当前位置: 技术问答>java相关
Weblogic + Jbuilder 4
来源: 互联网 发布时间:2015-01-15
本文导语: 一个简单的示例编译后出现下列错误,在WIN2000下? "KMejb.ejbgrp": ERROR: Error from ejbc: ERROR: The classes which ejbc generated from your home and remote interfaces cannot be loaded. Please ensure that you have set the -d option to a...
"KMejb.ejbgrp": ERROR: Error from ejbc: ERROR: The classes which ejbc generated from your home and remote interfaces cannot be loaded. Please ensure that you have set the -d option to a writeable directory.
"KMejb.ejbgrp": ERROR: ejbc found errors
"KMejb.ejbgrp": ERROR: Error from ejbc: ERROR: The classes which ejbc generated from your home and remote interfaces cannot be loaded. Please ensure that you have set the -d option to a writeable directory.
"KMejb.ejbgrp": ERROR: ejbc found errors
你要把系统的TEMP或TMP的值换成没有空格的目录,简单的就是在C盘下创建一个TEMP,在SYSTEM VARIABLES 和USERS VARIABLES 里设置就成(具体是哪一个我记不清,两个都改吧)。你可以在"Help/About"里看到Info的栏目,里面是你的系统参数,有一个java.io.tmpdir的就是你要改的。当然涉及到项目的目录也不可以有空格,所以要把缺省的目录改掉