During the life of an activity, the system calls a core set of lifecycle methods in a sequence similar to a step pyramid. That is, each stage of the activity lifecycle is a separate step on the pyramid. As the system creates a new activity instance, each callback method moves the activity state one step toward the top. The top of the pyramid is the point at which the activity is running in the foreground and the user can interact with it.
As the user begins to leave the activity, the system calls other methods that move the activity state back down the pyramid in order to dismantle the activity. In some cases, the activity will move only part way down the pyramid and wait (such as when the user switches to another app), from which point the activity can move back to the top (if the user returns to the activity) and resume where the user left off.
Depending on the complexity of your activity, you probably don't need to implement all the lifecycle methods. However, it's important that you understand each one and implement those that ensure your app behaves the way users expect. Implementing your activity lifecycle methods properly ensures your app behaves well in several ways, including that it:
Does not crash if the user receives a phone call or switches to another app while using your app.
Does not consume valuable system resources when the user is not actively using it.
Does not lose the user's progress if they leave your app and return to it at a later time.
Does not crash or lose the user's progress when the screen rotates between landscape and portrait orientation.
As you'll learn in the following lessons, there are several situations in which an activity transitions between different states that are illustrated in figure 1. However, only three of these states can be static. That is, the activity can exist in one of only three states for an extended period of time:
In this state, the activity is in the foreground and the user can interact with it. (Also sometimes referred to as the "running" state.)
In this state, the activity is partially obscured by another activity—the other activity that's in the foreground is semi-transparent or doesn't cover the entire screen. The paused activity does not receive user input and cannot execute any code.
In this state, the activity is completely hidden and not visible to the user; it is considered to be in the background. While stopped, the activity instance and all its state information such as member variables is retained, but it cannot execute any code.
The other states (Created and Started) are transient and the system quickly moves from them to the next state by calling the next lifecycle callback method. That is, after the system calls onCreate(), it quickly calls onStart(), which is quickly followed by onResume().
和WWDC相比,AltWWDC也非常有趣——这是一个由苹果开发者自发形成的活动,一群产品开发者、设计师、创业者在WWDC期间聚在一起观看直 播视频,随后一些去到现场的开发者也会加入进来。在接下去几天里,他们一起讨论新的开发趋势、针对苹果发布的新功能、新产品的应对策略和给开发工作带来的 变化等。
在AltWWDC上,我有幸和Raizlabs的产品工程师Ben Johnson聊了聊,他从动画及动态效果的角度上给出了对iOS 7另一种的解读。
他告诉PingWest:“苹果提供了很好的开发者工具,所以在iOS上开发程序和添加动画效果,要比Andriod上简单。因此你会发现,不少设 计感和交互体验很棒的软件,最初是从iOS平台上火起来的。但我认为,iOS 7发布后会有一些新的影响,你可以看到他们简化了很多东西——比如,半透明的控制中心面板使得原先应用程序间切换的效果变得多余了。”
