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red hat 7.0突破了1024个柱面问题吗?
来源: 互联网 发布时间:2014-10-21
本文导语: 我的硬盘是20G的,分区是FAT分区c盘5G(装win98),d盘10G,然后剩下留给 linux,装好后,启动没有出现lilo字样(应该是选操作系统吧),而是直接进入win98,我从软盘进入linux后查看lilo.conf文件,出现下面的字样: devic...
我的硬盘是20G的,分区是FAT分区c盘5G(装win98),d盘10G,然后剩下留给 linux,装好后,启动没有出现lilo字样(应该是选操作系统吧),而是直接进入win98,我从软盘进入linux后查看lilo.conf文件,出现下面的字样:
device 0x0306 exceeds 1024 cylinder limit
Fatal: sector 3873687 too large for linear mode (try 'lba32' instead)
device 0x0306 exceeds 1024 cylinder limit
Fatal: sector 3873687 too large for linear mode (try 'lba32' instead)
You may at least choose one solution from the exclusive two that I give here - A quick but might insecure solution, first - On the FAT partition holding your Win98 (you should mount it to somewhere by issuing mount first, like 'mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /win98'), make a dir like 'mkdir /win98/linux/boot', and then copy everything under /boot to it by 'cp -pr /boot /win98/linux/boot', remove or rename the original /boot (e.g., 'mv /boot /boot.orig'), and make a symbol link /boot to the real dir holding boot files by 'ln -s /win98/linux/boot /boot'. Now run 'lilo' and see if it still complains about 1024 limit ... [since your boot is under a FAT partition, it is possible to damage it by some reason :(] Complicated solution but secure - Use PowerQuest PartitionMagic 4/5/6, etc, that resize your partition on-the-fly, to make an extra partition before the FAT with size about 20M (make sure it is one the very beginning of your HD would be very helpful), since 20M is nothing compared with your 5000+M FAT. