当前位置: 技术问答>java相关
来源: 互联网 发布时间:2015-10-21
本文导语: LI18NUX Standard Codeset Name alias table (DRAFT FOR PUBLIC REVIEW 2002-01-21) ### ### notation used in this document: ### "###" indicates the following text is commentary ### "*" means the field is empty. ### "+" means the name is supported in the...
LI18NUX Standard Codeset Name alias table
### notation used in this document:
### "###" indicates the following text is commentary
### "*" means the field is empty.
### "+" means the name is supported in the category as previously defined.
### "%" begins and ends the category keywords
### The purpose of this document is to identify the commonly used character
### set names on the Linux platform. This also includes the aliases/names
### that are ambiguous and inconsistent, therefore, not recommended.
### There are problems associated with data conversion between native encoding
### and Unicode. Thus, to ensure the data integrity of your document,
### we recommend you create your document in UTF-8 encoding only.
### For examples on issues regarding the data conversion, please see
### the W3C Note about Japanese text profiling information
### of XML document at http://www.w3.org/TR/japanese-xml/.
%Standard Name% %glibc charset names% %MIME% %other IANA% %Java% NOT-RECOMMENDED names%
ISO-646-US US-ASCII, ANSI_x3.4-1968, ISO_646.irv, ASCII US-ASCII ISO_646.irv:1991, us, IBM367, cp367, csASCII, iso-ir-6 ascii7, default, 646
TCA-BIG5 BIG5 Big5 csBig5 big5
EUC-JP eucJP EUC-JP Extended_UNIX_Code_Packed_Format_for_Japanese, csEUCPkdFmtJapanese x-eucjp, x-euc-jp ujis (glibc) eucjis (java) ### These names are inconsistent and ambiguous, therefore not recommended.
UTF-8 utf8 UTF-8 * unicode-1-1-utf-8 eucjputf8 ### Ambiguous name, not recommended.
EUC-KR eucKR EUC-KR csEUCKR 5601, ksc-5601, ksc-5601-1987, ksc-5601_1987, ksc5601 (Java) ### The use of names ksc-5601[-1987] to refer to EUC-KR is not recommended.
EUC-TW eucTW * * cns11643
GB-18030 GB18030 * * *
GB-2312 GB2312 GB2312 csGB2312 EUC_CN, gb2312-80, gb2312-1980, euccn, euc-cn
GB-K GBK * * *
ISO-8859-1 latin1, IBM819, IBM-819, cp819 ISO-8859-1 ISO_8859-1:1987, ISO_8859-1, iso-ir-100, l1, csISOLatin1 819, cp819, iso8859-1, 8859-1
ISO-8859-2 latin2 ISO-8859-2 ISO_8859-2:1987, ISO_8859-2, iso-ir-101, l2, csISOLatin2 912, cp912, ibm-912, ibm912, iso8859-2, 8859-2
ISO-8859-3 latin3 ISO-8859-3 ISO_8859-3:1988, ISO_8859-3, latin3, l3, csISOLatin3, iso-ir-109 913, cp913, ibm-913, ibm913, iso8859-3, 8859-3
ISO-8859-4 latin4 ISO-8859-4 ISO_8859-4:1988, ISO_8859-4, latin4, l4, csISOLatin4, iso-ir-110 914, cp914, ibm-914, ibm914, iso8859-4, 8859-4
ISO-8859-5 cyrillic ISO-8859-5 ISO_8859-5:1988, ISO_8859-5, iso-ir-144, csISOLatinCyrillic 915, cp915, ibm-915, ibm915, iso8859-5, 8859-5
ISO-8859-6 arabic ISO-8859-6 ISO_8859-6:1987, ISO_8859-6, iso-ir-127, csISOLatinArabic, ECMA-114, ASMO-708 1089, cp1089, ibm-1089, ibm1089, iso8859-6, 8859-6
ISO-8859-7 greek, greek8 ISO-8859-7 ISO_8859-7:1987, ISO_8859-7, iso-ir-126, csISOLatinGreek, ELOT_928, ECMA-118 813, cp813, ibm-813, ibm813, iso8859-7, 8859-7
