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    ▪怎么在qml ListModel 里国际化文字        如何在qml ListModel 里国际化文字 翻译qml里的文字是,一般使用的 qsTr(),   但是如果在ListModel 里用, 比如:   ListModel { ListElement { title: qsTr( "Calendar" ) ; iconSource: "icons/calendar.png" }      .........
    ▪ spring security原理图及其解释(4)        spring security原理图及其解释(四) How requests are authorized?The final servlet filter in the default Spring Security filter chain, FilterSecurityInterceptor, is the filter responsible for coming up with a decision on whether or not a part.........
    ▪ zxing 源码解读日记 02       zxing 源码解读日志 02 zxing并不适合于单图像识别,或者作者本来就把它作为视频识别来处理的。因为预处理的时候会强制缩放原始图像到一定的大小,作者没有提供比较合适的图片检测接口.........

[1]怎么在qml ListModel 里国际化文字
    来源: 互联网  发布时间: 2014-02-18
如何在qml ListModel 里国际化文字

翻译qml里的文字是,一般使用的 qsTr(),


但是如果在ListModel 里用,



ListModel {
    ListElement { title: qsTr( "Calendar" ) ; iconSource: "icons/calendar.png" }




ListElement: cannot use script for property value



    import QtQuick 1.0
    ListModel {
        ListElement { iconSource: "icons/calendar.png" }
        ListElement { iconSource: "icons/develop.png" }
        ListElement { iconSource: "icons/globe.png" }
        ListElement { iconSource: "icons/mail.png" }
        ListElement { iconSource: "icons/music.png" }
        ListElement { iconSource: "icons/phone.png" }
        function title( index) {
            if ( title[ "text" ] === undefined) {
                title.text = [
                    qsTr( "Calendar" ) ,
                    qsTr( "Setup" ) ,
                    qsTr( "Internet" ) ,
                    qsTr( "Messages" ) ,
                    qsTr( "Music" ) ,
                    qsTr( "Call" )
            return title.text [ index]



text: view.model .title ( view.currentIndex )



[2] spring security原理图及其解释(4)
    来源: 互联网  发布时间: 2014-02-18
spring security原理图及其解释(四)
How requests are authorized?

The final servlet filter in the default Spring Security filter chain, FilterSecurityInterceptor, is the filter responsible for coming up with a decision on whether or not a particular request will be accepted or denied. At this point the FilterSecurityInterceptor filter is invoked, the principal has already been authenticated, so the system knows that they are valid users. Remember that the Authentication interface specifies a method (List<GrantedAuthority> getAuthorities()), which returns a list of authorities for the principal. The authorization process will use the information from this method to determine, for a particular request, whether or not the request should be allowed.

在默认的Spring Security filter链中,最后的servlet filter是FilterSecurityInterceptor,它是负责处理这个特殊的request是否被通过。在这种情况下FilterSecurityInterceptor被触发,而且principal已经被验证,所以系统知道他们是可用的用户。我们知道Authentication接口指定了一个方法(List<GrantedAuthority> getAuthorities()),它返回authorities的数组。授权程序就会用这些信息来决定一个特殊的请求会不会被通过。

Smart object-oriented design is pervasive within the Spring Security framework, and authorization decision management is no exception. Recall from our discussion earlier in the chapter that a component known as the access decision manager is responsible for making authorization determinations.

The implementation of AccessDecisionManager is completely configurable using standard Spring Bean binding and references. The default AccessDecisionManager implementation provides an access granting mechanism based on AccessDecisionVoter and vote aggregation.

A voter is an actor in the authorization sequence whose job is to evaluate any or all of the following:

The context of the request for a secured resource (such as URL requesting
IP address)
The credentials (if any) presented by the user
The secured resource being accessed
The configuration parameters of the system, and the resource itself

As you may have guessed from the design of access decision-related objects and interfaces, this portion of Spring Security has been designed so that it can be applicable to authentication and access control scenarios that aren't exclusively in the web domain. We'll encounter voters and access decision managers when we look at method-level security in Chapter 5, Fine-Grained Access Control.

When we put this all together, the overall flow of the "default authentication check for web requests" is similar to the following diagram:

注意上面是loop voters

Configuration of access decision aggregation

Spring Security does actually allow configuration of the AccessDecisionManager in the security namespace. The access-decision-manager-ref attribute on the <http> element allows you to specify a Spring Bean reference to an implementation of AccessDecisionManager. Spring Security ships with three implementations of this interface, all in the o.s.s.access.vote package:


Configuring to use a UnanimousBased access decision manager

If we want to modify our application to use the UnanimousBased access decision manager, we'd require two modifications. Let's add the access-decision-manager-ref attribute to the <http> element:

如果我们想用UnanimousBased Manager,我们需要修改两个地方。首先添加access-decision-manager-ref元素:

<http auto-config="true" access-decision-manager-ref="unanimousBased">

This is a standard Spring Bean reference, so this should correspond to the id attribute of a bean. We'll go on and declare the bean (in dogstore-base.xml) now, with the same ID we referenced:

这是一个标准Spring Bean,所以他应该对应一个bean id。现在我们声明这个bean:
<property name="decisionVoters">
<ref bean="roleVoter"/>
<ref bean="authenticatedVoter"/>
<bean class="org.springframework.security.access.vote.
AuthenticatedVoter" id="authenticatedVoter"/>

You may be wondering what the decisionVoters property is about. This property is auto-configured until we declare our own AccessDecisionManager. The default AccessDecisionManager requires us to declare the list of voters who are consulted to arrive at the authentication decisions. The two voters listed here are the defaults supplied by the security namespace configuration.


