九野的博客,转载请注明出处: http://blog.csdn.net/acmmmm/article/details/10833941
#include<stdio.h> #include<algorithm> #include<iostream> #include<set> #include<math.h> #include<string.h> #define N 25 using namespace std; int card1[N],card2[N],sum1[N],sum2[N]; int dp[N][N][N][N]; // dp[below1][top1][below2][top2] 表示当2个牌堆是这样时可以取得的最大值 inline int Max(int a,int b){return a>b?a:b;} int dfs(int below1,int top1,int below2,int top2){//返回 牌堆是这样时能取得的最大值 if(dp[below1][top1][below2][top2]!=-1)return dp[below1][top1][below2][top2]; if(below1>top1 && below2>top2) {//牌堆取完 dp[below1][top1][below2][top2]=0; return 0; } int sum=0,ans=0;//sum表示剩下牌堆的总分 if(below1<=top1)sum+= sum1[top1]-sum1[below1-1]; if(below2<=top2)sum+= sum2[top2]-sum2[below2-1]; if(below1<=top1){ ans=Max(ans,sum-dfs(below1+1,top1,below2,top2)); ans=Max(ans,sum-dfs(below1,top1-1,below2,top2)); } if(below2<=top2){ ans=Max(ans,sum-dfs(below1,top1,below2+1,top2)); ans=Max(ans,sum-dfs(below1,top1,below2,top2-1)); } return dp[below1][top1][below2][top2]=ans; } int main(){ int T,i,n;scanf("%d",&T); while(T--) { scanf("%d",&n); for(i=1;i<=n;i++)scanf("%d",&card1[i]); for(i=1;i<=n;i++)scanf("%d",&card2[i]); sum1[0]=sum2[0]=0; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) sum1[i]=sum1[i-1]+card1[i],sum2[i]=sum2[i-1]+card2[i]; memset(dp,-1,sizeof(dp)); printf("%d\n",dfs(1,n,1,n)); } return 0; }
XCode 开发后期,要对代码进行改进和优化,查内存泄漏是其中一项重要工作,今天下午偷了点时间,把前段时间的代码稍微整理了一下,顺带用了下这个工具,还真发现了些问题。这里记录一下,以备忘!
Player* l_player = new Player(); CCLog("%d", l_player->getCurrentSceneIndex()); char* l_a = (char*)malloc(100); memset(l_a, 0, 100); CCLog("%s", l_a);
选择IOS->Memory->Leaks 如上图
在Leaks下选择Call Tree, 在内存提示泄漏处展开调用的堆栈
//Delete l_pData >=-Rct-=< CC_SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(l_pData);这个问题解决。另入一处泄漏便是上面所加的测试代码
把这一处测试代码也删除,重新XCode->Profile, 所有问题解决
添加插件源码位于src/plugin.js 不再详细分析,主要用到plugman,也是Cordova 提供的用于安装和卸载插件的工具,见https://npmjs.org/package/plugman
2 命令行使用
plugman install --platform <ios|android|blackberry10|wp7|wp8> --project <directory> --plugin <name|url|path> [--plugins_dir <directory>] [--www <directory>] [--variable <name>=<value> [--variable <name>=<value> ...]] plugman uninstall --platform <ios|android|blackberr10|wp7|wp8> --project <directory> --plugin <id> [--www <directory>] [--plugins_dir <directory>]
· Using minimum parameters, installs a plugin into a cordova project. You must specify a platform and cordova project location for that platform. You also must specify a plugin, with the different --plugin parameter forms being:
o name: The directory name where the plugin contents exist. This must be an existing directory under the --plugins_dir path (see below for more info) or a plugin in the Cordova registry.
o url: A URL starting with https:// or git://, pointing to a valid git repository that is clonable and contains a plugin.xml file. The contents of this repository would be copied into the --plugins_dir.
o path: A path to a directory containing a valid plugin which includes a plugin.xml file. This path's contents will be copied into the --plugins_dir.
