在aix6.1上安装了10.2.0.1版本的Oracle数据库,想打10.2.0.5pathc中途报错。具体报错当时忘记截图了,大概意思提示就是要结束一些提示的系统进程。后经查看oracle support找到一篇文章讲解了如何解决办法。文章号为[ID 975597.1]
To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:
1. Exit the current installer
2. As root user:
cd /usr/sbin/
mv fuser fuser.orig
touch /usr/sbin/fuser
chmod +x /usr/sbin/fuser
3. As oracle software owner, install the patchset.
(Note: fuser can now return nothing, hence the Installer should continue)
4. After a successful installation, as the root user, rename the fuser back.
cd /usr/sbin/
cp fuser.orig fuser