    function d(a) {
        return "tagName" in a ? a : a.parentNode
    function e(a, b, c, d) {
        var e = Math.abs(a - b),
            f = Math.abs(c - d);
        return e >= f ? a - b > 0 ? "Left" : "Right" : c - d > 0 ? "Up" : "Down"
    function h() {
        g = null, b.last && (b.el.trigger("longTap"), b = {})
    function i() {
        g && clearTimeout(g), g = null
    var b = {}, c, f = 750,
    a(document).ready(function () {
        var j, k;
        a(document.body).bind("touchstart", function (e) {
            j = Date.now(), k = j - (b.last || j), b.el = a(d(e.touches[0].target)), c && clearTimeout(c), b.x1 = e.touches[0].pageX, b.y1 = e.touches[0].pageY, k > 0 && k <= 250 && (b.isDoubleTap = !0), b.last = j, g = setTimeout(h, f)
        }).bind("touchmove", function (a) {
            i(), b.x2 = a.touches[0].pageX, b.y2 = a.touches[0].pageY
        }).bind("touchend", function (a) {
            i(), b.isDoubleTap ? (b.el.trigger("doubleTap"), b = {}) : b.x2 && Math.abs(b.x1 - b.x2) > 30 || b.y2 && Math.abs(b.y1 - b.y2) > 30 ? (b.el.trigger("swipe") && b.el.trigger("swipe" + e(b.x1, b.x2, b.y1, b.y2)), b = {}) : "last" in b && (b.el.trigger("tap"), c = setTimeout(function () {
                c = null, b.el.trigger("singleTap"), b = {}
            }, 250))
        }).bind("touchcancel", function () {
            c && clearTimeout(c), g && clearTimeout(g), g = c = null, b = {}
    }), ["swipe", "swipeLeft", "swipeRight", "swipeUp", "swipeDown", "doubleTap", "tap", "singleTap", "longTap"].forEach(function (b) {
        a.fn[b] = function (a) {
            return this.bind(b, a)
function () {
    function A(a, b, c) {
        if (a === b) return a !== 0 || 1 / a == 1 / b;
        if (a == null || b == null) return a === b;
        a._chain && (a = a._wrapped), b._chain && (b = b._wrapped);
        if (a.isEqual && w.isFunction(a.isEqual)) return a.isEqual(b);
        if (b.isEqual && w.isFunction(b.isEqual)) return b.isEqual(a);
        var d = i.call(a);
        if (d != i.call(b)) return !1;
        switch (d) {
        case "[object String]":
            return a == String(b);
        case "[object Number]":
            return a != +a ? b != +b : a == 0 ? 1 / a == 1 / b : a == +b;
        case "[object Date]":
        case "[object Boolean]":
            return +a == +b;
        case "[object RegExp]":
            return a.source == b.source && a.global == b.global && a.multiline == b.multiline && a.ignoreCase == b.ignoreCase
        if (typeof a != "object" || typeof b != "object") return !1;
        var e = c.length;
        while (e--) if (c[e] == a) return !0;
        var f = 0,
            g = !0;
        if (d == "[object Array]") {
            f = a.length, g = f == b.length;
            if (g) while (f--) if (!(g = f in a == f in b && A(a[f], b[f], c))) break
        } else {
            if ("constructor" in a != "constructor" in b || a.constructor != b.constructor) return !1;
            for (var h in a) if (w.has(a, h)) {
                if (!(g = w.has(b, h) && A(a[h], b[h], c))) break
            if (g) {
                for (h in b) if (w.has(b, h) && !(f--)) break;
                g = !f
        return c.pop(), g
    var a = this,
        b = a._,
        c = {}, d = Array.prototype,
        e = Object.prototype,
        f = Function.prototype,
        g = d.slice,
        h = d.unshift,
        i = e.toString,
        j = e.hasOwnProperty,
        k = d.forEach,
        l = d.map,
        m = d.reduce,
        n = d.reduceRight,
        o = d.filter,
        p = d.every,
        q = d.some,
        r = d.indexOf,
        s = d.lastIndexOf,
        t = Array.isArray,
        u = Object.keys,
        v = f.bind,
        w = function (a) {
            return new I(a)
    typeof exports != "undefined" ? (typeof module != "undefined" && module.exports && (exports = module.exports = w), exports._ = w) : a._ = w, w.VERSION = "1.3.3";
    var x = w.each = w.forEach = function (a, b, d) {
        if (a == null) return;
        if (k && a.forEach === k) a.forEach(b, d);
        else if (a.length === +a.length) {
            for (var e = 0, f = a.length; e < f; e++) if (e in a && b.call(d, a[e], e, a) === c) return
        } else for (var g in a) if (w.has(a, g) && b.call(d, a[g], g, a) === c) return
    w.map = w.collect = function (a, b, c) {
        var d = [];
        return a == null ? d : l && a.map === l ? a.map(b, c) : (x(a, function (a, e, f) {
            d[d.length] = b.call(c, a, e, f)
        }), a.length === +a.length && (d.length = a.length), d)
    }, w.reduce = w.foldl = w.inject = function (a, b, c, d) {
        var e = arguments.length > 2;
        a == null && (a = []);
        if (m && a.reduce === m) return d && (b = w.bind(b, d)), e ? a.reduce(b, c) : a.reduce(b);
        x(a, function (a, f, g) {
            e ? c = b.call(d, c, a, f, g) : (c = a, e = !0)
        if (!e) throw new TypeError("Reduce of empty array with no initial value");
        return c
    }, w.reduceRight = w.foldr = function (a, b, c, d) {
        var e = arguments.length > 2;
        a == null && (a = []);
        if (n && a.reduceRight === n) return d && (b = w.bind(b, d)), e ? a.reduceRight(b, c) : a.reduceRight(b);
        var f = w.toArray(a).reverse();
        return d && !e && (b = w.bind(b, d)), e ? w.reduce(f, b, c, d) : w.reduce(f, b)
    }, w.find = w.detect = function (a, b, c) {
        var d;
        return y(a, function (a, e, f) {
            if (b.call(c, a, e, f)) return d = a, !0
        }), d
    }, w.filter = w.select = function (a, b, c) {
        var d = [];
        return a == null ? d : o && a.filter === o ? a.filter(b, c) : (x(a, function (a, e, f) {
            b.call(c, a, e, f) && (d[d.length] = a)
        }), d)
    }, w.reject = function (a, b, c) {
        var d = [];
        return a == null ? d : (x(a, function (a, e, f) {
            b.call(c, a, e, f) || (d[d.length] = a)
        }), d)
    }, w.every = w.all = function (a, b, d) {
        var e = !0;
        return a == null ? e : p && a.every === p ? a.every(b, d) : (x(a, function (a, f, g) {
            if (!(e = e && b.call(d, a, f, g))) return c
        }), !! e)
    var y = w.some = w.any = function (a, b, d) {
        b || (b = w.identity);
        var e = !1;
        return a == null ? e : q && a.some === q ? a.some(b, d) : (x(a, function (a, f, g) {
            if (e || (e = b.call(d, a, f, g))) return c
        }), !! e)
    w.include = w.contains = function (a, b) {
        var c = !1;
        return a == null ? c : r && a.indexOf === r ? a.indexOf(b) != -1 : (c = y(a, function (a) {
            return a === b
        }), c)
    }, w.invoke = function (a, b) {
        var c = g.call(arguments, 2);
        return w.map(a, function (a) {
            return (w.isFunction(b) ? b || a : a[b]).apply(a, c)
    }, w.pluck = function (a, b) {
        return w.map(a, function (a) {
            return a[b]
    }, w.max = function (a, b, c) {
        if (!b && w.isArray(a) && a[0] === +a[0]) return Math.max.apply(Math, a);
        if (!b && w.isEmpty(a)) return -Infinity;
        var d = {
            computed: -Infinity
        return x(a, function (a, e, f) {
            var g = b ? b.call(c, a, e, f) : a;
            g >= d.computed && (d = {
                value: a,
                computed: g
        }), d.value
    }, w.min = function (a, b, c) {
        if (!b && w.isArray(a) && a[0] === +a[0]) return Math.min.apply(Math, a);
        if (!b && w.isEmpty(a)) return Infinity;
        var d = {
            computed: Infinity
        return x(a, function (a, e, f) {
            var g = b ? b.call(c, a, e, f) : a;
            g < d.computed && (d = {
                value: a,
                computed: g
        }), d.value
    }, w.shuffle = function (a) {
        var b = [],
        return x(a, function (a, d, e) {
            c = Math.floor(Math.random() * (d + 1)), b[d] = b[c], b[c] = a
        }), b
    }, w.sortBy = function (a, b, c) {
        var d = w.isFunction(b) ? b : function (a) {
                return a[b]
        return w.pluck(w.map(a, function (a, b, e) {
            return {
                value: a,
                criteria: d.call(c, a, b, e)
        }).sort(function (a, b) {
            var c = a.criteria,
                d = b.criteria;
            return c === void 0 ? 1 : d === void 0 ? -1 : c < d ? -1 : c > d ? 1 : 0
        }), "value")
    }, w.groupBy = function (a, b) {
        var c = {}, d = w.isFunction(b) ? b : function (a) {
                return a[b]
        return x(a, function (a, b) {
            var e = d(a, b);
            (c[e] || (c[e] = [])).push(a)
        }), c
    }, w.sortedIndex = function (a, b, c) {
        c || (c = w.identity);
        var d = 0,
            e = a.length;
        while (d < e) {
            var f = d + e >> 1;
            c(a[f]) < c(b) ? d = f + 1 : e = f
        return d
    }, w.toArray = function (a) {
        return a ? w.isArray(a) ? g.call(a) : w.isArguments(a) ? g.call(a) : a.toArray && w.isFunction(a.toArray) ? a.toArray() : w.values(a) : []
    }, w.size = function (a) {
        return w.isArray(a) ? a.length : w.keys(a).length
    }, w.first = w.head = w.take = function (a, b, c) {
        return b != null && !c ? g.call(a, 0, b) : a[0]
    }, w.initial = function (a, b, c) {
        return g.call(a, 0, a.length - (b == null || c ? 1 : b))
    }, w.last = function (a, b, c) {
        return b != null && !c ? g.call(a, Math.max(a.length - b, 0)) : a[a.length - 1]
    }, w.rest = w.tail = function (a, b, c) {
        return g.call(a, b == null || c ? 1 : b)
    }, w.compact = function (a) {
        return w.filter(a, function (a) {
            return !!a
    }, w.flatten = function (a, b) {
        return w.reduce(a, function (a, c) {
            return w.isArray(c) ? a.concat(b ? c : w.flatten(c)) : (a[a.length] = c, a)
        }, [])
    }, w.without = function (a) {
        return w.difference(a, g.call(arguments, 1))
    }, w.uniq = w.unique = function (a, b, c) {
        var d = c ? w.map(a, c) : a,
            e = [];
        return a.length < 3 && (b = !0), w.reduce(d, function (c, d, f) {
            if (b ? w.last(c) !== d || !c.length : !w.include(c, d)) c.push(d), e.push(a[f]);
            return c
