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about jcreator pro 2.5
来源: 互联网 发布时间:2015-07-07
本文导语: jcreator pro 2.5 我单击了这个可是没有以前的那个一个按钮的工具栏了,不能回去了怎么办呀 有谁知道那个工具栏怎么找回来 View------------->Full Screen This command hides the menubar, statusbar and all the non-floating toolbars,...
jcreator pro 2.5
View------------->Full Screen
This command hides the menubar, statusbar and all the non-floating toolbars, giving you your entire screen as the main working area. One small toolbar appears whose button is Toggle Full Screen. Click that button to restore back to normal mode.
View------------->Full Screen
This command hides the menubar, statusbar and all the non-floating toolbars, giving you your entire screen as the main working area. One small toolbar appears whose button is Toggle Full Screen. Click that button to restore back to normal mode.
感觉jcreator pro 2.5有些bug,比如对中文支持就不好,有时候会出现乱码。
感觉jcreator pro 2.5有些bug,比如对中文支持就不好,有时候会出现乱码。
严正声明:关于JCreator pro2.5的问题,市面上流传的JCreator所谓2.5版本全是假的!不要使用。挂了后门程序!