ISO-8859-8 hebrew ISO-8859-8 ISO_8859-8:1988, ISO_8859-8, iso-ir-138, csISOLatinHebrew 916, cp916, ibm-916, ibm916, iso8859-8, 8859-8
ISO-8859-9 latin5 ISO-8859-9 ISO_8859-9:1989, ISO_8859-9, iso-ir-148, csISOLatin5, l5 920, cp920, ibm-920, ibm920, iso_8859-9, 8859-9
ISO-8859-13 ISO-8859-13 * * iso_8859-13, iso8859-13, 8859-13
ISO-8859-15 ISO-8859-15 * * csisolatin9, csisolatin0, latin9, latin0, 923, cp923, ibm-923, ibm923, iso8859-15, iso_8859-15, 8859-15
KOI-8-R KOI8-R KOI8-R csKOI8R koi8
KOI-8-U KOI8-U * * *
SHIFTJIS SHIFT-JIS, SJIS, sjis Shift_JIS MS_Kanji, csShiftJIS pck
VISCII viscii * * *
CP-437 IBM437, cp437 * 437, csPC8CodePage437 +
CP-850 IBM850, cp850 * 850, csPC850Multilingual +
CP-851 IBM851, cp851 * 851,csIBM851 +
CP-852 IBM852, cp852 * 852, csPCp852 +
CP-855 IBM855, cp855 * 855, csIBM855 cspcp855
CP-857 IBM857, cp857 * 857, csIBM857 +
CP-860 IBM860, cp860 * 860, csIBM860 +
CP-861 IBM861, cp861 * 861, csIBM861, cp-is +
CP-862 IBM862, cp862 * 862, csPC862LatinHebrew +
CP-863 IBM863, cp863 * 863, csIBM863 +
CP-864 IBM864, cp864 * csIBM864 +
CP-865 IBM865, cp865 * 865, csIBM865 +
CP-866 IBM866, cp866 * 866,csIBM866 +
CP-868 IBM868, cp868 * 868, cp-ar, csIBM868 *
CP-869 IBM869, cp869 * 869, cp-gr, csIBM869 +
CP-891 IBM891, cp891 * csIBM891 *
CP-903 IBM903, cp903 * csIBM903 *
CP-904 IBM904, cp904 * 904, csIBM904 *
TIS-620 + * + *
### notation used in this document:
### "###" indicates the following text is commentary
### "*" means the field is empty.
### "+" means the name is supported in the category as previously defined.
### "%" begins and ends the category keywords
### The purpose of this document is to identify the commonly used character
### set names on the Linux platform. This also includes the aliases/names
### that are ambiguous and inconsistent, therefore, not recommended.
### There are problems associated with data conversion between native encoding
### and Unicode. Thus, to ensure the data integrity of your document,
### we recommend you create your document in UTF-8 encoding only.
### For examples on issues regarding the data conversion, please see
### the W3C Note about Japanese text profiling information
### of XML document at http://www.w3.org/TR/japanese-xml/.
%Standard Name% %glibc charset names% %MIME% %other IANA% %Java% NOT-RECOMMENDED names%
ISO-646-US US-ASCII, ANSI_x3.4-1968, ISO_646.irv, ASCII US-ASCII ISO_646.irv:1991, us, IBM367, cp367, csASCII, iso-ir-6 ascii7, default, 646
TCA-BIG5 BIG5 Big5 csBig5 big5
EUC-JP eucJP EUC-JP Extended_UNIX_Code_Packed_Format_for_Japanese, csEUCPkdFmtJapanese x-eucjp, x-euc-jp ujis (glibc) eucjis (java) ### These names are inconsistent and ambiguous, therefore not recommended.
UTF-8 utf8 UTF-8 * unicode-1-1-utf-8 eucjputf8 ### Ambiguous name, not recommended.
EUC-KR eucKR EUC-KR csEUCKR 5601, ksc-5601, ksc-5601-1987, ksc-5601_1987, ksc5601 (Java) ### The use of names ksc-5601[-1987] to refer to EUC-KR is not recommended.