        }, []), e
    }, w.union = function () {
        return w.uniq(w.flatten(arguments, !0))
    }, w.intersection = w.intersect = function (a) {
        var b = g.call(arguments, 1);
        return w.filter(w.uniq(a), function (a) {
            return w.every(b, function (b) {
                return w.indexOf(b, a) >= 0
    }, w.difference = function (a) {
        var b = w.flatten(g.call(arguments, 1), !0);
        return w.filter(a, function (a) {
            return !w.include(b, a)
    }, w.zip = function () {
        var a = g.call(arguments),
            b = w.max(w.pluck(a, "length")),
            c = new Array(b);
        for (var d = 0; d < b; d++) c[d] = w.pluck(a, "" + d);
        return c
    }, w.indexOf = function (a, b, c) {
        if (a == null) return -1;
        var d, e;
        if (c) return d = w.sortedIndex(a, b), a[d] === b ? d : -1;
        if (r && a.indexOf === r) return a.indexOf(b);
        for (d = 0, e = a.length; d < e; d++) if (d in a && a[d] === b) return d;
        return -1
    }, w.lastIndexOf = function (a, b) {
        if (a == null) return -1;
        if (s && a.lastIndexOf === s) return a.lastIndexOf(b);
        var c = a.length;
        while (c--) if (c in a && a[c] === b) return c;
        return -1
    }, w.range = function (a, b, c) {
        arguments.length <= 1 && (b = a || 0, a = 0), c = arguments[2] || 1;
        var d = Math.max(Math.ceil((b - a) / c), 0),
            e = 0,
            f = new Array(d);
        while (e < d) f[e++] = a, a += c;
        return f
    var z = function () {};
    w.bind = function (b, c) {
        var d, e;
        if (b.bind === v && v) return v.apply(b, g.call(arguments, 1));
        if (!w.isFunction(b)) throw new TypeError;
        return e = g.call(arguments, 2), d = function () {
            if (this instanceof d) {
                z.prototype = b.prototype;
                var a = new z,
                    f = b.apply(a, e.concat(g.call(arguments)));
                return Object(f) === f ? f : a
            return b.apply(c, e.concat(g.call(arguments)))
    }, w.bindAll = function (a) {
        var b = g.call(arguments, 1);
        return b.length == 0 && (b = w.functions(a)), x(b, function (b) {
            a[b] = w.bind(a[b], a)
        }), a
    }, w.memoize = function (a, b) {
        var c = {};
        return b || (b = w.identity),
        function () {
            var d = b.apply(this, arguments);
            return w.has(c, d) ? c[d] : c[d] = a.apply(this, arguments)
    }, w.delay = function (a, b) {
        var c = g.call(arguments, 2);
        return setTimeout(function () {
            return a.apply(null, c)
        }, b)
    }, w.defer = function (a) {
        return w.delay.apply(w, [a, 1].concat(g.call(arguments, 1)))
    }, w.throttle = function (a, b) {
        var c, d, e, f, g, h, i = w.debounce(function () {
            g = f = !1
        }, b);
        return function () {
            c = this, d = arguments;
            var j = function () {
                e = null, g && a.apply(c, d), i()
            return e || (e = setTimeout(j, b)), f ? g = !0 : h = a.apply(c, d), i(), f = !0, h
    }, w.debounce = function (a, b, c) {
        var d;
        return function () {
            var e = this,
                f = arguments,
                g = function () {
                    d = null, c || a.apply(e, f)
            c && !d && a.apply(e, f), clearTimeout(d), d = setTimeout(g, b)
    }, w.once = function (a) {
        var b = !1,
        return function () {
            return b ? c : (b = !0, c = a.apply(this, arguments))
    }, w.wrap = function (a, b) {
        return function () {
            var c = [a].concat(g.call(arguments, 0));
            return b.apply(this, c)
    }, w.compose = function () {
        var a = arguments;
        return function () {
            var b = arguments;
            for (var c = a.length - 1; c >= 0; c--) b = [a[c].apply(this, b)];
            return b[0]
    }, w.after = function (a, b) {
        return a <= 0 ? b() : function () {
            if (--a < 1) return b.apply(this, arguments)
    }, w.keys = u || function (a) {
        if (a !== Object(a)) throw new TypeError("Invalid object");
        var b = [];
        for (var c in a) w.has(a, c) && (b[b.length] = c);
        return b
    }, w.values = function (a) {
        return w.map(a, w.identity)
    }, w.functions = w.methods = function (a) {
        var b = [];
        for (var c in a) w.isFunction(a[c]) && b.push(c);
        return b.sort()
    }, w.extend = function (a) {
        return x(g.call(arguments, 1), function (b) {
            for (var c in b) a[c] = b[c]
        }), a
    }, w.pick = function (a) {
        var b = {};
        return x(w.flatten(g.call(arguments, 1)), function (c) {
            c in a && (b[c] = a[c])
        }), b
    w.defaults = function (a) {
        return x(g.call(arguments, 1), function (b) {
            for (var c in b) a[c] == null && (a[c] = b[c])
        }), a
    }, w.clone = function (a) {
        return w.isObject(a) ? w.isArray(a) ? a.slice() : w.extend({}, a) : a
    }, w.tap = function (a, b) {
        return b(a), a
    }, w.isEqual = function (a, b) {
        return A(a, b, [])
    }, w.isEmpty = function (a) {
        if (a == null) return !0;
        if (w.isArray(a) || w.isString(a)) return a.length === 0;
        for (var b in a) if (w.has(a, b)) return !1;
        return !0
    }, w.isElement = function (a) {
        return !!a && a.nodeType == 1
    }, w.isArray = t || function (a) {
        return i.call(a) == "[object Array]"
    }, w.isObject = function (a) {
        return a === Object(a)
    }, w.isArguments = function (a) {
        return i.call(a) == "[object Arguments]"
    }, w.isArguments(arguments) || (w.isArguments = function (a) {
        return !!a && !! w.has(a, "callee")
    }), w.isFunction = function (a) {
        return i.call(a) == "[object Function]"
    }, w.isString = function (a) {
        return i.call(a) == "[object String]"
    }, w.isNumber = function (a) {
        return i.call(a) == "[object Number]"
    }, w.isFinite = function (a) {
        return w.isNumber(a) && isFinite(a)
    }, w.isNaN = function (a) {
        return a !== a
    }, w.isBoolean = function (a) {
        return a === !0 || a === !1 || i.call(a) == "[object Boolean]"
    }, w.isDate = function (a) {
        return i.call(a) == "[object Date]"
    }, w.isRegExp = function (a) {
        return i.call(a) == "[object RegExp]"
    }, w.isNull = function (a) {
        return a === null
    }, w.isUndefined = function (a) {
        return a === void 0
    }, w.has = function (a, b) {
        return j.call(a, b)
    }, w.noConflict = function () {
        return a._ = b, this
    }, w.identity = function (a) {
        return a
    }, w.times = function (a, b, c) {
        for (var d = 0; d < a; d++) b.call(c, d)
    }, w.escape = function (a) {
        return ("" + a).replace(/&/g, "&").replace(/</g, "<").replace(/>/g, ">").replace(/"/g, """).replace(/'/g, "'").replace(/\//g, "/")
    }, w.result = function (a, b) {
        if (a == null) return null;
        var c = a[b];
        return w.isFunction(c) ? c.call(a) : c
    }, w.mixin = function (a) {
        x(w.functions(a), function (b) {
            K(b, w[b] = a[b])
    var B = 0;
    w.uniqueId = function (a) {
        var b = B++;
        return a ? a + b : b
    }, w.templateSettings = {
        evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
        interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
        escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g
    var C = /.^/,
        D = {
            "\\": "\\",
            "'": "'",
            r: "\r",
            n: "\n",
            t: "	",
            u2028: "\u2028",
            u2029: "\u2029"
    for (var E in D) D[D[E]] = E;
    var F = /\\|'|\r|\n|\t|\u2028|\u2029/g,
        G = /\\(\\|'|r|n|t|u2028|u2029)/g,
        H = function (a) {
            return a.replace(G, function (a, b) {
                return D[b]
    w.template = function (a, b, c) {
        c = w.defaults(c || {}, w.templateSettings);
        var d = "__p+='" + a.replace(F, function (a) {
            return "\\" + D[a]
        }).replace(c.escape || C, function (a, b) {
            return "'+\n_.escape(" + H(b) + ")+\n'"
        }).replace(c.interpolate || C, function (a, b) {
            return "'+\n(" + H(b) + ")+\n'"
        }).replace(c.evaluate || C, function (a, b) {
            return "';\n" + H(b) + "\n;__p+='"
        }) + "';\n";
        c.variable || (d = "with(obj||{}){\n" + d + "}\n"), d = "var __p='';var print=function(){__p+=Array.prototype.join.call(arguments, '')};\n" + d + "return __p;\n";
        var e = new Function(c.variable || "obj", "_", d);
        if (b) return e(b, w);
        var f = function (a) {
            return e.call(this, a, w)
        return f.source = "function(" + (c.variable || "obj") + "){\n" + d + "}", f
    }, w.chain = function (a) {
        return w(a).chain()
    var I = function (a) {
        this._wrapped = a
    w.prototype = I.prototype;
    var J = function (a, b) {
        return b ? w(a).chain() : a
    }, K = function (a, b) {
        I.prototype[a] = function () {
            var a = g.call(arguments);
            return h.call(a, this._wrapped), J(b.apply(w, a), this._chain)
    w.mixin(w), x(["pop", "push", "reverse", "shift", "sort", "splice", "unshift"], function (a) {
        var b = d[a];
        I.prototype[a] = function () {
            var c = this._wrapped;
            b.apply(c, arguments);
            var d = c.length;
            return (a == "shift" || a == "splice") && d === 0 && delete c[0], J(c, this._chain)
    }), x(["concat", "join", "slice"], function (a) {
        var b = d[a];
        I.prototype[a] = function () {
            return J(b.apply(this._wrapped, arguments), this._chain)
    }), I.prototype.chain = function () {
        return this._chain = !0, this
    }, I.prototype.value = function () {
        return this._wrapped
function () {
    var a = this,
        b = a.Backbone,
        c = Array.prototype.slice,
        d = Array.prototype.splice,
    typeof exports != "undefined" ? e = exports : e = a.Backbone = {}, e.VERSION = "0.9.2";
    var f = a._;
