当前位置:  操作系统/服务器>windows
    ▪WDF驱动环境配置有关问题        WDF驱动环境配置问题我按照http://www.cppblog.com/guojingjia2006/archive/2011/03/19/142211.html置并配置了最新的WDK环境。编译驱动程序时报fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'wdf.h': No such file or directory然后.........
    ▪ VPN 812异常解决方法        VPN 812错误解决办法如题。VPN 812 错误,双方防火墙全部已关闭。求详细解决办法.急楼主把网络环境说说啊 检查客户端的防火墙,看看是否允许vpn端口通过  检查客户端与服务器端 的加密方.........
    ▪ XCacls设置文件夹权限有关问题       XCacls设置文件夹权限问题现在垃圾软件越来越多,比如万象的广告,易游的广告就不举例了,服务器的广告文件夹用盘符来解决了,可客户端的不敢用这方法,原因在于插上U盘或手机盘符会.........

    来源: 互联网  发布时间: 2014-02-18
编译驱动程序时报fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'wdf.h': No such file or directory
然后我找到wdf.h路径并加入环境(wdf.h文件的详细目录是 D:\WinDDK\inc\wdf\kmdf\1.9)
1>queue.obj : error LNK2001: 无法解析的外部符号 _WdfFunctions
1>bulkrwr.obj : error LNK2001: 无法解析的外部符号 _WdfFunctions
1>device.obj : error LNK2001: 无法解析的外部符号 _WdfFunctions
1>driver.obj : error LNK2001: 无法解析的外部符号 _WdfFunctions
1>isorwr.obj : error LNK2019: 无法解析的外部符号 _WdfFunctions,该符号在函数 _UsbSamp_EvtRequestCancel@4 中被引用
1>queue.obj : error LNK2001: 无法解析的外部符号 _WdfDriverGlobals
1>bulkrwr.obj : error LNK2001: 无法解析的外部符号 _WdfDriverGlobals
1>device.obj : error LNK2001: 无法解析的外部符号 _WdfDriverGlobals
1>driver.obj : error LNK2001: 无法解析的外部符号 _WdfDriverGlobals
1>isorwr.obj : error LNK2019: 无法解析的外部符号 _WdfDriverGlobals,该符号在函数 _UsbSamp_EvtRequestCancel@4 中被引用
于是在wdf.h里找到了这句extern WDFFUNC WdfFunctions [];



[2] VPN 812异常解决方法
    来源: 互联网  发布时间: 2014-02-18
VPN 812错误解决办法
如题。VPN 812 错误,双方防火墙全部已关闭。求详细解决办法.急



检查客户端与服务器端 的加密方式是否一致...

[3] XCacls设置文件夹权限有关问题
    来源: 互联网  发布时间: 2014-02-18
比如想"C:\Program Files\Baidu"这个文件夹的权限设置成禁止任何用户写入/或访问,用Xcacls命令怎么写呢?因为英语太差看不懂帮助文件,下面把帮助文件贴上来:麻烦给个事例谢谢。
Assembly code

        Filename is required and was not passed as an argument.

---------------------------- Usage -------------------------------

Displays or modifies access control lists (ACLs) of files & directories

XCACLS filename [/E] [/G user:perm;spec] [...] [/R user [...]]
                [/F] [/S] [/T]
                [/P user:perm;spec [...]] [/D user:perm;spec] [...]
                [/O user] [/I ENABLE/COPY/REMOVE] [/N
                [/L filename] [/Q] [/DEBUG]

   filename            [Required] If used alone, it Displays ACLs.
                       (Filename can be a filename, directory name or
                       wildcard characters and can include the entire
                       path. If path is missing, its assumed to be
                       under the current directory.
                       - Put filename in quotes if it has spaces or
                       special characters such as &, $, #, etc.
                       - If Filename is a directory, all files and
                       sub directories under it will NOT be changed
                       unless the /F or /S is present.

   /F                  [Used with Directory or Wildcard] This will change all
                       files under the inputed directory but will NOT
                       traverse sub directories unless /T is also present.
                       If filename is a directory, and /F is not used, no
                       files will be touched.

   /S                  [Used with Directory or Wildcard] This will change all
                       sub folders under the inputed directory but will NOT
                       traverse sub directories unless /T is also present.
                       If filename is a directory, and /S is not used, no
                       sub directories will be touched.

   /T                  [Used only with a Directory] Traverses each
                       subdirectory and makes the same changes.
                       This switch will traverse directories only if the
                       filename is a directory or is using wildcards.
   /E                  Edit ACL instead of replacing it.