不过Ben Johnson同时也提出,在iOS 7之后的App开发中,动画及动态效果还是有它的用武之地的。“1个单元的欢迎动画+6个单元的向导动画+1-2个单元让人愉悦的细节性动画”是Ben Johnson在AltWWDC上给出的应用程序内动画的基本公式。
1)一个单元的欢迎动画(Welcoming Animation)
而另一个重要作用则是增加趣味,保持用户的耐心。很多程序打开时的欢迎动画实际上是让用户不要轻易退出或关闭程序,让他们知道这款程序是可以打开的,而不是死机了,从而给予程序加载的时间,比如加载进度条(Loading Bar)就是我们习以为常的一种欢迎动画。Johnson强调说:“一个好的欢迎动画在增加互动性体验上效果很大,它能提高用户的预期,使得人们更乐于探索程序。”(我们前几天写过的Any.Do.Cal就类似这种。)
2)六个单元的告知性动画(Informative Animation)
有些程序选择播放一段视频,而有些开发者采用幻灯片,不管哪一种方式,重要的是教会用户如何使用你的程序。Ben Johnson说:“了解使用方法的用户力量是最强大。” 但超过六个页面的使用指导则会让用户觉得“嗯……你的程序看起来有些难用啊”。
3)一到两个让人愉悦的小细节(Delightful Animation)
比如Path中点击其他用户头像,用户信息卡片会从上方以重力加速方式掉落下来——如果放慢这个过程,可以看到卡片有一个弹跳过程,当不需要访问对 方页面选择后退时,卡片也是在弹跳后退出界面的。这个轻微的弹跳和点击Path主页面左下角(+)按钮后菜单弹跳出来的体验是一致的。
另外细节性的动画效果有时也可以把用户的注意力吸引到你希望他关注的区域去。Path的主页(+)按钮是一个例子,另一个例子是 Jetsetter,一款订酒店和度假屋的软件。当进入下一个页面时,左上角的方向按钮会有动画的翻转效果。比起静态的变化,这个动画吸引了注意,重点提 示你——“嘿,这里有些什么不同了”——现在,这是一个回到主菜单的按钮了。
和动作结合的动态效果最重要的一点是简洁干净,像是原先iPhone锁屏时,用户向上滑动、画面的弹跳效果(apple bounce)就是最好的例子——你甚至可以看到一些人无聊时反复在手机上做那个动作,因为它简洁但有趣。再者,任何和动作结合的动画效果都不要超过0.5-1秒。
by:Xia, Jenkin jenkin.xia@gmail.com
OCR(Optical Character Recognition):光学字符识别,是指对图片文件中的文字进行分析识别,获取的过程。 Tesseract:开源的OCR识别引擎,初期Tesseract引擎由HP实验室研发,后来贡献给了开源软件业,后经由Google进行改进,消除bug,优化,重新发布。
Summary:Tesseract is probably the most accurate open source OCR engine available. Combined with the Leptonica Image Processing Library it can read a wide variety of image formats and convert them to text in over 60 languages. It was one of the top 3 engines in the 1995 UNLV Accuracy test. Between 1995 and 2006 it had little work done on it, but since then it has been improved extensively by Google. It is released under the Apache License 2.0.
Supported Platforms:Tesseract works on Linux, Windows (with VC++ Express or CygWin) and Mac OSX. See the ReadMe for more details and install instructions. It can also be compiled for other platforms, including Android and the iPhone, though these are not as well tested platforms. See also the AddOns page for other projects using Tesseract on various platforms.
----- #install dependent package sudo apt-get install autoconf automake libtool sudo apt-get install libpng12-dev sudo apt-get install libjpeg62-dev sudo apt-get install libtiff4-dev sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev sudo apt-get install libleptonica-dev ------ sudo apt-get install g++ #g++ --version ------ #install tesserocr ./autogen.sh ./configure make sudo make install sudo ldconfig ------ --install language cd /usr/local/share/tessdata cp eng.traineddata /usr/local/share/tessdata
2、测试,总体识别率不算高,第1种数字识别率不错,第2种类型的验证码以‘-psm 6’参数得出的识别率更高
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1)安装tesseract时,不执行ldconfig命令,会报error while loading shared libraries: xxx.so.x
Usage:tesseract imagename outputbase [-l lang] [-psm pagesegmode] [configfile...] 例如: tesseract code.jpg result -l chi_sim -psm 7 nobatch -l chi_sim 表示用简体中文字库(需要下载中文字库文件,解压后,存放到tessdata目录下去,字库文件扩展名为.raineddata 简体中文字库文件名为: chi_sim.traineddata) -psm 7 表示告诉tesseract code.jpg图片是一行文本,这个参数可以减少识别错误率, 默认为 3 configfile 参数值为tessdata\configs 和 tessdata\tessconfigs 目录下的文件名。
6)java调用tesseract-ocr, http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_025270e90101avgb.html
8)仅识别数字,tesseract imagename outputbase digits