    !f && typeof require != "undefined" && (f = require("underscore"));
    var g = a.jQuery || a.Zepto || a.ender;
    e.setDomLibrary = function (a) {
        g = a
    }, e.noConflict = function () {
        return a.Backbone = b, this
    }, e.emulateHTTP = !1, e.emulateJSON = !1;
    var h = /\s+/,
        i = e.Events = {
            on: function (a, b, c) {
                var d, e, f, g, i;
                if (!b) return this;
                a = a.split(h), d = this._callbacks || (this._callbacks = {});
                while (e = a.shift()) i = d[e], f = i ? i.tail : {}, f.next = g = {}, f.context = c, f.callback = b, d[e] = {
                    tail: g,
                    next: i ? i.next : f
                return this
            off: function (a, b, c) {
                var d, e, g, i, j, k;
                if (!(e = this._callbacks)) return;
                if (!(a || b || c)) return delete this._callbacks, this;
                a = a ? a.split(h) : f.keys(e);
                while (d = a.shift()) {
                    g = e[d], delete e[d];
                    if (!g || !b && !c) continue;
                    i = g.tail;
                    while ((g = g.next) !== i) j = g.callback, k = g.context, (b && j !== b || c && k !== c) && this.on(d, j, k)
                return this
            trigger: function (a) {
                var b, d, e, f, g, i, j;
                if (!(e = this._callbacks)) return this;
                i = e.all, a = a.split(h), j = c.call(arguments, 1);
                while (b = a.shift()) {
                    if (d = e[b]) {
                        f = d.tail;
                        while ((d = d.next) !== f) d.callback.apply(d.context || this, j)
                    if (d = i) {
                        f = d.tail, g = [b].concat(j);
                        while ((d = d.next) !== f) d.callback.apply(d.context || this, g)
                return this
    i.bind = i.on, i.unbind = i.off;
    var j = e.Model = function (a, b) {
        var c;
        a || (a = {}), b && b.parse && (a = this.parse(a));
        if (c = A(this, "defaults")) a = f.extend({}, c, a);
        b && b.collection && (this.collection = b.collection), this.attributes = {}, this._escapedAttributes = {}, this.cid = f.uniqueId("c"), this.changed = {}, this._silent = {}, this._pending = {}, this.set(a, {
            silent: !0
        }), this.changed = {}, this._silent = {}, this._pending = {}, this._previousAttributes = f.clone(this.attributes), this.initialize.apply(this, arguments)
    f.extend(j.prototype, i, {
        changed: null,
        _silent: null,
        _pending: null,
        idAttribute: "id",
        initialize: function () {},
        toJSON: function (a) {
            return f.clone(this.attributes)
        get: function (a) {
            return this.attributes[a]
        escape: function (a) {
            var b;
            if (b = this._escapedAttributes[a]) return b;
            var c = this.get(a);
            return this._escapedAttributes[a] = f.escape(c == null ? "" : "" + c)
        has: function (a) {
            return this.get(a) != null
        set: function (a, b, c) {
            var d, e, g;
            f.isObject(a) || a == null ? (d = a, c = b) : (d = {}, d[a] = b), c || (c = {});
            if (!d) return this;
            d instanceof j && (d = d.attributes);
            if (c.unset) for (e in d) d[e] = void 0;
            if (!this._validate(d, c)) return !1;
            this.idAttribute in d && (this.id = d[this.idAttribute]);
            var h = c.changes = {}, i = this.attributes,
                k = this._escapedAttributes,
                l = this._previousAttributes || {};
            for (e in d) {
                g = d[e];
                if (!f.isEqual(i[e], g) || c.unset && f.has(i, e)) delete k[e], (c.silent ? this._silent : h)[e] = !0;
                c.unset ? delete i[e] : i[e] = g, !f.isEqual(l[e], g) || f.has(i, e) != f.has(l, e) ? (this.changed[e] = g, c.silent || (this._pending[e] = !0)) : (delete this.changed[e], delete this._pending[e])
            return c.silent || this.change(c), this
        unset: function (a, b) {
            return (b || (b = {})).unset = !0, this.set(a, null, b)
        clear: function (a) {
            return (a || (a = {})).unset = !0, this.set(f.clone(this.attributes), a)
        fetch: function (a) {
            a = a ? f.clone(a) : {};
            var b = this,
                c = a.success;
            return a.success = function (d, e, f) {
                if (!b.set(b.parse(d, f), a)) return !1;
                c && c(b, d)
            }, a.error = e.wrapError(a.error, b, a), (this.sync || e.sync).call(this, "read", this, a)
        save: function (a, b, c) {
            var d, g;
            f.isObject(a) || a == null ? (d = a, c = b) : (d = {}, d[a] = b), c = c ? f.clone(c) : {};
            if (c.wait) {
                if (!this._validate(d, c)) return !1;
                g = f.clone(this.attributes)
            var h = f.extend({}, c, {
                silent: !0
            if (d && !this.set(d, c.wait ? h : c)) return !1;
            var i = this,
                j = c.success;
            c.success = function (a, b, e) {
                var g = i.parse(a, e);
                c.wait && (delete c.wait, g = f.extend(d || {}, g));
                if (!i.set(g, c)) return !1;
                j ? j(i, a) : i.trigger("sync", i, a, c)
            }, c.error = e.wrapError(c.error, i, c);
            var k = this.isNew() ? "create" : "update",
                l = (this.sync || e.sync).call(this, k, this, c);
            return c.wait && this.set(g, h), l
        destroy: function (a) {
            a = a ? f.clone(a) : {};
            var b = this,
                c = a.success,
                d = function () {
                    b.trigger("destroy", b, b.collection, a)
            if (this.isNew()) return d(), !1;
            a.success = function (e) {
                a.wait && d(), c ? c(b, e) : b.trigger("sync", b, e, a)
            }, a.error = e.wrapError(a.error, b, a);
            var g = (this.sync || e.sync).call(this, "delete", this, a);
            return a.wait || d(), g
        url: function () {
            var a = A(this, "urlRoot") || A(this.collection, "url") || B();
            return this.isNew() ? a : a + (a.charAt(a.length - 1) == "/" ? "" : "/") + encodeURIComponent(this.id)
        parse: function (a, b) {
            return a
        clone: function () {
            return new this.constructor(this.attributes)
        isNew: function () {
            return this.id == null
        change: function (a) {
            a || (a = {});
            var b = this._changing;
            this._changing = !0;
            for (var c in this._silent) this._pending[c] = !0;
            var d = f.extend({}, a.changes, this._silent);
            this._silent = {};
            for (var c in d) this.trigger("change:" + c, this, this.get(c), a);
            if (b) return this;
            while (!f.isEmpty(this._pending)) {
                this._pending = {}, this.trigger("change", this, a);
                for (var c in this.changed) {
                    if (this._pending[c] || this._silent[c]) continue;
                    delete this.changed[c]
                this._previousAttributes = f.clone(this.attributes)
            return this._changing = !1, this
        hasChanged: function (a) {
            return arguments.length ? f.has(this.changed, a) : !f.isEmpty(this.changed)
        changedAttributes: function (a) {
            if (!a) return this.hasChanged() ? f.clone(this.changed) : !1;
            var b, c = !1,
                d = this._previousAttributes;
            for (var e in a) {
                if (f.isEqual(d[e], b = a[e])) continue;
                (c || (c = {}))[e] = b
            return c
        previous: function (a) {
            return !arguments.length || !this._previousAttributes ? null : this._previousAttributes[a]
        previousAttributes: function () {
            return f.clone(this._previousAttributes)
        isValid: function () {
            return !this.validate(this.attributes)
        _validate: function (a, b) {
            if (b.silent || !this.validate) return !0;
            a = f.extend({}, this.attributes, a);
            var c = this.validate(a, b);
            return c ? (b && b.error ? b.error(this, c, b) : this.trigger("error", this, c, b), !1) : !0
    var k = e.Collection = function (a, b) {
        b || (b = {}), b.model && (this.model = b.model), b.comparator && (this.comparator = b.comparator), this._reset(), this.initialize.apply(this, arguments), a && this.reset(a, {
            silent: !0,
            parse: b.parse
    f.extend(k.prototype, i, {
        model: j,
        initialize: function () {},
        toJSON: function (a) {
            return this.map(function (b) {
                return b.toJSON(a)
        add: function (a, b) {
            var c, e, g, h, i, j, k = {}, l = {}, m = [];
            b || (b = {}), a = f.isArray(a) ? a.slice() : [a];
            for (c = 0, g = a.length; c < g; c++) {
                if (!(h = a[c] = this._prepareModel(a[c], b))) throw new Error("Can't add an invalid model to a collection");
                i = h.cid, j = h.id;
                if (k[i] || this._byCid[i] || j != null && (l[j] || this._byId[j])) {
                k[i] = l[j] = h
            c = m.length;
            while (c--) a.splice(m[c], 1);
            for (c = 0, g = a.length; c < g; c++)(h = a[c]).on("all", this._onModelEvent, this), this._byCid[h.cid] = h, h.id != null && (this._byId[h.id] = h);
            this.length += g, e = b.at != null ? b.at : this.models.length, d.apply(this.models, [e, 0].concat(a)), this.comparator && this.sort({
                silent: !0
            if (b.silent) return this;
            for (c = 0, g = this.models.length; c < g; c++) {
                if (!k[(h = this.models[c]).cid]) continue;
                b.index = c, h.trigger("add", h, this, b)
            return this
        remove: function (a, b) {
            var c, d, e, g;
            b || (b = {}), a = f.isArray(a) ? a.slice() : [a];
            for (c = 0, d = a.length; c < d; c++) {
                g = this.getByCid(a[c]) || this.get(a[c]);
