ORA-600 是一个非常头疼的一个错误。比如:
ORA-00600:internal error code, arguments: [4194], [43], [46], [], [], [], [], []
这个就是undo 损坏出现故障的一个提示信息。
Errorsof the form ORA-600 are called internal errors. This section clarifies themisunderstanding of ORA-600s being synonymous with corruption.
An ORA-600 usually has up to five arguments associated withit which gives Oracle support and developers more information about theerror. The first argument of an ORA-600 indicates wherein the source code an unexpected condition was encountered. Theremaining arguments give information about the variables and data beingexamined. An analyst can then determine if the error was the result of sometype of corruption.
Oracle server source code is subdivided into about 13different layers or modules,each of which is assigned a range of ORA-600 errors. Of these, only some rangespertain directly to the types of corruption described in this paper.
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