This is a good overview:
or run this code
NSLog( @"Primitive sizes:" ) ; NSLog( @"The size of a char is: %d." , sizeof( char ) ) ; NSLog( @"The size of short is: %d." , sizeof( short ) ) ; NSLog( @"The size of int is: %d." , sizeof( int ) ) ; NSLog( @"The size of long is: %d." , sizeof( long ) ) ; NSLog( @"The size of long long is: %d." , sizeof( long long ) ) ; NSLog( @"The size of a unsigned char is: %d." , sizeof( unsigned char ) ) ; NSLog( @"The size of unsigned short is: %d." , sizeof( unsigned short ) ) ; NSLog( @"The size of unsigned int is: %d." , sizeof( unsigned int ) ) ; NSLog( @"The size of unsigned long is: %d." , sizeof( unsigned long ) ) ; NSLog( @"The size of unsigned long long is: %d." , sizeof( unsigned long long ) ) ; NSLog( @"The size of a float is: %d." , sizeof( float ) ) ; NSLog( @"The size of a double is %d." , sizeof( double ) ) ; NSLog( @"Ranges:" ) ; NSLog( @"CHAR_MIN: %c" , CHAR_MIN) ; NSLog( @"CHAR_MAX: %c" , CHAR_MAX) ; NSLog( @"SHRT_MIN: %hi" , SHRT_MIN) ; // signed short int NSLog( @"SHRT_MAX: %hi" , SHRT_MAX) ; NSLog( @"INT_MIN: %i" , INT_MIN) ; NSLog( @"INT_MAX: %i" , INT_MAX) ; NSLog( @"LONG_MIN: %li" , LONG_MIN) ; // signed long int NSLog( @"LONG_MAX: %li" , LONG_MAX) ; NSLog( @"ULONG_MAX: %lu" , ULONG_MAX) ; // unsigned long int NSLog( @"LLONG_MIN: %lli" , LLONG_MIN) ; // signed long long int NSLog( @"LLONG_MAX: %lli" , LLONG_MAX) ; NSLog( @"ULLONG_MAX: %llu" , ULLONG_MAX) ; // unsigned long long int
When run on an iPhone 3GS (iPod Touch and older iPhones should yield the same result) you get:
Primitive sizes:
The size of a char is: 1 . The size of short is: 2 . The size of int is: 4 . The size of long is: 4 . The size of long long is: 8 . The size of a unsigned char is: 1 . The size of unsigned short is: 2 . The size of unsigned int is: 4 . The size of unsigned long is: 4 . The size of unsigned long long is: 8 . The size of a float is: 4 . The size of a double is 8 . Ranges : CHAR_MIN: -128 CHAR_MAX: 127 SHRT_MIN: -32768 SHRT_MAX: 32767 INT_MIN: -2147483648 INT_MAX: 2147483647 LONG_MIN: -2147483648 LONG_MAX: 2147483647 ULONG_MAX: 4294967295 LLONG_MIN: -9223372036854775808 LLONG_MAX: 9223372036854775807 ULLONG_MAX: 18446744073709551615
TextView tv=new TextView(this); tv.setText("学校"); tv.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER); LayoutParams params = new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT,LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT); addContentView(tv, params); pausList.setEmptyView(tv);
self = [super init];
// Initialize members
return self;
init]返回的地址应该与self所代表的地址一样(即self == [super init])。那么,对self赋[super
找朱去讨论,他也不知道是因为什么。但是他想起了在《From C++ to Objective-C》中好像提到过这个情况,于是在一通查找之后终于在7.1.3(P25)找到了说明。那一节的例子中的对应代码是这样的:
if(![super init])
return nil;
// Initialize members
return self;
Polemic: Most people use the instruction self = [super init]; if (self)
{...} in the initializer. This is justified by the fact that in some
cases, [super init] could return a different object. However, in a very
interesting document [6], Will Shipley shows that is a bad practice. It
is far more logical to use the above form, where it is only checked
whether [super init] returns nil or not.
意思是很多人采用了self =
[super init]; if (self) {...}的方法,这是由于有一些实践已经证明了[super
这里所说的 a very interesting document[6] 指的是:
[6] Will Shipley. self = [supid init].
1.Traditional -init
- (id)init;
if ((self = [super init]) == nil)
return nil;
[...initialize my stuff...]
return self;
2.Wil's -init
- (id)init;
if (![super init])
return nil;
[...initialize my stuff...]
return self;
作者认为不可能存在不用self = [super init]就不对的情况,所以他认为第二种方法才是正确的。他曾在以前的一篇博文上说谁能找到这样的情况就给那人20美元。
init]是否返回的就是self。最终该程序Ken Ferry终于找到了一些这样的类——它们都是 single intance(单实例)的类。
作者提出的方式2也就有了问题 ——若遇到父类采用单例模式,则在子类中[super
id superInitReturn = [super init];
if(!superInitReturn || self != superInitReturn)
return nil;
// Initialize memebers
return self;
我个人对此方法的理解是:若[super init]返回的与self不同,则说明父类是单实例类,而单实例类的init函数应该是被重写过的,一般会返回nil,遇到这种情况我们就该收手了—— 让你的类去继承一个单实例类并非好的设计(如果想达到类似效果,请让这个单实例成为你的类的成员)——故而返回nil。
值得一提的是该博文为作者2005年所作,作者于2009年在末尾追加了更新,指出苹果公司有些说明表明了他们很有可能要重写[NSObject init]方法,主要是因为要采用新的内存管理手段以提高内存重用率,所以作者最终推荐的init方式为:
-(id) init
if(!(self = [super init]))
return nil;
// Initialize members
return self;
Update April, 2009:
There's been hints from Apple that they might modify the standard -[NSObject init] method to try to re-use old object's memory, since it turns out that a very common usage pattern is for programs to keep creating and deallocating, say, 12 objects of the same class, over and over. Re-using the exact same memory ends up being a big win (and this is a trick the iPhone already does with its UITableViewCell class, and that is a HUGE win if you do it yourself on the iPhone).
So, from now on, I recommend everyone uses:
Subclassing NSColorPanel the Right Way
- (id)init;
if (!(self = [super init]))
return nil;
// other stuff
return self;
I do.