                if (!g) continue;
                delete this._byId[g.id], delete this._byCid[g.cid], e = this.indexOf(g), this.models.splice(e, 1), this.length--, b.silent || (b.index = e, g.trigger("remove", g, this, b)), this._removeReference(g)
            return this
        push: function (a, b) {
            return a = this._prepareModel(a, b), this.add(a, b), a
        pop: function (a) {
            var b = this.at(this.length - 1);
            return this.remove(b, a), b
        unshift: function (a, b) {
            return a = this._prepareModel(a, b), this.add(a, f.extend({
                at: 0
            }, b)), a
        shift: function (a) {
            var b = this.at(0);
            return this.remove(b, a), b
        get: function (a) {
            return a == null ? void 0 : this._byId[a.id != null ? a.id : a]
        getByCid: function (a) {
            return a && this._byCid[a.cid || a]
        at: function (a) {
            return this.models[a]
        where: function (a) {
            return f.isEmpty(a) ? [] : this.filter(function (b) {
                for (var c in a) if (a[c] !== b.get(c)) return !1;
                return !0
        sort: function (a) {
            a || (a = {});
            if (!this.comparator) throw new Error("Cannot sort a set without a comparator");
            var b = f.bind(this.comparator, this);
            return this.comparator.length == 1 ? this.models = this.sortBy(b) : this.models.sort(b), a.silent || this.trigger("reset", this, a), this
        pluck: function (a) {
            return f.map(this.models, function (b) {
                return b.get(a)
        reset: function (a, b) {
            a || (a = []), b || (b = {});
            for (var c = 0, d = this.models.length; c < d; c++) this._removeReference(this.models[c]);
            return this._reset(), this.add(a, f.extend({
                silent: !0
            }, b)), b.silent || this.trigger("reset", this, b), this
        fetch: function (a) {
            a = a ? f.clone(a) : {}, a.parse === undefined && (a.parse = !0);
            var b = this,
                c = a.success;
            return a.success = function (d, e, f) {
                b[a.add ? "add" : "reset"](b.parse(d, f), a), c && c(b, d)
            }, a.error = e.wrapError(a.error, b, a), (this.sync || e.sync).call(this, "read", this, a)
        create: function (a, b) {
            var c = this;
            b = b ? f.clone(b) : {}, a = this._prepareModel(a, b);
            if (!a) return !1;
            b.wait || c.add(a, b);
            var d = b.success;
            return b.success = function (e, f, g) {
                b.wait && c.add(e, b), d ? d(e, f) : e.trigger("sync", a, f, b)
            }, a.save(null, b), a
        parse: function (a, b) {
            return a
        chain: function () {
            return f(this.models).chain()
        _reset: function (a) {
            this.length = 0, this.models = [], this._byId = {}, this._byCid = {}
        _prepareModel: function (a, b) {
            b || (b = {});
            if (a instanceof j) a.collection || (a.collection = this);
            else {
                var c = a;
                b.collection = this, a = new this.model(c, b), a._validate(a.attributes, b) || (a = !1)
            return a
        _removeReference: function (a) {
            this == a.collection && delete a.collection, a.off("all", this._onModelEvent, this)
        _onModelEvent: function (a, b, c, d) {
            if ((a == "add" || a == "remove") && c != this) return;
            a == "destroy" && this.remove(b, d), b && a === "change:" + b.idAttribute && (delete this._byId[b.previous(b.idAttribute)], this._byId[b.id] = b), this.trigger.apply(this, arguments)
    var l = ["forEach", "each", "map", "reduce", "reduceRight", "find", "detect", "filter", "select", "reject", "every", "all", "some", "any", "include", "contains", "invoke", "max", "min", "sortBy", "sortedIndex", "toArray", "size", "first", "initial", "rest", "last", "without", "indexOf", "shuffle", "lastIndexOf", "isEmpty", "groupBy"];
    f.each(l, function (a) {
        k.prototype[a] = function () {
            return f[a].apply(f, [this.models].concat(f.toArray(arguments)))
    var m = e.Router = function (a) {
        a || (a = {}), a.routes && (this.routes = a.routes), this._bindRoutes(), this.initialize.apply(this, arguments)
    }, n = /:\w+/g,
        o = /\*\w+/g,
        p = /[-[\]{}()+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g;
    f.extend(m.prototype, i, {
        initialize: function () {},
        route: function (a, b, c) {
            return e.history || (e.history = new q), f.isRegExp(a) || (a = this._routeToRegExp(a)), c || (c = this[b]), e.history.route(a, f.bind(function (d) {
                var f = this._extractParameters(a, d);
                c && c.apply(this, f), this.trigger.apply(this, ["route:" + b].concat(f)), e.history.trigger("route", this, b, f)
            }, this)), this
        navigate: function (a, b) {
            e.history.navigate(a, b)
        _bindRoutes: function () {
            if (!this.routes) return;
            var a = [];
            for (var b in this.routes) a.unshift([b, this.routes[b]]);
            for (var c = 0, d = a.length; c < d; c++) this.route(a[c][0], a[c][1], this[a[c][1]])
        _routeToRegExp: function (a) {
            return a = a.replace(p, "\\$&").replace(n, "([^/]+)").replace(o, "(.*?)"), new RegExp("^" + a + "$")
        _extractParameters: function (a, b) {
            return a.exec(b).slice(1)
    var q = e.History = function () {
        this.handlers = [], f.bindAll(this, "checkUrl")
    }, r = /^[#\/]/,
        s = /msie [\w.]+/;
    q.started = !1, f.extend(q.prototype, i, {
        interval: 50,
        getHash: function (a) {
            var b = a ? a.location : window.location,
                c = b.href.match(/#(.*)$/);
            return c ? c[1] : ""
        getFragment: function (a, b) {
            if (a == null) if (this._hasPushState || b) {
                a = window.location.pathname;
                var c = window.location.search;
                c && (a += c)
            } else a = this.getHash();
            return a.indexOf(this.options.root) || (a = a.substr(this.options.root.length)), a.replace(r, "")
        start: function (a) {
            if (q.started) throw new Error("Backbone.history has already been started");
            q.started = !0, this.options = f.extend({}, {
                root: "/"
            }, this.options, a), this._wantsHashChange = this.options.hashChange !== !1, this._wantsPushState = !! this.options.pushState, this._hasPushState = !! (this.options.pushState && window.history && window.history.pushState);
            var b = this.getFragment(),
                c = document.documentMode,
                d = s.exec(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()) && (!c || c <= 7);
            d && (this.iframe = g('<iframe src="javascript:0" tabindex="-1" />').hide().appendTo("body")[0].contentWindow, this.navigate(b)), this._hasPushState ? g(window).bind("popstate", this.checkUrl) : this._wantsHashChange && "onhashchange" in window && !d ? g(window).bind("hashchange", this.checkUrl) : this._wantsHashChange && (this._checkUrlInterval = setInterval(this.checkUrl, this.interval)), this.fragment = b;
            var e = window.location,
                h = e.pathname == this.options.root;
            if (this._wantsHashChange && this._wantsPushState && !this._hasPushState && !h) return this.fragment = this.getFragment(null, !0), window.location.replace(this.options.root + "#" + this.fragment), !0;
            this._wantsPushState && this._hasPushState && h && e.hash && (this.fragment = this.getHash().replace(r, ""), window.history.replaceState({}, document.title, e.protocol + "//" + e.host + this.options.root + this.fragment));
            if (!this.options.silent) return this.loadUrl()
        stop: function () {
            g(window).unbind("popstate", this.checkUrl).unbind("hashchange", this.checkUrl), clearInterval(this._checkUrlInterval), q.started = !1
        route: function (a, b) {
                route: a,
                callback: b
        checkUrl: function (a) {
            var b = this.getFragment();
            b == this.fragment && this.iframe && (b = this.getFragment(this.getHash(this.iframe)));
            if (b == this.fragment) return !1;
            this.iframe && this.navigate(b), this.loadUrl() || this.loadUrl(this.getHash())
        loadUrl: function (a) {
            var b = this.fragment = this.getFragment(a),
                c = f.any(this.handlers, function (a) {
                    if (a.route.test(b)) return a.callback(b), !0
            return c
        navigate: function (a, b) {
            if (!q.started) return !1;
            if (!b || b === !0) b = {
                trigger: b
            var c = (a || "").replace(r, "");
            if (this.fragment == c) return;
            this._hasPushState ? (c.indexOf(this.options.root) != 0 && (c = this.options.root + c), this.fragment = c, window.history[b.replace ? "replaceState" : "pushState"]({}, document.title, c)) : this._wantsHashChange ? (this.fragment = c, this._updateHash(window.location, c, b.replace), this.iframe && c != this.getFragment(this.getHash(this.iframe)) && (b.replace || this.iframe.document.open().close(), this._updateHash(this.iframe.location, c, b.replace))) : window.location.assign(this.options.root + a), b.trigger && this.loadUrl(/blog_article/a/index.html)
        _updateHash: function (a, b, c) {
            c ? a.replace(a.toString().replace(/(javascript:|#).*$/, "") + "#" + b) : a.hash = b
    var t = e.View = function (a) {
        this.cid = f.uniqueId("view"), this._configure(a || {}), this._ensureElement(), this.initialize.apply(this, arguments), this.delegateEvents()
    }, u = /^(\S+)\s*(.*)$/,
        v = ["model", "collection", "el", "id", "attributes", "className", "tagName"];
    f.extend(t.prototype, i, {
        tagName: "div",
        $: function (a) {
            return this.$el.find(a)
        initialize: function () {},
        render: function () {
            return this
        remove: function () {
            return this.$el.remove(), this
