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▪Navigation + Tab Bar 惯用组合框架 Navigation + Tab Bar 常用组合框架
看到很多项目中都采用的是Navigation加Tab Bar组合到一起,完成视图切换操作,在导航栏上添加基本按钮,给予响应时间,让应用给用户更好的体验,所.........
▪ 判断Wifi 联接 判断Wifi 连接private boolean checkConnection(){
boolean connected = false;
ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager)getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
if (cm != null) {
NetworkInfo[] netInfo = cm.getAllNetworkInfo();
▪ 机房收费系统之下机、上机 机房收费系统之上机、下机 上机流程图:
[1]Navigation + Tab Bar 惯用组合框架
来源: 互联网 发布时间: 2014-02-18
Navigation + Tab Bar 常用组合框架
看到很多项目中都采用的是Navigation加Tab Bar组合到一起,完成视图切换操作,在导航栏上添加基本按钮,给予响应时间,让应用给用户更好的体验,所以本菜鸟写了这个这样一个Demo,仅供学习
所创建工程模板是最后一个 Empty Application
第二个视图设置了背景颜色和透明度 第三个视图添加了背景图片
Tab Bar上添加的都是自定义图片
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions { self.window = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]]; // Override point for customization after application launch. self.window.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor]; _tabBarController = [[UITabBarController alloc] init]; _tabBarController.delegate = self; FirstViewController *firstViewController = [[FirstViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"FirstViewController" bundle:nil]; SecondViewController *secondViewController = [[SecondViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"secondViewController" bundle:nil]; ThirdViewController *thirdViewController = [[ThirdViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"ThirdViewController" bundle:nil]; FourViewController *fourViewController = [[FourViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"FourViewController" bundle:nil]; UINavigationController *navFirst = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:firstViewController]; // 在加载图片是把标题都覆盖了,所以运行效果并没有显示这些文字 navFirst.title = @"第一个视图"; UINavigationController *navSecond = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:secondViewController]; navSecond.title = @"第二个视图"; UINavigationController *navThird = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:thirdViewController]; navThird.title = @"第三个视图"; UINavigationController *navFour = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:fourViewController]; navFour.title = @"第四个视图"; _tabBarController.viewControllers = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:navFirst,navSecond,navThird,navFour, nil]; _window.rootViewController = _tabBarController; [self.window addSubview:firstViewController.view]; [self.window makeKeyAndVisible]; return YES; }
- (IBAction)switchView:(id)sender { FirstViewController *firstController = [[FirstViewController alloc] init]; [self.navigationController pushViewController:firstController animated:YES]; firstController.title = @"第一个视图另一个视图"; }
- (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; // Do any additional setup after loading the view. UIBarButtonItem *leftButton = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"测试" style:UIBarButtonItemStylePlain target:self action:@selector(pullWarn)]; self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = leftButton; UIBarButtonItem *rightButton = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithBarButtonSystemItem:UIBarButtonSystemItemCamera target:self action:nil]; self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = rightButton; }
[2] 判断Wifi 联接
来源: 互联网 发布时间: 2014-02-18
判断Wifi 连接
