本来今天晚上我打算进行Oracle数据字典深入研究的,但是在我马上要研究完的时候收到在北京的一个朋友的消息,说是 他们的生成库出问题了,让我看一下帮忙解决一下,我是非常高兴的,帮助别人是我的快乐,同样也提高了自己,特此在此时此刻记录一下,写完这篇日志在继续我的研究。
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
ORACLE_HOME = /oracle/product/
System name: AIX
Node name: ECMora01
Release: 3
Version: 5
Machine: 00C05BB64C00
Instance name: htdb
Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1
Oracle process number: 206
Unix process pid: 704518, image: oracle@ECMora01
*** SESSION ID:(1473.41629) 2013-06-17 08:43:14.002
*** 2013-06-17 08:43:14.001
ksedmp: internal or fatal error
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [ktrgcm_3], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
Current SQL statement for this session:
select count(distinct id) from ( select ve.workflowid||'' as id from v_executableworktask ve left join T_DATA_ITEM appt on appt.value=ve.BUSSINESSTYPE and appt.deleted=0 and appt.cataid = 1101 where 1 = 1 and ve.globalID in ('P{2266580}','O{411001700}','O{4110}','G{201111992}') and ve.BUSINESSID in ( SELECT C.id FROM T_CONTRACT_CONTENT C WHERE INSTR(C.GLOBALSN,:1) >0 UNION SELECT E.ID FROM T_CONTRACT_CONTENT C, CUECM.T_CONTRACT_DONE E WHERE E.AFFAIRID = C.AFFAIRID AND INSTR(C.GLOBALSN,:2) >0 UNION SELECT L.RELATIONID FROM T_CONTRACT_CONTENT C, T_APPROVE_LIST L WHERE L.DENYSIGN = 0 AND L.TARGETID = C.ID AND INSTR(C.GLOBALSN,:3) >0 UNION SELECT F.id FROM t_contract_file f,T_CONTRACT_CONTENT C WHERE f.contractId = C.ID AND INSTR(C.GLOBALSN,:4) >0 UNION SELECT d.id FROM t_contract_dissension d,T_CONTRACT_CONTENT C WHERE c.id=d.contractid AND INSTR(C.GLOBALSN,:5) >0 ) union select t.pendingcode as id from ( select tab1.pendingcode, tab1.type as businessTypeId,tab2.name businessTypeName, tab1.senddate as starttime ,tab1.seandername,tab1.title from t_approve_notify tab1 left join t_data_item tab2 on tab1.type = tab2.value and tab2.cataid = 1101 and tab2.deleted = 0 where tab1.flag=0 and tab1.recieverid = :6 and TAB1.BUSSINESSID in ( SELECT C.id FROM T_CONTRACT_CONTENT C WHERE INSTR(C.GLOBALSN,:7) >0 UNION SELECT E.ID FROM T_CONTRACT_CONTENT C, CUECM.T_CONTRACT_DONE E WHERE E.AFFAIRID = C.AFFAIRID AND INSTR(C.GLOBALSN,:8) >0 UNION SELECT L.RELATIONID FROM T_CONTRACT_CONTENT C, T_APPROVE_LIST L WHERE L.DENYSIGN = 0 AND L.TARGETID = C.ID AND INSTR(C.GLOBALSN,:9) >0 UNION SELECT F.id FROM t_contract_file f,T_CONTRACT_CONTENT C WHERE f.contractId = C.ID AND INSTR(C.GLOBALSN,:10) >0 UNION SELECT d.id FROM t_contract_dissension d,T_CONTRACT_CONTENT C WHERE c.id=d.contractid AND INSTR(C.GLOBALSN,:11) >0 ) )t where 1=1 )
----- Call Stack Trace -----
calling call entry argument values in hex
location type point (? means dubious value)
-------------------- -------- -------------------- ----------------------------
ksedst+001c bl ksedst1 0FFFF5A20 ?
28844220058552A4 ?
ksedmp+0290 bl ksedst 104C2B3D8 ?
ksfdmp+02d8 bl 03F4D8AC
kgerinv+00dc bl _ptrgl
kgeasnmierr+004c bl kgerinv FFFFFFFFFFF6330 ? 1100096D8 ?
356A9A350C2D0000 ?
356A9B920C2D3E80 ?
356A9B920C2D3E80 ?
ktrgcm+1c44 bl kgeasnmierr 11019C288 ? 1103F0040 ?
104F34564 ? 000000000 ?
000000C2D ?
356A9A350C2D96D8 ?
000000000 ? 1100096D8 ?
ktrget+05c0 bl ktrgcm 110481450 ?
kdirfrs+09fc bl ktrget 1058540E0 ? 0000001C2 ?
09E370001 ?
qerixFetchFastFullS bl kdirfrs FFFFFFFFFFF7E50 ?
qergiFetch+02a8 bl 03F4D2BC
rwsfcd+0054 bl _ptrgl
qerhjFetch+00d0 bl 01FC340C
rwsfcd+0054 bl _ptrgl
qeruaFetch+013c bl 03F4D2BC
qersoFetch+0110 bl 01FC340C
qervwFetch+0088 bl 03F4D2BC
rwsfcd+0054 bl _ptrgl
qerhjFetch+0674 bl 01FC340C
rwsfcd+0054 bl _ptrgl
qerhjFetch+00d0 bl 01FC340C
rwsfcd+0054 bl _ptrgl
qeruaFetch+013c bl 03F4D2BC
qersoFetch+0110 bl 01FC340C
qervwFetch+0088 bl 03F4D2BC
qergsFetch+0324 bl 03F4D2BC
kpofrws+019c bl _ptrgl
opifch2+13a4 bl 01FC633C
opifch+003c bl opifch2 700000CB426AC6C ? 000000000 ?
opiodr+0b2c bl _ptrgl
ttcpip+1020 bl _ptrgl
opitsk+117c bl 01FC5F7C
opiino+09d0 bl opitsk 0FFFFD8F0 ? 000000000 ?
opiodr+0b2c bl _ptrgl
opidrv+04a4 bl opiodr 3C102B1A18 ? 404C7E2A8 ?
sou2o+0090 bl opidrv 3C02A0E6BC ? 440663000 ?
opimai_real+01bc bl 01FC1F54
main+0098 bl opimai_real 000000000 ? 000000000 ?
__start+0098 bl main 000000000 ? 000000000 ?
Bug 14076510 ORA-600 [ktrgcm_3] in - This note gives a brief overview of bug 14076510.
The content was last updated on: 08-MAR-2013
Click here for details of each of the sections below.
Affects: Product (Component) Oracle Server (Rdbms) Range of versions believed to be affected Versions >= but BELOW 11.1 Versions confirmed as being affected
- Database Patch Set Update
- Database Patch Set Update
- Database Patch Set Update
- Database Patch Set Update
- Database Patch Set Update
- Patch 18 on Windows Platforms
- Patch 17 on Windows Platforms
- Patch 8 on Windows Platforms
Description This problem is introduced in Database PSU version can affect through inclusive. The problem can also occur with interim patch 6157713 installedon top of through inclusive. ORA-600 [ktrgcm_3] can occur in the above releases. Workaround Disabling rowCR (which is an optimization to reduce consistent-read rollbacks during queries) by setting "_row_cr"=FALSE in the initialization files in one workaround. However, this could cause performance degradation of queries - the statistics "RowCR hits" / "RowCR attempts" can help show if this workaround may be detrimental to performance. Note: This issue was previously incorrectly listed as fixed in Windows bundle 17 but the fix did not get included until bundle 19.