CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION F_Func(v_pcatalogue IN NUMBER, i_newPcatalogue IN NUMBER, v_authTypeId in number)
v_newCatalogueId number(10);
v_oldCatalogueId number(10);
v_newPcatalogue number(10);
v_count number(10);
v_value number(10);
Cursor cusor_1(v_pcatalogue number) is
select id, cname, ename, cdescription, edescription, authtype, pcatalogue, orderb, createtime, userid, creater, updatetime, updateuserid, updator, state from t_catalogue
where authtype=v_authTypeId and pcatalogue=v_pcatalogue;
v_oldCatalogueId := v_pcatalogue;
v_newPcatalogue := i_newPcatalogue;
select count(1) into v_count from t_catalogue where authtype=v_authTypeId and pcatalogue=v_pcatalogue;
if v_count = 0 then
return 1;
for c2 in cusor_1(v_oldCatalogueId) loop
v_oldCatalogueId := c2.id;
select HIBERNATE_SEQUENCE.NEXTVAL into v_newCatalogueId from dual;
if v_newPcatalogue is null then
select HIBERNATE_SEQUENCE.NEXTVAL into v_newPcatalogue from dual;
end if;
insert into t_catalogue_20140619(id, cname, ename, cdescription, edescription, authtype, pcatalogue, orderb, createtime, userid, creater, updatetime, updateuserid, updator, state)
values(v_newCatalogueId, c2.cname, c2.ename, c2.cdescription, c2.edescription, c2.authtype, v_newPcatalogue, c2.orderb, c2.createtime, c2.userid, c2.creater, c2.updatetime, c2.updateuserid, c2.updator, c2.state);
v_value := F_Func(v_oldCatalogueId, v_newCatalogueId, v_authTypeId);
end loop;
return 1;
end if;
END F_Func;
Linux-6-64下安装Oracle 12C笔记
在CentOS 6.4下安装Oracle 11gR2(x64)
Oracle 11gR2 在VMWare虚拟机中安装步骤
Debian 下 安装 Oracle 11g XE R2