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来源: 互联网 发布时间:2014-08-30
本文导语: 代码如下: //读取excel文件内容写入数据库 //http://www. if (this.textBox2.Text.Trim() == "") { MessageBox.Show("请输入EXCEL文件路径!"); } else { string fileName = "告警手册-脚本学堂_www..xls"; string currPath = this.textBox2.Text.Trim();...
//读取excel文件内容写入数据库 //http://www. if (this.textBox2.Text.Trim() == "") { MessageBox.Show("请输入EXCEL文件路径!"); } else { string fileName = "告警手册-脚本学堂_www..xls"; string currPath = this.textBox2.Text.Trim(); if (!currPath.Substring(currPath.Length - 1).Contains("\")) { currPath = currPath + "\"; } fileName = currPath + fileName; } try { string strSheetName = "-RNC"; string strConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + path + ";Extended Properties='Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1;'"; string strExcel = "select * from [" + strSheetName + "$] "; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(strConn); conn.Open(); OleDbDataAdapter adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(strExcel, conn); adapter.Fill(ds, "data"); conn.Close(); DataTable excelDT = ds.Tables["data"];//EXCEL表 OracleConnection ocon = new System.Data.OracleClient.OracleConnection("data source=cqwcdma;user id=ifms_test;pwd=ifms;"); foreach (DataRow dr in excelDT.Rows) { string alarmCode = dr["告警码"].ToString(); string experience = dr["处理建议"].ToString(); ocon.Open(); OracleCommand ocmd = new OracleCommand("select count(*) from alarmcause t where vendor='ZY0804' and (experience is null or dbms_lob.compare(experience, empty_clob()) = 0) and alarmcause like '%" + alarmCode + "%' or probablecause like '%" + alarmCode + "%'", ocon); int count = int.Parse(ocmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString()); ocon.Close(); if (count > 0) { ocon.Open(); ocmd = new OracleCommand("update alarmcause t set experience='" + experience + "' where vendor='ZY0804' and alarmcause like '%" + alarmCode + "%' or probablecause like '%" + alarmCode + "%'", ocon); ocmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); ocon.Close(); } } MessageBox.Show("操作成功!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } catch (Exception se) { MessageBox.Show("操作失败:"+se.Message); }