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jb中entitybean的add new finder和add new select有什么不同
来源: 互联网 发布时间:2015-05-25
本文导语: ?? | A finder returns the interface of the bean you have the finder in: eg if you have a finder for the StudentsEntityBean, then the finder will return a StudentEntityBeanInterface (remote or local interface dependi...
A finder returns the interface of the bean you have the finder in: eg if you have a finder for the StudentsEntityBean, then the finder will return a StudentEntityBeanInterface (remote or local interface depending on what you have used)
A select statement (not that I've used one yet), returns a value from a bean. eg a select on a SutentEntityBean could return "studentName".
A select statement (not that I've used one yet), returns a value from a bean. eg a select on a SutentEntityBean could return "studentName".