/* * * * Copyright �1998-2010 Research In Motion Ltd. * * Note: For the sake of simplicity, this sample application may not leverage * resource bundles and resource strings. However, it is STRONGLY recommended * that application developers make use of the localization features available * within the BlackBerry development platform to ensure a seamless application * experience across a variety of languages and geographies. For more information * on localizing your application, please refer to the BlackBerry Java Development * Environment Development Guide associated with this release. */ package com.rim.samples.device.ui.screentransitionsdemo; import net.rim.device.api.ui.*; import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.*; import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.*; /** * A sample application to demonstrate the use of the TransitionContext class to * create screen transitions. */ public final class ScreenTransitionsDemo extends UiApplication { private boolean _threadRunning; private boolean _pauseThread; private TransitionThread _tt; /** * Entry point for application * @param args Command line arguments (not used) */ public static void main(String[] args) { // Create a new instance of the application and make the currently // running thread the application's event dispatch thread. ScreenTransitionsDemo app = new ScreenTransitionsDemo(); app.enterEventDispatcher(); } /** * Creates a new ScreenTransitionsDemo object */ public ScreenTransitionsDemo() { pushScreen(new ScreenTransitionsDemoScreen()); } /** * Pauses or resumes the screen transitions thread */ public void startOrStopThread() { if(_threadRunning == false) { _tt = new TransitionThread(); _tt.start(); _threadRunning = true; } else { if(_pauseThread) { _pauseThread = false; } else { _pauseThread = true; } } } /** * MainScreen class for the ScreenTransitionsDemo application */ final class ScreenTransitionsDemoScreen extends MainScreen { /** * Creates a new ScreenTransitionsDemoScreen object */ ScreenTransitionsDemoScreen() { setTitle("Screen Transitions Demo"); add(new LabelField("Click trackball or screen to start and stop animation", Field.NON_FOCUSABLE)); } /** * @see Screen#invokeAction(int) */ protected boolean invokeAction(int action) { switch( action ) { case ACTION_INVOKE: { startOrStopThread(); return true; } } return super.invokeAction(action); } /** * @see Screen#TouchEvent(TouchEvent) */ public boolean touchEvent(TouchEvent event) { if(event.getEvent() == TouchEvent.UNCLICK) { invokeAction(ACTION_INVOKE); return true; } return super.touchEvent(event); } } /** * A thread class to present a sequence of screen transitions */ final class TransitionThread extends Thread { public static final int SLIDE = 0; public static final int FADE = 1; public static final int WIPE = 2; public static final int ZOOM = 3; boolean _pushed; /** * Default constructor */ TransitionThread() { } /** * @see Runnable#run() */ public void run() { int type = 0; while(true) { while(_pauseThread) { try { // Sleep so we don't spin sleep(500); } catch(InterruptedException e) { } } if(!_pushed) { // Push a screen to demonstrate a screen transition push(type); snooze(); } if(!_pauseThread) { pop(); } // Set the transition type for the next iteration if(type == 3) { type = 0; } else { type ++; } } } /** * Removes a TransitionScreen from the stack */ void pop() { synchronized(UiApplication.getEventLock()) { Screen activeScreen = getActiveScreen(); popScreen(activeScreen); _pushed = false; } } /** * Creates a TransitionContext object for both pushing and popping a * screen pushes a TransitionScreen onto the stack. * @param type Represents the type of screen transitions to execute */ void push(int type) { TransitionScreen screen = null; TransitionContext transitionContextIn; TransitionContext transitionContextOut; UiEngineInstance engine = Ui.getUiEngineInstance(); switch(type) { case SLIDE: screen = new TransitionScreen("Slider", Color.BEIGE); transitionContextIn = new TransitionContext(TransitionContext.TRANSITION_SLIDE); transitionContextIn.setIntAttribute(TransitionContext.ATTR_DURATION, 1000); transitionContextIn.setIntAttribute(TransitionContext.ATTR_DIRECTION, TransitionContext.DIRECTION_UP); transitionContextOut = new TransitionContext(TransitionContext.TRANSITION_SLIDE); transitionContextOut.setIntAttribute(TransitionContext.ATTR_DURATION, 1000); transitionContextOut.setIntAttribute(TransitionContext.ATTR_DIRECTION, TransitionContext.DIRECTION_DOWN); transitionContextOut.setIntAttribute(TransitionContext.ATTR_KIND, TransitionContext.KIND_OUT); engine.setTransition(null, screen, UiEngineInstance.TRIGGER_PUSH, transitionContextIn); engine.setTransition(screen, null, UiEngineInstance.TRIGGER_POP, transitionContextOut); break; case FADE: screen = new