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▪onInterceptTouchEvent跟onTouchEvent调用时序 onInterceptTouchEvent和onTouchEvent调用时序
▪ 判断时间格式时12钟点制还是24小时制 判断时间格式时12小时制还是24小时制
NSDateFormatter *formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[formatter setDateStyle:NSDateFormatterNoStyle];
[formatter setTimeStyle:NSDateFormatterShortStyl.........
▪ 让UIPickerView纵穿来显示 让UIPickerView横过来显示
CGAffineTransform rotate = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(-1.57);
rotate = CGAffineTransformScale(rotate, 0.5, 1.0);
CGAffineTransform r = CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(0, 0);
customPickerView.transform = CGAffineT.........
来源: 互联网 发布时间: 2014-02-18
关于返回值的问题,基本规则很清楚,如果return true,那么表示该方法消费了此次事件,如果return false,那么表示该方法并未处理完全,该事件仍然需要以某种方式传递下去继续等待处理。
· You will receive the down event here.
· The down event will be handled either by a child of this view group, or given to your own onTouchEvent() method to handle; this means you should implement onTouchEvent() to return true, so you will continue to see the rest of the gesture (instead of looking for a parent view to handle it). Also, by returning true from onTouchEvent(), you will not receive any following events in onInterceptTouchEvent() and all touch processing must happen in onTouchEvent() like normal.
· For as long as you return false from this function, each following event (up to and including the final up) will be delivered first here and then to the target's onTouchEvent().
· If you return true from here, you will not receive any following events: the target view will receive the same event but with the action ACTION_CANCEL, and all further events will be delivered to your onTouchEvent() method and no longer appear here.
2.如果该ViewGroup的onInterceptTouchEvent()在接收到down事件处理完成之后return false,那么后续的move, up等事件将继续会先传递给该ViewGroup,之后才和down事件一样传递给最终的目标view的onTouchEvent()处理。
3.如果该ViewGroup的onInterceptTouchEvent()在接收到down事件处理完成之后return true,那么后续的move, up等事件将不再传递给onInterceptTouchEvent(),而是和down事件一样传递给该ViewGroup的onTouchEvent()处理,注意,目标view将接收不到任何事件。
5.如果最终需要处理事件的view 的onTouchEvent()返回了true,那么后续事件将可以继续传递给该view的onTouchEvent()处理。
关于返回值的问题,基本规则很清楚,如果return true,那么表示该方法消费了此次事件,如果return false,那么表示该方法并未处理完全,该事件仍然需要以某种方式传递下去继续等待处理。
· You will receive the down event here.
· The down event will be handled either by a child of this view group, or given to your own onTouchEvent() method to handle; this means you should implement onTouchEvent() to return true, so you will continue to see the rest of the gesture (instead of looking for a parent view to handle it). Also, by returning true from onTouchEvent(), you will not receive any following events in onInterceptTouchEvent() and all touch processing must happen in onTouchEvent() like normal.
· For as long as you return false from this function, each following event (up to and including the final up) will be delivered first here and then to the target's onTouchEvent().
· If you return true from here, you will not receive any following events: the target view will receive the same event but with the action ACTION_CANCEL, and all further events will be delivered to your onTouchEvent() method and no longer appear here.
2.如果该ViewGroup的onInterceptTouchEvent()在接收到down事件处理完成之后return false,那么后续的move, up等事件将继续会先传递给该ViewGroup,之后才和down事件一样传递给最终的目标view的onTouchEvent()处理。
3.如果该ViewGroup的onInterceptTouchEvent()在接收到down事件处理完成之后return true,那么后续的move, up等事件将不再传递给onInterceptTouchEvent(),而是和down事件一样传递给该ViewGroup的onTouchEvent()处理,注意,目标view将接收不到任何事件。
5.如果最终需要处理事件的view 的onTouchEvent()返回了true,那么后续事件将可以继续传递给该view的onTouchEvent()处理。
[2] 判断时间格式时12钟点制还是24小时制
来源: 互联网 发布时间: 2014-02-18
+(BOOL)timeIs24HourFormat { NSDateFormatter *formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]; [formatter setDateStyle:NSDateFormatterNoStyle]; [formatter setTimeStyle:NSDateFormatterShortStyle]; NSString *dateString = [formatter stringFromDate:[NSDate date]]; NSRange amRange = [dateString rangeOfString:[formatter AMSymbol]]; NSRange pmRange = [dateString rangeOfString:[formatter PMSymbol]]; BOOL is24Hour = amRange.location == NSNotFound && pmRange.location == NSNotFound; [formatter release]; return is24Hour; }
[3] 让UIPickerView纵穿来显示
来源: 互联网 发布时间: 2014-02-18
CGAffineTransform rotate = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(-1.57); rotate = CGAffineTransformScale(rotate, 0.5, 1.0); CGAffineTransform r = CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(0, 0); customPickerView.transform = CGAffineTransformConcat(rotate, r);