        make: function (a, b, c) {
            var d = document.createElement(a);
            return b && g(d).attr(b), c && g(d).html(c), d
        setElement: function (a, b) {
            return this.$el && this.undelegateEvents(), this.$el = a instanceof g ? a : g(a), this.el = this.$el[0], b !== !1 && this.delegateEvents(), this
        delegateEvents: function (a) {
            if (!a && !(a = A(this, "events"))) return;
            for (var b in a) {
                var c = a[b];
                f.isFunction(c) || (c = this[a[b]]);
                if (!c) throw new Error('Method "' + a[b] + '" does not exist');
                var d = b.match(u),
                    e = d[1],
                    g = d[2];
                c = f.bind(c, this), e += ".delegateEvents" + this.cid, g === "" ? this.$el.bind(e, c) : this.$el.delegate(g, e, c)
        undelegateEvents: function () {
            this.$el.unbind(".delegateEvents" + this.cid)
        _configure: function (a) {
            this.options && (a = f.extend({}, this.options, a));
            for (var b = 0, c = v.length; b < c; b++) {
                var d = v[b];
                a[d] && (this[d] = a[d])
            this.options = a
        _ensureElement: function () {
            if (!this.el) {
                var a = A(this, "attributes") || {};
                this.id && (a.id = this.id), this.className && (a["class"] = this.className), this.setElement(this.make(this.tagName, a), !1)
            } else this.setElement(this.el, !1)
    var w = function (a, b) {
        var c = z(this, a, b);
        return c.extend = this.extend, c
    j.extend = k.extend = m.extend = t.extend = w;
    var x = {
        create: "POST",
        update: "PUT",
        "delete": "DELETE",
        read: "GET"
    e.sync = function (a, b, c) {
        var d = x[a];
        c || (c = {});
        var h = {
            type: d,
            dataType: "json"
        return c.url || (h.url = A(b, "url") || B()), !c.data && b && (a == "create" || a == "update") && (h.contentType = "application/json", h.data = JSON.stringify(b.toJSON())), e.emulateJSON && (h.contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", h.data = h.data ? {
            model: h.data
        } : {}), e.emulateHTTP && (d === "PUT" || d === "DELETE") && (e.emulateJSON && (h.data._method = d), h.type = "POST", h.beforeSend = function (a) {
            a.setRequestHeader("X-HTTP-Method-Override", d)
        }), h.type !== "GET" && !e.emulateJSON && (h.processData = !1), g.ajax(f.extend(h, c))
    }, e.wrapError = function (a, b, c) {
        return function (d, e) {
            e = d === b ? e : d, a ? a(b, e, c) : b.trigger("error", b, e, c)
    var y = function () {}, z = function (a, b, c) {
        var d;
        return b && b.hasOwnProperty("constructor") ? d = b.constructor : d = function () {
            a.apply(this, arguments)
        }, f.extend(d, a), y.prototype = a.prototype, d.prototype = new y, b && f.extend(d.prototype, b), c && f.extend(d, c), d.prototype.constructor = d, d.__super__ = a.prototype, d
    }, A = function (a, b) {
        return !a || !a[b] ? null : f.isFunction(a[b]) ? a[b]() : a[b]
    }, B = function () {
        throw new Error('A "url" property or function must be specified')
}.call(this), window.Swipe = function (a, b) {
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        this.slide(this.index, 0), this.container.style.visibility = "visible"
    slide: function (a, b) {
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    getPos: function () {
        return this.index
    prev: function (a) {
        this.delay = a || 0, clearTimeout(this.interval), this.index && this.slide(this.index - 1, this.speed)
    next: function (a) {
        this.delay = a || 0, clearTimeout(this.interval), this.index < this.length - 1 ? this.slide(this.index + 1, this.speed) : this.slide(0, this.speed)
    begin: function () {
        var a = this;
        this.interval = this.delay ? setTimeout(function () {
        }, this.delay) : 0
    stop: function () {
        this.delay = 0, clearTimeout(this.interval)
    resume: function () {
        this.delay = this.options.auto || 0, this.begin()
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        case "webkitTransitionEnd":
        case "msTransitionEnd":
        case "oTransitionEnd":
        case "transitionend":
        case "resize":
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            pageY: a.touches[0].pageY,
            time: Number(new Date)
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    onTouchEnd: function (a) {
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            c = !this.index && this.deltaX > 0 || this.index == this.length - 1 && this.deltaX < 0;
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}, window.App = window.App || {}, App.version = "0.9.0", App.fadeInTime = 180, App.errorMessage = "网络连接失败,请稍后重试", App.cartIsFullMsg = "购物车已满,请进行删除整理", App.addCartSuccMsg = "加入购物车成功!", App.addFavSuccMsg = "加入收藏夹成功!", App.defaultImage = "http://img02.taobaocdn.com/tps/i2/T1BJ9WXl4eXXXXXXXX-200-200.jpg", App.run = function (a) {
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    var b = a.split(":")[0],
        c = App[b],
        d = a.split(":")[1];
    if (c == null) throw "App#run -- App." + b + " not defined";
    if (c[d] == null) throw "App#run -- App." + b + " has no such method: " + d;
    c[d].apply(c, [].slice.call(arguments, 1))
}, App.convertImages = function (a, b) {
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    if ({}.toString.call(a) == "[object String]") return c(a, b);
    if ({}.toString.call(a) == "[object Array]") {
        var d, e = [];
        for (var f = 0; f < a.length; f++) e.push(c(a[f], b));
        return e
    throw "Invalid arguments"
}, App.logUserAction = function (a) {
        url: App.data.logAjaxUrl,
        data: {
            pds: a,
            t: +(new Date)
}, App.tabsFocus = function () {
    window.scroll(0, $("#tabs").offset().top)
function (a) {
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}(Zepto), window.H5 || (window.H5 = {}), H5.creditToRank = function (a) {
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function (a) {
    a.swipeTopTouch = function (b) {
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            el: null,
            direction: "y",
            limitDirection: "",
            limitLen: 20,
            noTouchFun: null,
            touchmove: null,
            touchend: null
        a.extend(c, b);
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        this.el = a(c.el)[0], this.op = c, this.isAndroid = /android/gi.test(navigator.appVersion), this._isTouch = "ontouchstart" in window, this._touchstart = "ontouchstart", this._touchmove = "ontouchmove", this._touchend = "ontouchend", this._isTouch || (this._touchstart = "onmousedown", this._touchmove = "onmousemove", this._touchend = "onmouseup"), this.init()
    }, a.extend(a.swipeTopTouch.prototype, {
        init: function () {
            var a = this;
            a.el[a._touchstart] = function (b) {
                a.start.call(a, b)
        getXY: function (a) {
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                x: b.pageX,
                y: b.pageY
        start: function (a) {
            var b = this;
            b._coord = b.getXY(a), b.el[b._touchmove] = function (a) {
                b.move.call(b, a)
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function (a) {
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function () {
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                __p.push.apply(__p, arguments)
        with(obj || {}) __p.push('  <div >\n    <a href="', url, '">已成功加入购物车,去购物车结算</a><span ></span>\n  </div>\n');
        return __p.join("")
function () {
    this.JST || (this.JST = {}), this.JST["templates/gallery"] = function (obj) {
        var __p = [],
            print = function () {
                __p.push.apply(__p, arguments)
        with(obj || {}) {
            __p.push('<div >\n  <div >\n    <a href="#" >返 回</a>\n    <a href="#" >原 图</a>\n  </div>\n  <div >\n    <ul>\n    ');
            for (var i = 0; i < images.length; i++) __p.push('\n      <li><img  data-original="', images[i], '" \n        src="/mw/base/styles/component/more/images/Loading_Taobao_320.gif"></li>\n    ');
            __p.push('\n    </ul>\n  </div>\n  <span  ></span>\n  <p ><span >1</span> / <span >', images.length, '</span></p>\n  <span  , images.length > 1 ? "" : "display: none;", '"></span>\n</div>\n')
        return __p.join("")
function () {
    this.JST || (this.JST = {}), this.JST["templates/notification"] = function (obj) {
        var __p = [],
            print = function () {
                __p.push.apply(__p, arguments)
        with(obj || {}) __p.push('<p >', message, "</p>\n"), action && __p.push('\n<div >\n  <a href="#" >立即整理</a><a href="#" >稍后再说</a>\n</div>\n'), __p.push("\n");
        return __p.join("")
function () {
    this.JST || (this.JST = {}), this.JST["templates/pagination"] = function (obj) {
        var __p = [],
            print = function () {
                __p.push.apply(__p, arguments)
        with(obj || {}) {
            __p.push('<ul>\n  <li , index == 1 ? "disabled" : "", '">上一页</li>\n  <li>\n    <span >', index, '</span>/<span >', total, '</span>\n    <span ></span>\n    <select>\n      ');
            for (var i = 1; i <= total; i++) __p.push('\n        <option value="', i, '" ', i == index ? "selected" : "", ">第", i, "页</option>\n      ");
            __p.push('\n    </select>\n  </li>\n  <li , index == total ? "disabled" : "", '">下一页</li>\n</ul>\n')
        return __p.join("")
function () {
    this.JST || (this.JST = {}), this.JST["templates/pop"] = function (obj) {
        var __p = [],
            print = function () {
                __p.push.apply(__p, arguments)
        with(obj || {}) __p.push('<div >\n  <div >\n    <span ></span>\n  </div\n</div>\n');
        return __p.join("")
function () {
    this.JST || (this.JST = {}), this.JST["templates/property"] = function (obj) {
        var __p = [],
            print = function () {
                __p.push.apply(__p, arguments)