TransitionScreen("Fade", Color.TEAL); transitionContextIn = new TransitionContext(TransitionContext.TRANSITION_FADE); transitionContextIn.setIntAttribute(TransitionContext.ATTR_DURATION, 1000); transitionContextOut = new TransitionContext(TransitionContext.TRANSITION_FADE); transitionContextOut.setIntAttribute(TransitionContext.ATTR_DURATION, 1000); transitionContextOut.setIntAttribute(TransitionContext.ATTR_KIND, TransitionContext.KIND_OUT); engine.setTransition(null, screen, UiEngineInstance.TRIGGER_PUSH, transitionContextIn); engine.setTransition(screen, null, UiEngineInstance.TRIGGER_POP, transitionContextOut); break; case WIPE: screen = new TransitionScreen("Wipe", Color.LIGHTBLUE); transitionContextIn = new TransitionContext(TransitionContext.TRANSITION_WIPE); transitionContextIn.setIntAttribute(TransitionContext.ATTR_DURATION, 1000); transitionContextIn.setIntAttribute(TransitionContext.ATTR_DIRECTION, TransitionContext.DIRECTION_LEFT); transitionContextOut = new TransitionContext(TransitionContext.TRANSITION_WIPE); transitionContextOut.setIntAttribute(TransitionContext.ATTR_DURATION, 1000); transitionContextOut.setIntAttribute(TransitionContext.ATTR_DIRECTION, TransitionContext.DIRECTION_RIGHT); transitionContextOut.setIntAttribute(TransitionContext.ATTR_KIND, TransitionContext.KIND_OUT); engine.setTransition(null, screen, UiEngineInstance.TRIGGER_PUSH, transitionContextIn); engine.setTransition(screen, null, UiEngineInstance.TRIGGER_POP, transitionContextOut); break; case ZOOM: screen = new TransitionScreen("Zoom", Color.LIGHTGREEN); transitionContextIn = new TransitionContext(TransitionContext.TRANSITION_ZOOM); transitionContextIn.setIntAttribute(TransitionContext.ATTR_DURATION, 1000); transitionContextOut = new TransitionContext(TransitionContext.TRANSITION_ZOOM); transitionContextOut.setIntAttribute(TransitionContext.ATTR_DURATION, 1000); transitionContextOut.setIntAttribute(TransitionContext.ATTR_KIND, TransitionContext.KIND_OUT); engine.setTransition(null, screen, UiEngineInstance.TRIGGER_PUSH, transitionContextIn); engine.setTransition(screen, null, UiEngineInstance.TRIGGER_POP, transitionContextOut); break; } synchronized(UiApplication.getEventLock()) { pushScreen(screen); _pushed = true; } } /** * Causes this thread to pause between transitions */ private void snooze() { try { sleep(2000); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(e.toString()); } } } }
/* * * * Copyright �1998-2010 Research In Motion Ltd. * * Note: For the sake of simplicity, this sample application may not leverage * resource bundles and resource strings. However, it is STRONGLY recommended * that application developers make use of the localization features available * within the BlackBerry development platform to ensure a seamless application * experience across a variety of languages and geographies. For more information * on localizing your application, please refer to the BlackBerry Java Development * Environment Development Guide associated with this release. */ package com.rim.samples.device.ui.screentransitionsdemo; import net.rim.device.api.ui.*; import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.*; import net.rim.device.api.ui.decor.*; /** * A screen to display a Bitmap in a BitmapField, used to demonstrate screen transitions */ public class TransitionScreen extends MainScreen { /** * Creates a new TransitionScreen object */ public TransitionScreen(String title, int color) { setTitle(title); VerticalFieldManager manager = (VerticalFieldManager)getMainManager(); manager.setBackground(BackgroundFactory.createSolidBackground(color)); } /** * @see Screen#invokeAction(int) */ protected boolean invokeAction(int action) { switch( action ) { case ACTION_INVOKE: { ScreenTransitionsDemo app = (ScreenTransitionsDemo)UiApplication.getUiApplication(); app.startOrStopThread(); return true; } } return super.invokeAction(action); } /** * @see Screen#TouchEvent(TouchEvent) */ public boolean touchEvent(TouchEvent event) { if(event.getEvent() == TouchEvent.UNCLICK) { invokeAction(ACTION_INVOKE); return true; } return super.touchEvent(event); } }
private boolean checkBounds(TextView v, MotionEvent event) {
// 全局视图最外层一个View (the View that holds the UI)
View globalView = ...; // the main view of activity/application
DisplayMetrics dm = new DisplayMetrics();
int topOffset = dm.heightPixels - globalView.getMeasuredHeight();
int[] origin = new int[2];
final int x = origin[0];
final int y = origin[1] - topOffset;
if ((event.getX() > x) && (event.getX() < (x + v.getMeasuredWidth()))) {
if ((event.getY() > y) && (event.getY() < (y + v.getMeasuredHeight()))) {
return true;
return false;
Uri uri = Uri.parse(""); Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW,uri); ComponentName comp = new ComponentName("",""); intent.setComponent(comp); startActivity(intent);