   /G user:GUI         Grant security permissions similar to Windows GUI
                       standard (non-advanced) choices.
   /G user:Perm;Spec   Grant specified user access rights.
                       (/G adds to existing rights for user)

                       User: If User has spaces in it, surround it in Quotes
                             If User contains #machine#, it will replace
                             #machine# with the actual machine name if its a
                             non-domain controller, and replace it with the
                             actual domain name if it is a domain controller.

                             New to 3.0: User can be a string representing
                             the actual SID, but MUST be lead by SID#
                             Example: SID#S-1-5-21-2127521184-160...
                                      (SID string shown has been shortened)
                                      (If any user has SID# then globaly all
                                       matches must match the SID (not name)
                                       so if your intention is to apply changes
                                       to all accounts that match Domain\User
                                       then do not specify SID# as one of the

                       GUI: Is for standard rights and can be:
                                    F  Full control
                                    M  Modify
                                    X  read & eXecute
                                    L  List folder contents
                                    R  Read
                                    W  Write
                             Note: If a ; is present, this will be considered
                             a Perm;Spec parameter pair

                       Perm: Is for "Files Only" and can be:
                                    F  Full control
                                    M  Modify
                                    X  read & eXecute
                                    R  Read
                                    W  Write
                                    E Synchronize
                                    D Take Ownership
                                    C Change Permissions
                                    B Read Permissions
                                    A Delete
                                    9 Write Attributes
                                    8 Read Attributes
                                    7 Delete Subfolders and Files
                                    6 Traverse Folder / Execute File
                                    5 Write Extended Attributes
                                    4 Read Extended Attributes
                                    3 Create Folders / Append Data
                                    2 Create Files / Write Data
                                    1 List Folder / Read Data
                       Spec is for "Folder and Subfolders only" and has the
                       same choices as Perm.

   /R user             Revoke specified user's access rights.
                       (Will remove any Allowed or Denied ACL's for user)

   /P user:GUI         Replace security permissions similiar to standard choices

   /P user:perm;spec   Replace specified user's access rights.
                       For access right specification see /G option
                       (/P acts like /G if there are no rights set for user)

   /D user:GUI         Deny security permissions similiar to standard choices.
   /D user:perm;spec   Deny specified user access rights.
                       For access right specification see /G option
                       (/D adds to existing rights for user)

   /O user             Change the Ownership to this user or group.

   /I switch           Inheritance flag, if omitted default is to not touch
                       Inherited ACL's. Switch can be:
                          ENABLE - This will turn on the Inheritance Flag if
                                   its not on already.
                          COPY   - This will turn off the Inheritance flag and
                                   copy the Inherited ACL's
                                   into Effecive ACL's
                          REMOVE - This will turn off the Inheritance flag and
                                   will not copy the Inherited
                                   ACL's, this is the opposite of ENABLE
                          If switch is not present, /I will be ignored and
                          Inherited ACL's will remain untouched.

   /SPEC switch        Special Permission for Folder and Subfolders only
                       If this switch is used, and the object is a folder, then
                       one of the switches below would be used instead of the
                          A - This Folder Only
                          B - This Folder, Subfolders and Files (Default)
                          C - This Folder and Subfolders
                          D - This Folder and Files
                          E - Subfolders and Files Only
                          F - Subfolders Only
                          G - Files Only

   /L filename         Filename for Logging. This can include a path name
                       if the file isn't under the current directory.
                       File will be appended to, or created if it doesn't
                       exit. Must be Text file if it exists or error will occur.

                       If filename is obmitted the default name of XCACLS will
                       be used.

   /Q                  Turn on Quiet mode, its off by default.
                       If its turned on, there will be no display to the screen.

   /DEBUG              Turn on Debug mode, its off by default.
                       If its turned on, there will be more information
                       displayed and/or logged. Information will show
                       Sub/Function Enterand Exit as well as other important

   /TIMEWMI            Turn on to Time WMI use, only shows up in Debug Mode.

   /SERVER servername  Enter a remote server to run script against.

   /USER username      Enter Username to impersonate for Remote Connections
                            (Requires PASS switch)
                            - Will be ignored if its for a Local Connection.

   /PASS password      Enter Password to go with USER switch
                            (Requires USER switch)

Wildcards can be used to specify more than one file in a command.
Such as:
                                *       Any string of zero or more characters
                                ?       Any single character

You can specify more than one user in a command.
You can combine access rights.

Operation Complete


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