1. 最开始没有做过build,加载一个页面需要n分钟,n》5.疯了,包括封装在phonegap后也是速度奇慢
2. build
使用sencha app build 命令,开始使用testing命令,方便调试,但是需要加载的app.js文件多达2m多,后来就换成package,app.js迅猛掉500k左右
3. 缓存
1) 使用html5的cache manifest ,
不成功 ,老报错,好像需要把所有的js都包含在里面才可以,没有继续尝试
1. create your cache manifest file
create a file yourappname.manifest in your application root. In the file enter all files you have to cache to make your app working offline.
in my case my rememberthecard.manifest file looks like this:
CACHE MANIFEST #rev5 index.html sencha-touch-beta-0.90/resources/css/ext-touch.css css/memory.css sencha-touch-beta-0.90/ext-touch-debug.js js/memory.all.js images/card-01.jpg images/card-02.jpg images/card-03.jpg images/card-04.jpg images/card-05.jpg images/card-06.jpg images/card-07.jpg images/card-08.jpg images/cover-leaf.jpg tablet_startup.png phone_startup.png
see all options you can use in the .manifest file here.
2. Add your manifest to your application .html file header
<!doctype html> <html manifest="yourappname.manifest">
3. Add type manifest to your apache config
Add following entry to your apache config (for example apache.conf or vhost.conf )
AddType text/cache-manifest .manifest
4. Add .htaccess with expire configuration for your *.manifest file to your app root
ExpiresActive On ExpiresDefault "access"2) 使用app.json配置中的appCache
* Used to automatically generate cache.manifest (HTML 5 application cache manifest) file when you build
"appCache": {
* List of items in the CACHE MANIFEST section
"cache": [
* List of items in the NETWORK section
"network": [
* List of items in the FALLBACK section
"fallback": []
其实最想知道如何cache最大的app.js文件,但是sencha example中还没有这样的例子,先提供点思路给大家参考吧,共同研究下
defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles YES
defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles NO