EUC-TW eucTW * * cns11643
GB-18030 GB18030 * * *
GB-2312 GB2312 GB2312 csGB2312 EUC_CN, gb2312-80, gb2312-1980, euccn, euc-cn
GB-K GBK * * *
ISO-8859-1 latin1, IBM819, IBM-819, cp819 ISO-8859-1 ISO_8859-1:1987, ISO_8859-1, iso-ir-100, l1, csISOLatin1 819, cp819, iso8859-1, 8859-1
ISO-8859-2 latin2 ISO-8859-2 ISO_8859-2:1987, ISO_8859-2, iso-ir-101, l2, csISOLatin2 912, cp912, ibm-912, ibm912, iso8859-2, 8859-2
ISO-8859-3 latin3 ISO-8859-3 ISO_8859-3:1988, ISO_8859-3, latin3, l3, csISOLatin3, iso-ir-109 913, cp913, ibm-913, ibm913, iso8859-3, 8859-3
ISO-8859-4 latin4 ISO-8859-4 ISO_8859-4:1988, ISO_8859-4, latin4, l4, csISOLatin4, iso-ir-110 914, cp914, ibm-914, ibm914, iso8859-4, 8859-4
ISO-8859-5 cyrillic ISO-8859-5 ISO_8859-5:1988, ISO_8859-5, iso-ir-144, csISOLatinCyrillic 915, cp915, ibm-915, ibm915, iso8859-5, 8859-5
ISO-8859-6 arabic ISO-8859-6 ISO_8859-6:1987, ISO_8859-6, iso-ir-127, csISOLatinArabic, ECMA-114, ASMO-708 1089, cp1089, ibm-1089, ibm1089, iso8859-6, 8859-6
ISO-8859-7 greek, greek8 ISO-8859-7 ISO_8859-7:1987, ISO_8859-7, iso-ir-126, csISOLatinGreek, ELOT_928, ECMA-118 813, cp813, ibm-813, ibm813, iso8859-7, 8859-7
ISO-8859-8 hebrew ISO-8859-8 ISO_8859-8:1988, ISO_8859-8, iso-ir-138, csISOLatinHebrew 916, cp916, ibm-916, ibm916, iso8859-8, 8859-8
ISO-8859-9 latin5 ISO-8859-9 ISO_8859-9:1989, ISO_8859-9, iso-ir-148, csISOLatin5, l5 920, cp920, ibm-920, ibm920, iso_8859-9, 8859-9
ISO-8859-13 ISO-8859-13 * * iso_8859-13, iso8859-13, 8859-13
ISO-8859-15 ISO-8859-15 * * csisolatin9, csisolatin0, latin9, latin0, 923, cp923, ibm-923, ibm923, iso8859-15, iso_8859-15, 8859-15
KOI-8-R KOI8-R KOI8-R csKOI8R koi8
KOI-8-U KOI8-U * * *
SHIFTJIS SHIFT-JIS, SJIS, sjis Shift_JIS MS_Kanji, csShiftJIS pck
VISCII viscii * * *
CP-437 IBM437, cp437 * 437, csPC8CodePage437 +
CP-850 IBM850, cp850 * 850, csPC850Multilingual +
CP-851 IBM851, cp851 * 851,csIBM851 +
CP-852 IBM852, cp852 * 852, csPCp852 +
CP-855 IBM855, cp855 * 855, csIBM855 cspcp855
CP-857 IBM857, cp857 * 857, csIBM857 +
CP-860 IBM860, cp860 * 860, csIBM860 +
CP-861 IBM861, cp861 * 861, csIBM861, cp-is +
CP-862 IBM862, cp862 * 862, csPC862LatinHebrew +
CP-863 IBM863, cp863 * 863, csIBM863 +
CP-864 IBM864, cp864 * csIBM864 +
CP-865 IBM865, cp865 * 865, csIBM865 +
CP-866 IBM866, cp866 * 866,csIBM866 +
CP-868 IBM868, cp868 * 868, cp-ar, csIBM868 *
CP-869 IBM869, cp869 * 869, cp-gr, csIBM869 +
CP-891 IBM891, cp891 * csIBM891 *
CP-903 IBM903, cp903 * csIBM903 *
CP-904 IBM904, cp904 * 904, csIBM904 *
TIS-620 + * + *