jquery clone方法bug修复
本文导语: 项目中多次使用了iframe,但是操作起来是比较麻烦,项目中的现实情况是最外面是一个form,里面嵌套一个iframe,下面是一个其他的数据,在form提交的时候将iframe的数据和其他的数据一块提交。 采用最原始的办法: 在form提交...
ifram表单里面可能有文件上传的input. 虽然感觉这个方法不好,但是比较简单,如果各位博友有好的办法欢迎一块讨论。
// Licensed under the terms of the MIT source code license
// Motivation.
// jQuery's clone() method works in most cases, but it fails to copy the value of textareas and select elements. This patch replaces jQuery's clone() method with a wrapper that fills in the
// values after the fact.
// An interesting error case submitted by Piotr Przyby?: If two options had the same value, the clone() method would select the wrong one in the cloned box. The fix, suggested by Piotr
// and implemented here, is to use the selectedIndex property on the box itself rather than relying on jQuery's value-based val().
(function (original) {
jQuery.fn.clone = function () {
var result = original.apply(this, arguments),
my_textareas = this.find('textarea').add(this.filter('textarea')),
result_textareas = result.find('textarea').add(result.filter('textarea')),
my_selects = this.find('select').add(this.filter('select')),
result_selects = result.find('select').add(result.filter('select'));
for (var i = 0, l = my_textareas.length; i < l; ++i) $(result_textareas[i]).val($(my_textareas[i]).val());
for (var i = 0, l = my_selects.length; i < l; ++i) result_selects[i].selectedIndex = my_selects[i].selectedIndex;
return result;
}) (jQuery.fn.clone);
转载请注明出处: http://asialee.iteye.com/blog/1753447