Unfortunately, Spring Security doesn't come supplied with a wide variety of voters, but it is trivial to implement the AccessDecisionVoter interface and add our own implementation. We'll see an example of this in Chapter 6.

不幸的是Spring Security没有为我们提供需要不同的voter实现,但是我们可以实现AccessDecisionVoter来添加我们的实现。

The two voter implementations that we reference here do the following:

[3] zxing 源码解读日记 02
    来源: 互联网  发布时间: 2014-02-18
zxing 源码解读日志 02






1 定位点判断不需要修改

2 实际上红色channel看起来反而对红色表格线隐藏效果更好,但是这个和打印效果、光源有太大关系,测试了一下,只取红色channel对数据读取有影响,作用不大,放弃。

3 或者应该比对一下zbar做一些比较,粗略看了一下,zbar的代码会更难看,因为基本都堆在一个文件中做解码。

4 有一个想法就是在每一次扫描中都把bit matrix叠加在某个数组中,做一个经验积累数组,再以此读取数据,这个几乎要推翻整个结构重写了,可能堆3G/3GS的成像比较模糊的情况会有所改善吧。


Shappy Say



1 楼 liuxing_iphone 2012-02-17  
2 楼 smking 2012-02-23  
看到斑竹的这篇文章后, 专门申请了这个帐号来请教斑竹。(并且等了一天才能在这里发言, 唉,不容易啊, 希望楼主能看到我的回复)

我在网上也尝试找过ZBar和ZXing的源码, 但没有找到, 楼主能发一份给我不? 多谢哈。 274019799@qq.com
(或者直接加我QQ, 号码:274019799)

另外问一下楼主在博文中提到ZXing读取中文条码乱码的文章, 令我百思不得其解。
1。条码应该是条形码,条形码能表示中文吗? 我的印象中好像都是些数字啥的。
2。据ZXing的官网上讲, ZXing应该是只能扫二维码,而不能扫一维码, 不知道是不是我哪里看错了, 还是需要进行什么样的设置
3。所以我猜测你可能是在扫二维码时,而这个二维码信息中含有中文才出现了这个问题, 所以请教一下什么样的二维码图片才会有乱码? 方便的话贴一个或者发一个二维码图片到我邮箱里吧?

3 楼 smking 2012-02-23  
4 楼 shappy1978 2012-02-25  
5 楼 shappy1978 2012-02-25  
6 楼 smking 2012-02-27  

1. 对于ZXing扫一维码的问题, 随便拿一本书的封底的条形码, 用ZXing来扫, 发现扫不出来?
2. 用ZBar扫一些中文时出现乱码, 如:

而用ZXing来扫这个图片, 就可以扫出来, 其中的信息是中文的“中”字

还望楼主帮忙分析分析是什么原因? 有何良策
7 楼 smking 2012-02-28  
楼主, 我把ZBar下载下来后, 编译始终不成功哇, 楼主能不能把编译ZBar的那个./Configure --disable XXX 啥的语句给帖出来。

另外, 我目前觉得ZBar在扫我上个回复中的图片时扫出乱码, 所以想去追踪ZBar的源码, 并修改之, 不知我的思路是否正确, 望楼主给予一些建议。

8 楼 smking 2012-02-29  
经过一段时间的折腾, 我已经把 ZBar编译好生成一个新的libzbar.a文件, 然后放在项目中进行使用,但在项目编译时,却报下面的错误, 还请楼主帮忙分析分析。
ld: warning: ignoring file /Users/he/Desktop/GoodVa/libzbar.a, file was built for archive which is not the architecture being linked (armv7)
Undefined symbols for architecture armv7:
  "_OBJC_CLASS_$_ZBarReaderView", referenced from:
      objc-class-ref in M_ScanDecodeViewController.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture armv7
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

在进行模拟器编译时报错和上面的一样, 只是armv7 变成了i386

我在想这个libzbar.a文件,在编译时也没有看到有什么命令啊, 麻烦楼主给指点一二。

9 楼 smking 2012-03-01  
1。 make distclean
2。 编译.a文件 ./configure --disable-video --without-qt --without-python
3。 sudo make install

然后就生成了新的.a文件, 在zbar文件夹下的libs下的libzbar.a, 然后加入到项目中来, 就出现了下面的错误:
ld: warning: ignoring file /Users/he/Desktop/GoodVa/libzbar.a, file was built for archive which is not the architecture being linked (armv7)
Undefined symbols for architecture armv7:
  "_OBJC_CLASS_$_ZBarReaderView", referenced from:
      objc-class-ref in M_ScanDecodeViewController.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture armv7
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

1。 看错误提示像是说该文件不是在当armv7架构下生成的, 于是我换成模拟器, 还是提示该文件不是在i386架构下生成的。 那么这个文件到底是属于什么架构, 难道是Mac下的架构?
2。 如果我需要编译生成armv7下能使用的.a文件, 我应该怎么写./configure后面的参数呢?

楼主啊! 拉一下受苦受难的人民脱离苦海吧, 把你知道的分享一下吧。 谢了。
10 楼 shappy1978 2012-03-01  
11 楼 shappy1978 2012-03-01  
12 楼 smking 2012-03-02  
多谢楼主的回复。 我再研究研究
13 楼 liuxing_iphone 2012-03-12  
14 楼 ftp2010 2012-04-20  

▪Android Touch事件分发过程详解
▪Android实用的代码片段 常用代码总结



