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sql server获取汉字首字母的函数(第二版)
来源: 互联网 发布时间:2014-08-29
本文导语: sql server获取汉字首字母的函数(第二版),供大家学习参考。 代码如下: ---取得汉字首字母函数(第二版) create function [dbo].[f_getpy_V2](@Str varchar(500)='') returns varchar(500) as begin declare @strlen int,@return va...
sql server获取汉字首字母的函数(第二版),供大家学习参考。
create function [dbo].[f_getpy_V2](@Str varchar(500)='')
returns varchar(500)
declare @strlen int,@return varchar(500),@ii int
declare @n int,@c char(1),@chn nchar(1)
select @strlen=len(@str),@return='',@ii=0
set @ii=0
while @ii'z'
select @n = @n +1
,@c = case chn when @chn then char(@n) else @c end
select top 27 * from (
select chn = '吖'
union all select '八'
union all select '嚓'
union all select '咑'
union all select '妸'
union all select '发'
union all select '旮'
union all select '铪'
union all select '丌' --because have no 'i'
union all select '丌'
union all select '咔'
union all select '垃'
union all select '嘸'
union all select '拏'
union all select '噢'
union all select '妑'
union all select '七'
union all select '呥'
union all select '仨'
union all select '他'
union all select '屲' --no 'u'
union all select '屲' --no 'v'
union all select '屲'
union all select '夕'
union all select '丫'
union all select '帀'
union all select @chn) as a
order by chn COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS
) as b
else set @c='a'
set @return=@return+@c
create function [dbo].[f_getpy_V2](@Str varchar(500)='')
returns varchar(500)
declare @strlen int,@return varchar(500),@ii int
declare @n int,@c char(1),@chn nchar(1)
select @strlen=len(@str),@return='',@ii=0
set @ii=0
while @ii'z'
select @n = @n +1
,@c = case chn when @chn then char(@n) else @c end
select top 27 * from (
select chn = '吖'
union all select '八'
union all select '嚓'
union all select '咑'
union all select '妸'
union all select '发'
union all select '旮'
union all select '铪'
union all select '丌' --because have no 'i'
union all select '丌'
union all select '咔'
union all select '垃'
union all select '嘸'
union all select '拏'
union all select '噢'
union all select '妑'
union all select '七'
union all select '呥'
union all select '仨'
union all select '他'
union all select '屲' --no 'u'
union all select '屲' --no 'v'
union all select '屲'
union all select '夕'
union all select '丫'
union all select '帀'
union all select @chn) as a
order by chn COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS
) as b
else set @c='a'
set @return=@return+@c