        with(obj || {}) __p.push(""), _.each(props, function (a) {
            __p.push('\n<div >\n  <p >', a.name, ':</p>\n  <div >\n    '), _.each(a.values, function (b) {
                __p.push('\n      <a href="#" data-id="', b.id, '" data-img="', b.img || "", '" data-name="', a.name, '">\n        ', b.txt, "\n      </a>\n    ")
            }), __p.push("\n  </div>\n</div>\n")
        }), __p.push('\n<ul >\n  <li >\n    <p>请选:</p>\n    <p>', propNames, '</p>\n  </li>\n  <li  >\n    <p>已选:</p>\n    <p></p>\n  </li>\n  <li  >\n    <p>价格:</p>\n    <p><em></em>   (库存 <span>68</span> 件)</p>\n  </li>\n</ul>\n<div ><a href="#" ><span ></span></a></div>\n');
        return __p.join("")
function () {
    this.JST || (this.JST = {}), this.JST["templates/recommend"] = function (obj) {
        var __p = [],
            print = function () {
                __p.push.apply(__p, arguments)
        with(obj || {}) {
            __p.push('<header>\n  <h1>本店推荐产品</h1>\n</header>\n<div >\n  <ul>\n    ');
            for (var i = 0; i < Math.ceil(Math.min(items.length, 15) / 3); i++) {
                __p.push('\n      <li>\n        <div >\n          ');
                for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) __p.push("\n            "), items[i * 3 + j] && (__p.push('\n              <div >\n                <a href="', items[i * 3 + j].link, '">\n                  <img  data-original="', items[i * 3 + j].img, '" src="/mw/base/styles/component/more/images/Loading_Taobao_320.gif">\n                </a>\n                '), items[i * 3 + j].price && __p.push("\n                  <p>¥ ", items[i * 3 + j].price, "</p>\n                "), __p.push("\n              </div>\n            ")), __p.push("\n          ");
                __p.push("\n        </div>\n      </li>\n    ")
            __p.push("\n  </ul>\n</div>\n\n");
            if (items.length > 3) {
                __p.push('\n<ul >\n  <li ><span ></span></li>\n  ');
                for (var i = 0; i < Math.ceil(Math.min(items.length, 15) / 3); i++) __p.push('\n    <li , i == 0 ? "active" : "", '"></li>\n  ');
                __p.push('\n  <li ><span ></span></li>\n</ul> \n')
        return __p.join("")
function () {
    this.JST || (this.JST = {}), this.JST["templates/review"] = function (obj) {
        var __p = [],
            print = function () {
                __p.push.apply(__p, arguments)
        with(obj || {}) __p.push(""), reviews.length ? (__p.push("\n<ul>\n  "), _.each(reviews, function (a) {
            __p.push("\n  <li>\n    "), !tmall && !noReviewIcons && __p.push('\n      <span , a.type, '"></span>\n    '), __p.push('\n    <div >\n      <p >', a.text, "</p>\n      "), a.reply && __p.push('\n        <p ><em>卖家回复:</em>', a.reply, "</p>\n      "), __p.push('\n      <p >', a.deal, '</p>\n      <p >', a.user, '<span >', a.rank, "</span>", a.date, "</p>\n    </div>\n  </li>\n  ")
        }), __p.push("\n</ul>\n")) : __p.push('\n  <p >', message, "</p>\n"), __p.push("\n");
        return __p.join("")
function (a) {
    App.ActionView = Backbone.View.extend({
        events: {
            "click .btn-buy": "placeOrder",
            "click .btn-cart": "addToCart"
        initialize: function () {
            var a = App.data;
            this.tmall = a.tmall, this.itemId = a.itemId, this.hasProps = a.hasProps, this.prevSkuId = a.prevSkuId, this.reAddCart = a.reAddCart, this.reAddFav = a.reAddFav, this.loginUrl = a.loginUrl.replace(/&/g, "&"), this.addCartUrl = a.addCartUrl.replace(/&/g, "&"), this.addFavUrl = a.addFavUrl.replace(/&/g, "&"), this.bindFavAction(), this.tmall && this.$(".btn-buy").addClass("btn-tmall")
        addToCart: function (b) {
            b.preventDefault(), App.logUserAction("addcart#h#detail");
            var c = this;
            this.hasProps && !a("#sku-id").val() ? App.run("skuView:unfold") : a.ajax({
                url: this.addCartUrl,
                dataType: "jsonp",
                data: {
                    skuId: this.hasProps ? a("#sku-id").val() : ""
                success: function (b) {
                    b = b || {};
                    if (b.status == "true") {
                        App.run("notificationView:notify", App.addCartSuccMsg), c._renderCartUrl();
                    if (b.errorCode == "NOT_LOGINED") {
                        window.location = c._appendRedirectUrl(c.loginUrl, "%26func=cart%26skuId=" + a("#sku-id").val());
                    if (b.total >= 50) {
                        App.run("notificationView:notify", App.cartIsFullMsg, !0);
                    App.run("notificationView:notify", b.error || App.errorMessage)
                error: function () {
                    App.run("notificationView:notify", App.errorMessage)
        bindFavAction: function () {
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            a(".fav.btn").on("click", function (c) {
                c.preventDefault(), App.logUserAction("addfav#h#detail"), a.ajax({
                    url: b.addFavUrl,
                    dataType: "jsonp",
                    success: function (c) {
                        c = c || {}, c.addFav ? (a(".fav.btn").addClass("faved"), App.run("notificationView:notify", App.addFavSuccMsg)) : c.msg.search("请登录后操作") > -1 ? window.location = b._appendRedirectUrl(b.loginUrl, "%26func=fav") : (App.run("notificationView:notify", c.msg || App.errorMessage), c.msg.search("您已经收藏过了") > -1 && a(".fav.btn").addClass("faved"))
                    error: function () {
                        App.run("notificationView:notify", App.errorMessage)
        placeOrder: function (b) {
            b.preventDefault(), App.logUserAction("buynow#h#detail");
            if (this.hasProps && !a("#sku-id").val()) App.run("skuView:unfold");
            else {
                if (App.plugins && typeof App.plugins.buy == "function") {
        performPreviousAction: function (b) {
            if (!(window.localStorage && localStorage.getItem && localStorage.setItem)) return;
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                d = c ? JSON.parse(c) : {
                    id: this.itemId,
                    hasAddedCart: !1,
                    hasAddedFav: !1
            if (d.id == this.itemId) {
                if (d.hasAddedCart && this.reAddCart || d.hasAddedFav && this.reAddFav) return
            } else d.id = this.itemId, d.hasAddedCart = !1, d.hasAddedFav = !1, localStorage.setItem("[detail]funcStates", JSON.stringify(d));
            if (!this.reAddCart && !this.reAddFav) return;
            if (this.hasProps && b) {
                for (var e in b) if (this.prevSkuId == b[e].skuId) {
                    App.run("skuView:restore", e.split(";"));
            this.reAddCart && this.$(".btn-cart").trigger("click") && (d.hasAddedCart = !0), this.reAddFav && a(".fav.btn").trigger("click") && (d.hasAddedFav = !0), localStorage.setItem("[detail]funcStates", JSON.stringify(d))
        _appendRedirectUrl: function (a, b) {
            var c = a.split("&");
            for (var d = 0; d < c.length; d++) if (c[d].search("tpl_redirect_url") > -1) {
                c[d] = c[d] + b;
            return c.join("&")
        _renderCartUrl: function () {
            if (a(".go-cart").length) return;
            return this.$el.after(JST["templates/cart"]({
                url: App.data.myCartUrl
            })), this
function (a) {
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                total: 0,
                pages: [undefined]
            }, this.firstRender = !0
        getData: function () {
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                url: this.url,
                dataType: "json",
                success: function (a) {
                    b.data.pages = [undefined].concat(b._convert(a && a.pages || [])), b.data.total = a && a.pages && a.pages.length || 0, b.render()
                error: function () {}
        render: function () {
            return this.firstRender ? this.firstRender = !1 : App.tabsFocus(), this.data.index == 1 ? this.$(".table").show() : this.$(".table").hide(), this.$(".main").html(this.data.pages[this.data.index]), this.data.total > 0 && this.paginate(), this
        paginate: function () {
                index: this.data.index,
                total: this.data.total
        toPage: function (a) {
            this.data.index = a, this.render()
        changePage: function (b) {
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            var b = [];
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                var d = a[c].replace(/<img[^>]+taobao[^>]+jpg[^>]*>/ig, function (a) {
                    if (a.search(/\d+x\d+\.jpg/) > -1 || a.match(/jpg/g).length > 1) return a;
                    var b = a.indexOf("jpg"),
                        c = App.data.imgScale == 2 ? "_400x400.jpg" : "_310x310.jpg";
                    return a.slice(0, b + 3) + c + a.slice(b + 3)
            return b
function (a) {
    App.GalleryView = Backbone.View.extend({
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        render: function () {
            var a = this.template({
                images: this.images
            return this.$el.html(a), this
        setup: function () {
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            }), this.slide.swipe = !0, this.slide.prevIndex = 0, this.slide.load(), this.$(".arrow.left").on("click", function () {
                a.slide.prev(), a.slide.swipe = !1
            }), this.$(".arrow.right").on("click", function () {
                a.slide.next(), a.slide.swipe = !1
            }), this
        fullScreen: function () {
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        restore: function () {
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        showOrig: function () {
            App.logUserAction("originalpic#h#detail"), window.location = App.data.images[this.slide.index]
function (a) {
    App.NotificationView = Backbone.View.extend({
        className: "notification",
        events: {
            "click .now": "goToCart",
            "click .later": "later"
        template: JST["templates/notification"],
        initialize: function () {
            this.myCartUrl = App.data.myCartUrl, this.cleanNowUrl = App.data.cleannowUrl
        render: function () {
            return this.$el.html(this.template({
                message: "",
                action: !0
            })), a(".detail").prepend(this.el), this.$el.hide().css("z-index", "999"), this
        notify: function (a, b) {
            var c = this;
            return this.$(".message").text(a), b ? this.$(".action").show() : (this.$(".action").hide(), setTimeout(function () {
            }, 2e3)), this.show(), this
        goToCart: function () {
            this.$el.hide(), window.location = this.myCartUrl
        later: function () {
            this.hide(), App.logUserAction("clearnlater#h#cart")
        show: function () {
            this.$el.show(), this.$el.animate({
                top: 0
            }, 200)
        hide: function () {
                top: -90
            }, 200);
            var a = this;
            setTimeout(function () {
            }, 200)
function (a) {
    App.RecommendView = Backbone.View.extend({
        template: JST["templates/recommend"],
        initialize: function () {
            this.url = App.data.recommendAjaxUrl, this.tmall = App.data.tmall, this.items = []
        render: function () {
            var a = this;
            if (this.items.length == 0) {
            return this.convertImages(), this.$el.html(this.template({
                items: this.items
            })), this.tmall && this.$(".pager").addClass("tmall"), this.slide = new Swipe(this.$(".slide")[0], {
                preload: !0,
                callback: function () {
            }), this.slide.load(), this.$(".prev").bind("click", function () {
            }), this.$(".next").bind("click", function () {
                a.slide.index < a.slide.length - 1 && a.slide.next()
            }), this
        listen: function () {
            function c(d) {
                d.preventDefault(), b.$el.offset().top < window.pageYOffset + window.innerHeight + 500 && (b.getData(), a(window).off("scroll", c))
            var b = this;
            a(window).on("scroll", c)
        getData: function () {
            var b = this;
                url: this.url,
                dataType: "json",
                success: function (a) {
                    a && a.items && a.items.length && (b.items = a.items), b.hasPrice = a && a.hasPrice, b.render()
                error: function () {
        convertImages: function () {
            var a;
            for (var b = 0; b < this.items.length; b++) a = this.items[b], a.img = App.convertImages(a.img, App.data.imgScale == 2 ? "145x145" : "110x110")
function (a) {
    App.ReviewView = Backbone.View.extend({
        typeMap: {
            all: "",
            good: "1",
            ok: "0",
            bad: "-1",
            1: "good",
            0: "ok",
            "-1": "bad"
        messages: {
            all: "该宝贝没有任何评论",
            good: "该宝贝没有好评",
            ok: "该宝贝没有中评",
            bad: "该宝贝没有差评"
        events: {
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            "click  .pagination .next": "nextPage",
            "change .pagination select": "changePage"
        template: JST["templates/review"],
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                all: {
                    index: 1,
                    total: 0,
                    pages: [undefined]
                good: {
                    index: 1,
                    total: 0,
                    pages: [undefined]
                ok: {
                    index: 1,
                    total: 0,
                    pages: [undefined]
                bad: {
                    index: 1,
                    total: 0,
                    pages: [undefined]
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        render: function (a, b) {
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                d = this.template({
                    type: a,
                    tmall: this.tmall,
                    reviews: c,
                    noReviewIcons: this.noReviewIcons,
                    message: this.messages[a]
            return this.$(".main").html(d), this.paginate(), this.changeTypeTab(), this.folded && this.fold(), this
        getData: function (b, c) {
            var d = this;
            this.xhr && this.xhr.abort(), this.xhr = a.ajax({
                url: this.url,
                data: {
                    rateRs: this.typeMap[b],
                    p: c,
                    ps: 10
                dataType: "json",
                success: function (a) {
                    d.type = b, d.data[b].index = c, d.data[b].total = a && a.total || 0, d.data[b].pages[c] = a && d._convert(a.items || []), d.render(b, c)
                error: function () {}
        paginate: function () {
            if (this.getTotal() == 0) return;
                index: this.getIndex(),
                total: this.getTotal()
        changeTypeTab: function () {
            var b = this.type;
            this.$(".types li").removeClass("active").each(function () {
                var c = a(this);
                c.attr("data-tab") == b && c.addClass("active")
        getIndex: function () {
            return this.data[this.type].index
        getTotal: function () {
            return this.data[this.type].total
        toType: function (b) {
            var c = a(b.target).attr("data-tab"),
                d = this.data[c].index;
            this.data[c].pages[d] == null ? this.getData(c, d) : (this.type = c, this.render(c, d)), c == "all" ? App.logUserAction("sayall#h#detail") : c == "good" ? App.logUserAction("saygood#h#detail") : c == "ok" ? App.logUserAction("saynormal#h#detail") : c == "bad" && App.logUserAction("saybad#h#detail")
        toPage: function (a) {
            this.data[this.type].pages[a] == null ? this.getData(this.type, a) : (this.data[this.type].index = a, this.render(this.type, a))
        prevPage: function () {
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            if (a == 1) return;
            this.toPage(--a), App.logUserAction("reuppage#h#detail")
        nextPage: function () {
            var a = this.data[this.type].index,
                b = this.data[this.type].total;
            if (a == b) return;
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        changePage: function (b) {
        fold: function (b) {
            this.$(".types").hide(), this.$(".pagination").hide(), this.$(".fold .arrow").removeClass("up").addClass("down"), this.$(".main li").each(function (b) {
                b > 2 && a(this).hide()
            }), this.firstFold ? this.firstFold = !1 : App.tabsFocus(), b && App.logUserAction("hidecomment#h#detail")
        unfold: function (a) {
            this.$(".types").show(), this.$(".main li").show(), this.$(".pagination").show(), this.$(".fold .arrow").removeClass("down").addClass("up"), a && App.logUserAction("morecomment#h#detail")
        toggle: function (a) {
            a.preventDefault(), this.folded ? (this.unfold(a), this.folded = !1) : (this.fold(a), this.folded = !0)
        _convert: function (b) {
            function c(a) {
                var b = H5.creditToRank(a),
                    c = ["", "颗心", "颗黄钻", "金冠", "紫冠"],
                    d = Math.ceil(b / 5),
                    e = (b - 5 * (d - 1)) % 6;
                return b ? e + " " + c[d] : ""
            var d = this,
                e = [];
            return a.each(b, function (a, b) {
                    type: d.typeMap[b.type],
                    text: b.text,
                    date: b.date,
                    deal: b.deal,
                    reply: b.reply,
                    user: b.buyer,
                    rank: c(b.credit)
            }), e
function (a) {
    App.data.coins = a(".price .coins").text(), App.data.promoPrice = a(".price .promo-price").text(), App.SkuView = Backbone.View.extend({
        template: JST["templates/property"],
        events: {
            "click .ctrl": "fold",
            "click .props": "unfold",
            "click .values a": "select"
        initialize: function () {
            this.url = App.data.propsAjaxUrl, App.data.tmall && this.$el.addClass("tmall")
        render: function () {
            this.propNames = _.pluck(this.skuProps, "name"), this.formatedPropNames = this.format(this.propNames);
            var a = this.template({
                props: this.skuProps,
                propNames: this.formatedPropNames
            }).replace(/\s*\n\s*/g, "");
            return this.$(".main").html(a), this.adjust(), this.fold(), this
        format: function (a) {
            return _(a).map(function (a) {
                return " “<em>" + a + "</em>” "
            }).join(" ")
        getData: function () {
            var b = this;
                url: b.url,
                dataType: "json",
                success: function (a) {
                    b.skuProps = a && a.skuProps || [], b.availSKUs = a && a.availSKUs || {}, b.render(), App.run("actionView:performPreviousAction", b.availSKUs)
                error: function () {
        select: function (b) {
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                            f = !0;
                        f || d.eq(a).addClass("disabled")
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        fold: function (a) {
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function (a) {
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                el: ".sales .action"
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                el: ".description"
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                el: ".recommend"
            }), App.recommendView.listen(), App.data.taoPlus && this.initTaoPlus()
        index: function () {
        gallery: function () {
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            }), a(".review-count").on("click", function () {
                App.logUserAction("getcomment#h#detail"), a("#tabs li").removeClass("active").eq(0).addClass("active"), a(".review").show(), a(".description").hide()
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                onShow: function () {
                onHide: function () {
        start: function () {
    }), a(function () {
        (new App.Router).start()