private boolean checkConnection(){ boolean connected = false; ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager)getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE); if (cm != null) { NetworkInfo[] netInfo = cm.getAllNetworkInfo(); for (NetworkInfo ni : netInfo) { if ((ni.getTypeName().equalsIgnoreCase("WIFI") || ni.getTypeName().equalsIgnoreCase("MOBILE")) & ni.isConnected() & ni.isAvailable()) { connected = true; } } } return connected;
[3] 机房收费系统之下机、上机
来源: 互联网 发布时间: 2014-02-18
'################################################################# '上机,将上机记录写入到上机记录表里 '################################################################# Private Sub cmdOn_Click() Dim strSQL As String, strSQL2 As String, strSQL3 As String Dim strMsgText As String, strMsgText2 As String, strMsgText3 As String Dim objRst As ADODB.Recordset, objRst2 As ADODB.Recordset, objRst3 As ADODB.Recordset '让下机日期和时间,消费时间和金额为空 txtOutDate.Text = "" txtOutTime.Text = "" txtPayTime.Text = "" txtPayMoney.Text = "" If txtCardNo.Text = "" Then '判断卡号是否为空 MsgBox "请输入卡号!", vbOKOnly, "警告!" txtCardNo.SetFocus Exit Sub Else If Len(txtCardNo.Text) > 10 Then '判断输入卡号是否超过设定的长度,防止出错 MsgBox "卡号过长,请输入长度<10的卡号", vbOKOnly, "警告!" txtCardNo.SetFocus Exit Sub End If '查询数据库里学生基本信息表 Set objRst = New ADODB.Recordset strSQL = "select * from student_Info where cardNo='" & Trim(txtCardNo.Text) & "'" Set objRst = ExecuteSQL(strSQL, strMsgText) If objRst.BOF And objRst.EOF Then '判读该卡号是否存在 MsgBox "该卡号未注册!", vbOKOnly, "警告!" txtCardNo.Text = "" txtCardNo.SetFocus Exit Sub Else '判断余额是否充足 If objRst.Fields(3) < GetLeastMoney() Then MsgBox "余额只有" & objRst.Fields(3) & ",少于最少金额,请先充值!", vbOKOnly, "警告!" Exit Sub Else '判断该卡号是否正在上机 Set objRst3 = New ADODB.Recordset strSQL3 = "select * from online_Info where cardNo='" & Trim(txtCardNo.Text) & "' and outDate is null" Set objRst3 = ExecuteSQL(strSQL3, strMsgText3) If Not (objRst3.BOF And objRst3.EOF) Then Label1.Caption = "该卡正在上机!" txtCardNo.SetFocus Exit Sub Else '显示该卡号的一些基本信息 txtStudentNo.Text = checkField(objRst.Fields(0)) txtDepartment.Text = checkField(objRst.Fields(4)) txtType.Text = checkField(objRst.Fields(14)) txtStudentName.Text = checkField(objRst.Fields(1)) txtSex.Text = checkField(objRst.Fields(7)) txtOnDate.Text = Date 'onTime = Time txtOnTime.Text = Time txtAllCash.Text = checkField(objRst.Fields(3)) '将上机前的余额提出来,用于下机时计算余额 'curAllCash = checkField(objRst.Fields(3)) Label1.Caption = "欢迎光临!" '将该卡上机的信息填入到online_Info表里 Set objRst2 = New ADODB.Recordset strSQL2 = "select * from online_Info " Set objRst2 = ExecuteSQL(strSQL2, strMsgText2) 'objRst2.MoveLast objRst2.AddNew objRst2.Fields(0) = txtCardNo.Text objRst2.Fields(1) = txtStudentName.Text objRst2.Fields(2) = Date objRst2.Fields(3) = Time objRst2.Fields(4) = Null objRst2.Fields(5) = Null objRst2.Update '查询此时正在上机的人数。(可以直接加1) lblPeopleCount.Caption = GetPeopleCount() PeopleCount = GetPeopleCount() '保存正在上机的人数 objRst2.Close objRst.Close End If End If End If End If End Sub
'##################################################################### '下机,计算余额,将余额写入学生信息表里,和上机信息表里 '##################################################################### Private Sub cmdOff_Click() Dim strSQL As String, strSQL2 As String, strSQL3 As String Dim strMsgText As String, strMsgText2 As String, strMsgText3 As String Dim objRst As ADODB.Recordset, objRst2 As ADODB.Recordset, objRst3 As ADODB.Recordset Dim intTime As Single Dim fixedRate As Single Dim AllMoney As Currency Dim pay As Currency If txtCardNo.Text = "" Then '判断卡号是否为空 MsgBox "请输入卡号!", vbOKOnly, "警告!" txtCardNo.SetFocus Exit Sub Else If Len(txtCardNo.Text) > 10 Then '判断输入卡号是否超过设定的长度,防止出错 MsgBox "卡号过长,请输入长度<10的卡号", vbOKOnly, "警告!" txtCardNo.SetFocus Exit Sub End If End If Set objRst = New ADODB.Recordset strSQL = "select * from student_Info where cardNo='" & Trim(txtCardNo.Text) & "'" Set objRst = ExecuteSQL(strSQL, strMsgText) If objRst.BOF And objRst.EOF Then '判读该卡号是否存在 MsgBox "该卡号未注册!", vbOKOnly, "警告!" txtCardNo.Text = "" txtCardNo.SetFocus Exit Sub End If objRst.Close strSQL = "" strMsgText = "" Set objRst = New ADODB.Recordset strSQL = "select * from online_Info where cardno='" & Trim(txtCardNo.Text) & "' and outDate is null " Set objRst = ExecuteSQL(strSQL, strMsgText) If objRst.BOF And objRst.EOF Then '判断该卡是否正在上机 Label1.Caption = "该卡没有上机!" txtCardNo.SetFocus Exit Sub Else '显示下机的一些信息 txtOutDate.Text = Date outTime = Time txtOutTime.Text = outTime onTime = CDate(Format(objRst.Fields("onTime"), "hh:mm:ss")) txtCardNo.Text = checkField(objRst.Fields("cardNo")) txtStudentName.Text = checkField(objRst.Fields("studentName")) txtOnDate.Text = checkField(objRst.Fields("onDate")) txtOnTime.Text = checkField(objRst.Fields("onTime")) Set objRst3 = New ADODB.Recordset strSQL3 = "select * from student_Info where cardNo='" & txtCardNo.Text & "'" Set objRst3 = ExecuteSQL(strSQL3, strMsgText3) txtStudentNo.Text = objRst3.Fields("studentNo") txtDepartment.Text = objRst3.Fields("department") txtSex.Text = objRst3.Fields("sex") txtType.Text = "固定用户" '删除该记录,将此时信息填入online_Info表里 objRst.Delete objRst.AddNew objRst.Fields(0) = txtCardNo.Text objRst.Fields(1) = txtStudentName.Text objRst.Fields(2) = txtOnDate.Text objRst.Fields("onTime") = txtOnTime.Text objRst.Fields(4) = txtOutDate.Text objRst.Fields("outTime") = txtOutTime.Text objRst.Fields(9) = "正常下机" 'intTime = Val(txtOutTime.Text - txtOnTime.Text) '计算上机的时间 intTime = (outTime - onTime) * 24 * 2 Set objRst2 = New ADODB.Recordset strSQL2 = "select * from basicDate_Info " Set objRst2 = ExecuteSQL(strSQL2, strMsgText2) '查询固定用户30分钟的费用 fixedRate = Val(objRst2.Fields(0)) If intTime < (GetPreparTime() / 30) Then '判断上机时间是否超过了准备时间,没超过则花费为0 objRst.Fields("pay") = 0 objRst.Fields("allCash") = GetAllMoney(txtCardNo.Text) Else If intTime <= (GetLeastTime() / 30) Then '判断上机时间是否超过半个小时,没则当成已经上了30分钟 objRst.Fields("pay") = fixedRate AllMoney = GetAllMoney(txtCardNo.Text) - fixedRate objRst.Fields("allCash") = AllMoney '将余额写入上机记录表里 WriteAllMoney txtCardNo.Text, AllMoney '将余额写入学生基本信息表里 Else If intTime > Int(intTime) Then intTime = Int(intTime) + 1 Else intTime = Int(intTime) End If pay = fixedRate * intTime objRst.Fields("pay") = pay AllMoney = GetAllMoney(txtCardNo.Text) - pay objRst.Fields("allCash") = AllMoney '将余额写入上机记录表里 WriteAllMoney txtCardNo.Text, AllMoney '将余额写入学生基本信息表里 End If End If '显示消费的时间金额,和余额 txtPayTime.Text = Format(outTime - onTime, "hh-mm-ss") txtPayMoney.Text = objRst.Fields(6) txtAllCash.Text = GetAllMoney(txtCardNo.Text) '- objRst.Fields(6) Label1.Caption = "欢迎下次再来!" objRst.Fields(7) = txtAllCash.Text '将余额写到online_Info表里 lblPeopleCount.Caption = GetPeopleCount() '显示正在上机人数 PeopleCount = GetPeopleCount() objRst.Update objRst.Close objRst2.Close objRst3.Close End If End Sub
7楼tang_huan_116小时前很好,加油!6楼gwblue昨天 21:41很好,很详细继续加油!5楼lidaasky昨天 22:45登录方面,你可以尝试使用单if判断,嵌套的if容易搞混,图画的不错4楼yjjm1990昨天 22:40嗯,挺好的,就是if那样嵌套不好,还有自己注意一个变更的命名。很不错!加油!3楼hejingyuan6昨天 21:21哈哈,加油呀2楼lishehe昨天 20:58不错啊,学习了方法很多啊,相互交流1楼lfmilaoshi昨天 20:40图不错,很好n米老师最新技术文章: