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sql 分类汇总统计代码
来源: 互联网 发布时间:2014-08-29
本文导语: 表结构如下: id | DonTime | DonType | DonMoney |... DonType 分为三种类型:社会个人捐款、单位捐款、单位个人捐款 要求: 按照每日,分类汇总三种类别的捐赠金额总和及捐赠次数。 sql语句如下所示: 代码示例: select convert ( char(...
id | DonTime | DonType | DonMoney |...
DonType 分为三种类型:社会个人捐款、单位捐款、单位个人捐款
select convert ( char( 10 ),DonTime , 120) as DonDate , sum( DonMoney )as jz_all ,
sum (case dontype when ' 社会个人捐款 ' then DonMoney else 0 end) as jz_shgr,
count (case dontype when ' 社会个人捐款 ' then 1 else null end ) as jz_shgr_num,
sum (case dontype when ' 单位捐款' then DonMoney else 0 end ) as jz_dw ,
count (case dontype when ' 单位捐款' then DonMoney else null end) as jz_dw_num,
sum (case dontype when ' 单位个人捐款 ' then DonMoney else 0 end) as jz_dwgr,
count (case dontype when ' 单位个人捐款 ' then DonMoney else null end ) as jz_dwgr
from DonationInfo
where 1= 1
and DATEDIFF ( day, DonTime ,'2011-01-01' ) = 0
group by convert( char (10 ), DonTime, 120 )
sum (case dontype when ' 社会个人捐款 ' then DonMoney else 0 end) as jz_shgr,
count (case dontype when ' 社会个人捐款 ' then 1 else null end ) as jz_shgr_num,
sum (case dontype when ' 单位捐款' then DonMoney else 0 end ) as jz_dw ,
count (case dontype when ' 单位捐款' then DonMoney else null end) as jz_dw_num,
sum (case dontype when ' 单位个人捐款 ' then DonMoney else 0 end) as jz_dwgr,
count (case dontype when ' 单位个人捐款 ' then DonMoney else null end ) as jz_dwgr
from DonationInfo
where 1= 1
and DATEDIFF ( day, DonTime ,'2011-01-01' ) = 0
group by convert( char (10 ), DonTime, 120 )