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请问各位大侠: FileSystem 在那个包中,我在帮助中找不到,在线等待!!!先谢了!!!
来源: 互联网 发布时间:2015-06-17
本文导语: 请问各位大侠: FileSystem 在那个包中,我在帮助中找不到,在线等待!!!先谢了!!! | rt.jar!java/io/FileSystem.class | /* * @(#)FileSystem.java 1.5 98/08/26 * * Copyright 1998 by Sun...
请问各位大侠: FileSystem 在那个包中,我在帮助中找不到,在线等待!!!先谢了!!!
* @(#)FileSystem.java 1.5 98/08/26
* Copyright 1998 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.,
* 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, California, 94303, U.S.A.
* All rights reserved.
* This software is the confidential and proprietary information
* of Sun Microsystems, Inc. ("Confidential Information"). You
* shall not disclose such Confidential Information and shall use
* it only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement
* you entered into with Sun.
package java.io;
* Package-private abstract class for the local filesystem abstraction.
abstract class FileSystem {
* Return the FileSystem object representing this platform's local
* filesystem.
public static native FileSystem getFileSystem();
/* -- Normalization and construction -- */
* Return the local filesystem's name-separator character.
public abstract char getSeparator();
* Return the local filesystem's path-separator character.
public abstract char getPathSeparator();
* Convert the given pathname string to normal form. If the string is
* already in normal form then it is simply returned.
public abstract String normalize(String path);
* Compute the length of this pathname string's prefix. The pathname
* string must be in normal form.
public abstract int prefixLength(String path);
* Resolve the child pathname string against the parent.
* Both strings must be in normal form, and the result
* will be in normal form.
public abstract String resolve(String parent, String child);
* Return the parent pathname string to be used when the parent-directory
* argument in one of the two-argument File constructors is the empty
* pathname.
public abstract String getDefaultParent();
/* -- Path operations -- */
* Tell whether or not the given abstract pathname is absolute.
public abstract boolean isAbsolute(File f);
* Resolve the given abstract pathname into absolute form. Invoked by the
* getAbsolutePath and getCanonicalPath methods in the File class.
public abstract String resolve(File f);
public abstract String canonicalize(String path) throws IOException;
/* -- Attribute accessors -- */
/* Constants for simple boolean attributes */
public static final int BA_EXISTS = 0x01;
public static final int BA_REGULAR = 0x02;
public static final int BA_DIRECTORY = 0x04;
public static final int BA_HIDDEN = 0x08;
* Return the simple boolean attributes for the file or directory denoted
* by the given abstract pathname, or zero if it does not exist or some
* other I/O error occurs.
public abstract int getBooleanAttributes(File f);
* Check whether the file or directory denoted by the given abstract
* pathname may be accessed by this process. If the second argument is
* false, then a check for read access is made; if the second
* argument is true, then a check for write (not read-write)
* access is made. Return false if access is denied or an I/O error
* occurs.
public abstract boolean checkAccess(File f, boolean write);
* Return the time at which the file or directory denoted by the given
* abstract pathname was last modified, or zero if it does not exist or
* some other I/O error occurs.
public abstract long getLastModifiedTime(File f);
* Return the length in bytes of the file denoted by the given abstract
* pathname, or zero if it does not exist, is a directory, or some other
* I/O error occurs.
public abstract long getLength(File f);
/* -- File operations -- */
* Create a new empty file with the given pathname. Return
* true if the file was created and false if a
* file or directory with the given pathname already exists. Throw an
* IOException if an I/O error occurs.
public abstract boolean createFileExclusively(String pathname)
throws IOException;
* Delete the file or directory denoted by the given abstract pathname,
* returning true if and only if the operation succeeds.
public abstract boolean delete(File f);
* Arrange for the file or directory denoted by the given abstract
* pathname to be deleted when the VM exits, returning true if
* and only if the operation succeeds.
public abstract boolean deleteOnExit(File f);
* List the elements of the directory denoted by the given abstract
* pathname. Return an array of strings naming the elements of the
* directory if successful; otherwise, return null.
public abstract String[] list(File f);
* Create a new directory denoted by the given abstract pathname,
* returning true if and only if the operation succeeds.
public abstract boolean createDirectory(File f);
* Rename the file or directory denoted by the first abstract pathname to
* the second abstract pathname, returning true if and only if
* the operation succeeds.
public abstract boolean rename(File f1, File f2);
* Set the last-modified time of the file or directory denoted by the
* given abstract pathname, returning true if and only if the
* operation succeeds.
public abstract boolean setLastModifiedTime(File f, long time);
* Mark the file or directory denoted by the given abstract pathname as
* read-only, returning true if and only if the operation
* succeeds.
public abstract boolean setReadOnly(File f);
/* -- Filesystem interface -- */
* List the available filesystem roots.
public abstract File[] listRoots();
/* -- Basic infrastructure -- */
* Compare two abstract pathnames lexicographically.
public abstract int compare(File f1, File f2);
* Compute the hash code of an abstract pathname.
public abstract int hashCode(File f);
* @(#)FileSystem.java 1.5 98/08/26
* Copyright 1998 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.,
* 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, California, 94303, U.S.A.
