当前位置:  编程技术>移动开发
    ▪作图纹理        绘制纹理#define H_PATTERN_SIZE 16 #define V_PATTERN_SIZE 18 #define H_PSIZE 16 #define V_PSIZE 18 void MyDrawColoredPattern (void *info, CGContextRef myContext) {     CGFloat subunit = 5; // the pattern cell itself is 16 by 18        CGRe.........
    ▪ dsPIC33EP timer3初始化设立及应用        dsPIC33EP timer3初始化设置及应用//文件 p33timer3.h #ifndef _P33TIMER3_H_ #define _P33TIMER3_H_ //#include "p33timer3.h" #define TIMER3_IEN_ENB _T3IE = 1 #define TIMER3_IEN_DIS _T3IE = 0 //timer3输入时钟分频 #define TIMER3_DIV1 .........
    ▪ dsPIC33EP timer5初始化设立及应用       dsPIC33EP timer5初始化设置及应用//文件 p33timer5.h #ifndef _P33TIMER5_H_ #define _P33TIMER5_H_ //#include "p33timer5.h" #define TIMER5_IEN_ENB _T5IE = 1 #define TIMER5_IEN_DIS _T5IE = 0 //timer3输入时钟分频 #define TIMER5_DIV1 .........

    来源: 互联网  发布时间: 2014-02-18

#define H_PATTERN_SIZE 16
#define V_PATTERN_SIZE 18
#define H_PSIZE 16
#define V_PSIZE 18

void MyDrawColoredPattern (void *info, CGContextRef myContext)
    CGFloat subunit = 5; // the pattern cell itself is 16 by 18
    CGRect  myRect1 = {{0,0}, {subunit, subunit}},
    myRect2 = {{subunit, subunit}, {subunit, subunit}},
    myRect3 = {{0,subunit}, {subunit, subunit}},
    myRect4 = {{subunit,0}, {subunit, subunit}};
    CGContextSetRGBFillColor (myContext, 0, 0, 1, 1);
    CGContextFillRect (myContext, myRect1);
    CGContextSetRGBFillColor (myContext, 0, 0.5, .4, 1);
    CGContextFillRect (myContext, myRect2);
    CGContextSetRGBFillColor (myContext, 0, 1, 0, 1);
    CGContextFillRect (myContext, myRect3);
    CGContextSetRGBFillColor (myContext, .5, 0, 1.5, 1);
    CGContextFillRect (myContext, myRect4);

void MyColoredPatternPainting (CGContextRef myContext,
                               CGRect rect)
    CGPatternRef    pattern;// 1
    CGColorSpaceRef patternSpace;// 2
    CGFloat        alpha = 1,// 3
    width, height;// 4
    staticconst    CGPatternCallbacks callbacks = {0, // 5
    CGContextSaveGState (myContext);
//    CGContextTranslateCTM(myContext, rect.origin.x, rect.origin.y);
//    CGContextTranslateCTM(myContext, 0, rect.size.height);
//    CGContextScaleCTM(myContext, 1.0, -1.0);
//    CGContextTranslateCTM(myContext, -rect.origin.x, -rect.origin.y);
    patternSpace = CGColorSpaceCreatePattern (NULL);// 6
    CGContextSetFillColorSpace (myContext, patternSpace);// 7
    CGColorSpaceRelease (patternSpace);// 8
    pattern = CGPatternCreate (NULL, // 9
                               CGRectMake (0, 0, H_PSIZE, V_PSIZE),// 10
                               CGAffineTransformMake (1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0),// 11
                               H_PATTERN_SIZE, // 12
                               V_PATTERN_SIZE, // 13
                               kCGPatternTilingConstantSpacing,// 14
                               true, // 15
                               &callbacks);// 16
    CGContextSetFillPattern (myContext, pattern, &alpha);// 17
    CGPatternRelease (pattern);// 18
    CGContextFillRect (myContext, rect);// 19
    CGContextRestoreGState (myContext);

[2] dsPIC33EP timer3初始化设立及应用
    来源: 互联网  发布时间: 2014-02-18
dsPIC33EP timer3初始化设置及应用
//文件 p33timer3.h

#ifndef _P33TIMER3_H_
#define _P33TIMER3_H_
//#include "p33timer3.h"

#define		TIMER3_IEN_ENB	_T3IE = 1
#define		TIMER3_IEN_DIS	_T3IE = 0

#define		TIMER3_DIV1		(0<<4)
#define		TIMER3_DIV8		(1<<4)
#define		TIMER3_DIV64	(2<<4)
#define		TIMER3_DIV256	(3<<4)

extern void Init_Timer3(uint16 T3div,uint16 Tcon) ;


//文件 p33timer3.c

#include "global.h"
#include "p33timer3.h"

// 函数名称:Init_Timer3
// 函数功能:初始化timer3
// 入口参数:时钟分频系数 定时器计数个数
// 出口参数:无
// 返回值:无
// Timer3 的时钟源 = Fp(即外设时钟)
void Init_Timer3(uint16 T3div,uint16 Tcon)
	T3CON = 0X0000|T3div ;
	PR3 = Tcon ; //重装载寄存器
	TMR3 = 0x0000 ; //计数器清0
	_T3IF = 0 ;
	_T3IE = 0 ;
	T3CON |= (1<<15) ; //开启定时器3


void main(void)

	//外设时钟64分频到时钟 计数7197次 
	Init_Timer3(TIMER3_DIV64,7197) ;//T3时钟源为外设时钟Fp
	TIMER3_IEN_ENB ;//开启定时器中断




[3] dsPIC33EP timer5初始化设立及应用
    来源: 互联网  发布时间: 2014-02-18
dsPIC33EP timer5初始化设置及应用
//文件 p33timer5.h

#ifndef _P33TIMER5_H_
#define _P33TIMER5_H_
//#include "p33timer5.h"

#define		TIMER5_IEN_ENB	_T5IE = 1
#define		TIMER5_IEN_DIS	_T5IE = 0

#define		TIMER5_DIV1		(0<<4)
#define		TIMER5_DIV8		(1<<4)
#define		TIMER5_DIV64	(2<<4)
#define		TIMER5_DIV256	(3<<4)

extern void Init_Timer5(uint16 T5div,uint16 Tcon) ;


//文件 p33timer5.c

#include "global.h"
#include "p33timer5.h"

// 函数名称:Init_Timer5
// 函数功能:初始化timer5
// 入口参数:时钟分频系数 定时器计数个数
// 出口参数:无
// 返回值:无
// Timer5 的时钟源 = Fp(即外设时钟)
void Init_Timer5(uint16 T5div,uint16 Tcon)
	T5CON = 0X0000|T5div ;
	PR5 = Tcon ; //重装载寄存器
	TMR5 = 0x0000 ; //计数器清0
	_T5IF = 0 ;
	_T5IE = 0 ;
	T5CON |= (1<<15) ; //开启定时器5


void main(void)

	//外设时钟64分频到时钟 计数7197次 
	Init_Timer5(TIMER5_DIV64,7197) ;//T5时钟源为外设时钟Fp
	TIMER5_IEN_ENB ;//开启定时器中断




▪Android Touch事件分发过程详解
▪Android实用的代码片段 常用代码总结



