我们可以通过ffmpeg API av_seek_frame()来定位解码的位置,该函数能根据设定的时间,定位到该时间对应的帧位置。随后我们继续使用API av_read_frame()/avcodec_decode_audio3()读取帧、并解码。
/*seek to start_time, in s*/ int internal_seek(long start_time) { int64_t seek_pos = 0; LOGD("enter internal_seek(), seek to time:%d (s)", start_time); if (start_time < 0) return -1; seek_pos = start_time*AV_TIME_BASE; if (m_format_ctx->start_time != AV_NOPTS_VALUE) seek_pos += m_format_ctx->start_time; if (av_seek_frame(m_format_ctx, -1, seek_pos, AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD) < 0) { LOGE("%s, av_seek_frame() seek to %.3f failed!", __FUNCTION__, (double)seek_pos/AV_TIME_BASE); return -2; } LOGD("exit internal_seek()"); return 0; }
Unity3D 4.x 版本之后提供了一种新的动画机制Mecanim,虽然目前还支持之前的Animation,但看到Unity3D 4.3 预览版里Sprite的动画也是基于Animator的,可知Mecanim将会是以后动画播放的趋势!
在一些ARPG的游戏中,比如 端游的DNF和闯关类的街机游戏,连续按攻击键都会触发一套组合攻击,在这个过程中敌人一般是硬直状态的,而且组合攻击的最后一下一般是重击,这样做既增加了连击带来的爽快感,又促使玩家在攻击时采取一定的攻击策略!
我希望能以最少的代码和设置完成这个功能,所以只添加了一个状态机参数 ActionCMD,假设 ActionCMD = 1 为进入攻击状态参数
(1)在任意3种攻击状态下,不再继续按下“攻击键”,则回到待命状态,即上图 3条白色Transition (2)在待命,攻击1,攻击2状态下,继续按下“攻击键”,则跳转到连击状态(即下一个攻击状态),即上图3条蓝色Transition// 使用字符串变量保存当前状态,避免多处引用写错 private static readonly string IdleState = "BaseLayer.Idle"; private static readonly string AtkSliceState = "BaseLayer.AtkSlice"; private static readonly string AtkStabState = "BaseLayer.AtkStab"; private static readonly string AtkCleave = "BaseLayer.AtkCleave"; // 动画状态机参数Key private static readonly string ActionCMD = "ActionCMD"; private Animator animator = null; // 当前连击数(即 玩家按下攻击键的次数) private int curComboCount = 0;(2)在Start() 中获取Animator组件引用 (3)在Update() 中根据当前状态和输入参数促使状态切换
void Update() { AnimatorStateInfo stateInfo = this.animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0); if (!stateInfo.IsName(IdleState)) { // 每次设置完参数之后,都应该在下一帧开始时将参数设置清空,避免连续切换 this.animator.SetInteger(ActionCMD, 0); } if (stateInfo.IsName(AtkSliceState) && (stateInfo.normalizedTime > 0.6f) && (this.curComboCount == 2)) { // 当在攻击1状态下,并且当前状态运行了0.6正交化时间(即动作时长的60%),并且用户在攻击1状态下又按下了“攻击键” this.animator.SetInteger(ActionCMD, 1); } if (stateInfo.IsName(AtkStabState) && (stateInfo.normalizedTime > 0.8f) && (this.curComboCount == 3)) { // 挡在攻击2状态下(同理攻击1状态) this.animator.SetInteger(ActionCMD, 1); } if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.J)) { // 监听用户输入(假设J键为攻击键) Attack(); } }
void Attack() { AnimatorStateInfo stateInfo = this.animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0); if (stateInfo.IsName(IdleState)) { // 在待命状态下,按下攻击键,进入攻击1状态,并记录连击数为1 this.animator.SetInteger(ActionCMD, 1); this.curComboCount = 1; } else if (stateInfo.IsName(AtkSliceState)) { // 在攻击1状态下,按下攻击键,记录连击数为2(切换状态在Update()中) this.curComboCount = 2; } else if (stateInfo.IsName(AtkStabState)) { // 在攻击2状态下,按下攻击键,记录连击数为3(切换状态在Update()中) this.curComboCount = 3; } }
这里需要注意的是,在Update() 中使用的0.6和0.8 应该分别小于当前状态跳转到待命状态的参数Exit Time(这个时间也是正交化的)
/** * Initialize audio resampling context. * * @param output_channels number of output channels * @param input_channels number of input channels * @param output_rate output sample rate * @param input_rate input sample rate * @param sample_fmt_out requested output sample format * @param sample_fmt_in input sample format * @param filter_length length of each FIR filter in the filterbank relative to the cutoff frequency * @param log2_phase_count log2 of the number of entries in the polyphase filterbank * @param linear if 1 then the used FIR filter will be linearly interpolated between the 2 closest, if 0 the closest will be used * @param cutoff cutoff frequency, 1.0 corresponds to half the output sampling rate * @return allocated ReSampleContext, NULL if error occured */ ReSampleContext *av_audio_resample_init(int output_channels, int input_channels, int output_rate, int input_rate, enum AVSampleFormat sample_fmt_out, enum AVSampleFormat sample_fmt_in, int filter_length, int log2_phase_count, int linear, double cutoff); int audio_resample(ReSampleContext *s, short *output, short *input, int nb_samples); /** * Free resample context. * * @param s a non-NULL pointer to a resample context previously * created with av_audio_resample_init() */ void audio_resample_close(ReSampleContext *s);
AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16,16, 10, 0, 1
// need to do re-sample if (m_codec_ctx->sample_rate != m_out_samplerate) { LOGW("%s, need re-sample, initialize re-sample engine! out channels:%d, out sample rate:%d hz, in channels:%d, in sample rate:%d",__FUNCTION__, 2, m_out_samplerate, m_codec_ctx->channels, m_codec_ctx->sample_rate); m_resample_engine = av_audio_resample_init( 2, m_codec_ctx->channels, m_out_samplerate, m_codec_ctx->sample_rate, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16, 16, 10, 0, 1); }
frame_size = AVCODEC_MAX_AUDIO_FRAME_SIZE; memset(m_audio_buff, 0, AVCODEC_MAX_AUDIO_FRAME_SIZE); decoded_len = avcodec_decode_audio3(m_codec_ctx, (short *)m_audio_buff, &frame_size, &m_avpkt); LOGI("%s, current decoded size:%d", __FUNCTION__, decoded_len); if (decoded_len > 0) { m_avpkt.size -= decoded_len; m_avpkt.data += decoded_len; decoded_audio_len = frame_size; valid_data_pointer = m_audio_buff; // need to re-sample if (m_resample_engine) { // convert byte to short int after_resampled_len = 0; int before_resampled_len = frame_size/(2 * m_codec_ctx->channels); memset(m_audio_resampled_buff, 0, AVCODEC_MAX_AUDIO_FRAME_SIZE); after_resampled_len = audio_resample(m_resample_engine, (short *)m_audio_resampled_buff, (short *)m_audio_buff, before_resampled_len); LOGI("%s, re-sampled! length in:%d, length out:%d", __FUNCTION__, before_resampled_len, after_resampled_len); decoded_audio_len = after_resampled_len * 2 * 2; //convert short to byte, and 2 channels valid_data_pointer = m_audio_resampled_buff; } memcpy(buff+copied_len, valid_data_pointer, decoded_audio_len); copied_len += decoded_audio_len; LOGI("%s, copy1, %d bytes has copied to output buff, total:%d!", __FUNCTION__, decoded_audio_len, copied_len); }
if (m_resample_engine) { audio_resample_close(m_resample_engine); m_resample_engine = 0; }