* All rights reserved.
* This software is the confidential and proprietary information
* of Sun Microsystems, Inc. ("Confidential Information"). You
* shall not disclose such Confidential Information and shall use
* it only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement
* you entered into with Sun.
package java.io;
* Package-private abstract class for the local filesystem abstraction.
abstract class FileSystem {
* Return the FileSystem object representing this platform's local
* filesystem.
public static native FileSystem getFileSystem();
/* -- Normalization and construction -- */
* Return the local filesystem's name-separator character.
public abstract char getSeparator();
* Return the local filesystem's path-separator character.
public abstract char getPathSeparator();
* Convert the given pathname string to normal form. If the string is
* already in normal form then it is simply returned.
public abstract String normalize(String path);
* Compute the length of this pathname string's prefix. The pathname
* string must be in normal form.
public abstract int prefixLength(String path);
* Resolve the child pathname string against the parent.
* Both strings must be in normal form, and the result
* will be in normal form.
public abstract String resolve(String parent, String child);
* Return the parent pathname string to be used when the parent-directory
* argument in one of the two-argument File constructors is the empty
* pathname.
public abstract String getDefaultParent();
/* -- Path operations -- */
* Tell whether or not the given abstract pathname is absolute.
public abstract boolean isAbsolute(File f);
* Resolve the given abstract pathname into absolute form. Invoked by the
* getAbsolutePath and getCanonicalPath methods in the File class.
public abstract String resolve(File f);
public abstract String canonicalize(String path) throws IOException;
/* -- Attribute accessors -- */
/* Constants for simple boolean attributes */
public static final int BA_EXISTS = 0x01;
public static final int BA_REGULAR = 0x02;
public static final int BA_DIRECTORY = 0x04;
public static final int BA_HIDDEN = 0x08;
* Return the simple boolean attributes for the file or directory denoted
* by the given abstract pathname, or zero if it does not exist or some
* other I/O error occurs.
public abstract int getBooleanAttributes(File f);
* Check whether the file or directory denoted by the given abstract
* pathname may be accessed by this process. If the second argument is
* false, then a check for read access is made; if the second
* argument is true, then a check for write (not read-write)
* access is made. Return false if access is denied or an I/O error
* occurs.
public abstract boolean checkAccess(File f, boolean write);
* Return the time at which the file or directory denoted by the given
* abstract pathname was last modified, or zero if it does not exist or
* some other I/O error occurs.
public abstract long getLastModifiedTime(File f);
* Return the length in bytes of the file denoted by the given abstract
* pathname, or zero if it does not exist, is a directory, or some other
* I/O error occurs.
public abstract long getLength(File f);
/* -- File operations -- */
* Create a new empty file with the given pathname. Return
* true if the file was created and false if a
* file or directory with the given pathname already exists. Throw an
* IOException if an I/O error occurs.
public abstract boolean createFileExclusively(String pathname)
throws IOException;
* Delete the file or directory denoted by the given abstract pathname,
* returning true if and only if the operation succeeds.
public abstract boolean delete(File f);
* Arrange for the file or directory denoted by the given abstract
* pathname to be deleted when the VM exits, returning true if
* and only if the operation succeeds.
public abstract boolean deleteOnExit(File f);
* List the elements of the directory denoted by the given abstract
* pathname. Return an array of strings naming the elements of the
* directory if successful; otherwise, return null.
public abstract String[] list(File f);
* Create a new directory denoted by the given abstract pathname,
* returning true if and only if the operation succeeds.
public abstract boolean createDirectory(File f);
* Rename the file or directory denoted by the first abstract pathname to
* the second abstract pathname, returning true if and only if
* the operation succeeds.
public abstract boolean rename(File f1, File f2);
* Set the last-modified time of the file or directory denoted by the
* given abstract pathname, returning true if and only if the
* operation succeeds.
public abstract boolean setLastModifiedTime(File f, long time);
* Mark the file or directory denoted by the given abstract pathname as
* read-only, returning true if and only if the operation
* succeeds.
public abstract boolean setReadOnly(File f);
/* -- Filesystem interface -- */
* List the available filesystem roots.
public abstract File[] listRoots();
/* -- Basic infrastructure -- */
* Compare two abstract pathnames lexicographically.
public abstract int compare(File f1, File f2);
* Compute the hash code of an abstract pathname.
public abstract int hashCode(File f);