getData: function (b, c) {
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            this.xhr && this.xhr.abort(), this.xhr = a.ajax({
                url: this.url,
                data: {
                    rateRs: this.typeMap[b],
                    p: c,
                    ps: 10
                dataType: "json",
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                    d.type = b, d.data[b].index = c, d.data[b].total = a && a.total || 0, d.data[b].pages[c] = a && d._convert(a.items || []), d.render(b, c)
                error: function () {}

这里的data中的3个参数rateRs, p, ps即为要查找的参数。



{"index":2,"items":[{"annoy":0,"buyer":"xxx","credit":91,"date":"2012-07-17","deal":"","rateId":19890633089,"text":"发货超快,经济实惠,以后就买你家产品了","type":0},{"annoy":0,"buyer":"xxx","credit":91,"date":"2012-07-16","deal":"","rateId":19859269704,"reply":"感谢您对我们的肯定和支持,非常感谢您对我们的服务认可,衷心的希望您能常来我们店!!!!o(∩_∩)o","text":"不好意思啊,确认晚了,发货速度很快,客服的态度也很好,特别是小依,有什么问题总能很快的得到答复.这已经是第三次购买了.","type":0},{"annoy":0,"buyer":"xxx","credit":501,"date":"2012-07-14","deal":"","rateId":19823225928,"reply":"亲,十一坊的纯的乳清蛋白粉溶解度是很好的,如果您说的其它品牌溶解速度快,那是因为那款产品里面加了速溶剂,而速溶剂属于添加剂呀,所以希望你能理解这点。另外十一坊纯乳清蛋白粉的原料是新西兰原产地纯牛奶提炼的,不知道怎么亲会闻出来羊奶味,我们有相关资质可以作证的,希望亲在好好闻闻哈!","text":"蛋白粉是我用过的的,外观最细腻的,泡沫最多的一款蛋白粉,同样也是奶味最浓的一款蛋白粉,有很浓的羊奶膻味,,(注意不是牛奶,不知为什么,)但是和美国大品牌蛋白粉比起来溶解度差,美国大品牌都是见水吉化,这款差点","type":0},{"annoy":0,"buyer":"xxx","credit":11,"date":"2012-07-14","deal":"","rateId":19816990927,"text":"好","type":0},{"annoy":0,"buyer":"xxx","credit":91,"date":"2012-07-13","deal":"","rateId":19801085374,"reply":"亲,多多关注我们店铺哦,还有更多优惠进行中~~~","text":"第二次购买了,不错的卖家。以后还会回来买。","type":0},{"annoy":0,"buyer":"xxx09","credit":11,"date":"2012-07-12","deal":"","rateId":19756966488,"reply":"感谢您对我们的肯定和支持,衷心的希望您能常来我们店!","text":"很好,有赠品和挂奖卡带金卡","type":0},{"annoy":0,"buyer":"xxx","credit":91,"date":"2012-07-11","deal":"","rateId":19726634975,"reply":"非常感谢您对店的支持~~~","text":"hao dong xi","type":0},{"annoy":0,"buyer":"xxx","credit":251,"date":"2012-07-09","deal":"","rateId":19678002719,"reply":"感谢您对我们的肯定和支持,衷心的希望您能常来我们店!","text":"很好,超划算,下次再来,谢谢小礼物","type":0},{"annoy":0,"buyer":"xxx","credit":251,"date":"2012-07-09","deal":"","rateId":19675522722,"text":"第一次来,卖家服务真好,还送了礼物,哈,还中了三等奖,别然小礼品一份,但也可看出卖家的用心,好评,会常来。","type":0},{"annoy":1,"buyer":"a**0","credit":41,"date":"2012-07-09","deal":"","rateId":19673848752,"text":"妈妈吃了,感觉还可以。坚持吃看看效果了哇。谢谢卖家的晓礼物哦","type":0},{"annoy":0,"buyer":"xxx","credit":41,"date":"2012-07-09","deal":"","rateId":19670631439,"reply":"亲,多多关注我们店铺哦,还有更多优惠进行中~~~","text":"一如即往的好,老顾客了","type":0},{"annoy":0,"buyer":"xxxx","credit":282,"date":"2012-07-06","deal":"","rateId":19611318847,"reply":"亲们若有疑问请拨打十一坊免费营养咨询热线:800 888 9988 ,非常感谢您对店的支持,祝您天天好心情~~","text":"发货速度很快,物流也很好。虽没查证,但感觉是正品,买家服务态度也很好,落发了一个摇摇杯说要给我寄过来,正在吃希望有效果,有效果再来喽!全5分好评了。。。。。","type":0},{"annoy":1,"buyer":"3**王","credit":4,"date":"2012-07-06","deal":"","rateId":19607636363,"text":"可以","type":0},{"annoy":0,"buyer":"xxx","credit":152,"date":"2012-07-06","deal":"","rateId":19596872786,"text":"蛋白粉一直在吃非常好","type":0},{"annoy":0,"buyer":"xxx","credit":152,"date":"2012-07-03","deal":"","rateId":19522938766,"text":"谢谢送的小赠品,还没喝不过看上去还不错","type":0}],"total":9}



ps表示page size;


rateRs应该为评价结果,取值如下:all, good, ok, bad, 1, 0, -1. 但是加上这个参数没有起作用,不知什么原因。


注:为避免商家及买家用户信息泄露,对敏感处以xxx取代。本文仅供技术研究,不得用于其他非正常或非法用途,“Don't be evil". 转载请注明出处(http://blog.csdn.net/wave_1102/article/details/7829911)。


[2] win7笔记本电脑干wifi热点
    来源: 互联网  发布时间: 2014-02-18















[3] hibernate拦截器的用处之一
    来源: 互联网  发布时间: 2014-02-18

举个实际的例子, 偶们有时候会需要做Audit: 一条记录什么时候被谁创建, 以及最近由谁在何时更新, 以前的做法是在代码里面各处分散地写上:
  • entity.setCreated(new Date(););;    
  • entity.setCreatedBy(userId);;    
  • session.save(entity);;  

    这样重复的代码就到处都是了, 很不爽呢, OOP号称的once and only once不应该是这样的吧, 让偶们来看看Interceptor它怎么帮忙解决这个问题

  • public interface Auditable {    
  •     public AuditInfo getAuditInfo();;    
  •     public void setAuditInfo(AuditInfo auditInfo);;    
  • }   

    然后是AuditInfo, 用来记录这些信息:
  • Java代码
  • public final class AuditInfo implements Serializable {    
  •     private Date lastUpdated;    
  •     private Date created;    
  •     private String updatedBy;    
  •     private String createdBy;    
  •     //getter, setter   
  • }   

  • 如果偶们的一个业务对象需要有这样能够被Audit的功能, 那么就让它实现Auditable这个接口:
  • public class FooBean implements Auditable {    
  •     private Long id;   
  •     private String bar;        
  •     private AuditInfo auditInfo = new AuditInfo();;    
  •     //getter, setter   
  • }   

  • <class name="FooBean">    
  •  <id name="id">    
  •   <generator />    
  •  </id>    
  •  <property name="bar"/>    
  •  <property name="auditInfo" type="readonly.persistence.hibernate.type.AuditInfoType">    
  •    <column name="LAST_UPDATED"/>    
  •    <column name="CREATED"/>    
  •    <column name="UPDATED_BY"/>    
  •    <column name="CREATED_BY"/>    
  •  </property>    
  • </class>   
  •  <class name="FooBean"> 
      <id name="id"> 
       <generator /> 
      <property name="bar"/> 
      <property name="auditInfo" type="readonly.persistence.hibernate.type.AuditInfoType"> 
        <column name="LAST_UPDATED"/> 
        <column name="CREATED"/> 
        <column name="UPDATED_BY"/> 
        <column name="CREATED_BY"/> 

    然后告诉Hibernate, 在打开session的时候用一个自定义的Interceptor :

  • public void testCreated(); {    
  •     Session session = sf.openSession (new MockAuditInterceptor(););;   
  •     FooBean foo = new FooBean();;    
  •     foo.setBar("abc");;    
  •     session.save(foo);;   
  •     session.flush();;   
  •     session.close();;   
  •     assertNotNull(foo.getAuditInfo();.getCreated(););;    
  •     assertEquals("mock", foo.getAuditInfo();.getCreatedBy(););;    
  • }   
  •     public void testCreated(); { 
            Session session = sf.openSession (new MockAuditInterceptor(););;
            FooBean foo = new FooBean();; 
            assertEquals("mock", foo.getAuditInfo();.getCreatedBy(););; 

    That's all, 比原来简单多了, 以后如果你有新的Entity需要这个特性的话, implements Auditable一下, 就OK了, 这样就达到了代码重用的目的了.

    Interceptor的用处有很多, 就看偶们怎么从一堆代码中, 总结一些可以公用的特性了, 以此类推, 还能做EntityCRUDPermissionInterceptor, HistoryInterceptor, SearchIndexInterceptor等等......

    ▪Android Touch事件分发过程详解
    ▪Android实用的代码片段 常用代码总结




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