· --uninstall: Uninstalls an already---install'ed plugin from a cordova project. Specify the plugin ID.
Other parameters:
· --plugins_dir defaults to <project>/cordova/plugins, but can be any directory containing a subdirectory for each fetched plugin.
· --www defaults to the project's www folder location, but can be any directory that is to be used as cordova project application web assets.
· --variable allows to specify certain variables at install time, necessary for certain plugins requiring API keys or other custom, user-defined parameters. Please see the plugin specificationfor more information.
3 源码中API接口
(1)install method
module.exports = function installPlugin(platform, project_dir, id, plugins_dir, subdir, cli_variables, www_dir, callback) {
Installs a plugin into a specified cordova project of a specified platform.
· platform: one of android, ios, blackberry10, wp7 or wp8
· project_dir: path to an instance of the above specified platform's cordova project
· id: a string representing the id of the plugin, a path to a cordova plugin with a validplugin.xml file, or an https:// or git:// url to a git repository of a valid cordova plugin or a plugin published to the Cordova registry
· plugins_dir: path to directory where plugins will be stored, defaults to<project_dir>/cordova/plugins
· subdir: subdirectory within the plugin directory to consider as plugin directory root, defaults to .
· cli_variables: an object mapping cordova plugin specification variable namess (see plugin specification) to values
· www_dir: path to directory where web assets are to be copied to, defaults to the specified project directory's www dir (dependent on platform)
callback: callback to invoke once complete. If specified, will pass in an error object as a first parameter if the action failed. If not and an error occurs, plugman will throw the error
(2)uninstall method
module.exports = function uninstallPlugin(platform, project_dir, id, plugins_dir, cli_variables, www_dir, callback) {
Uninstalls a previously-installed cordova plugin from a specified cordova project of a specified platform.
· platform: one of android, ios, blackberry10, wp7 or wp8
· project_dir: path to an instance of the above specified platform's cordova project
· id: a string representing the id of the plugin
· plugins_dir: path to directory where plugins are stored, defaults to<project_dir>/cordova/plugins
· subdir: subdirectory within the plugin directory to consider as plugin directory root, defaults to .
· cli_variables: an object mapping cordova plugin specification variable namess (see plugin specification) to values
· www_dir: path to directory where web assets are to be copied to, defaults to the specified project directory's www dir (dependent on platform)
· callback: callback to invoke once complete. If specified, will pass in an error object as a first parameter if the action failed. If not and an error occurs, plugman will throw the error
(3)fetch method
Copies a cordova plugin into a single location that plugman uses to track which plugins are installed into a project.
module.exports = function fetchPlugin(plugin_dir, plugins_dir, link, subdir, git_ref, callback) {
· plugin_dir: path, URL to a plugin directory/repository or name of a plugin published to the Cordova registry.
· plugins_dir: path housing all plugins used in this project
· link: if plugin_dir points to a local path, will create a symbolic link to that folder instead of copying into plugins_dir, defaults to false
· subdir: subdirectory within the plugin directory to consider as plugin directory root, defaults to .
· gitref: if plugin_dir points to a URL, this value will be used to pass into git checkout after the repository is cloned, defaults to HEAD
· callback: callback to invoke once complete. If specified, will pass in an error object as a first parameter if the action failed. If not and an error occurs, plugman will throw the error
(4)prepare method
Finalizes plugin installation by making configuration file changes and setting up a JavaScript loader for js-module support.
module.exports = function handlePrepare(project_dir, platform, plugins_dir) {
· project_dir: path to an instance of the above specified platform's cordova project
· platform: one of android, ios, blackberry10, wp7 or wp8
· plugins_dir: path housing all plugins used in this project
4 插件目录结构
|- plugin.xml # xml-based manifest
|- src/ # native source for each platform
| |- android/
| | `- Foo.java
| `- ios/
| |- CDVFoo.h
| `- CDVFoo.m
|- README.md
`- www/
|- foo.js
`- foo.png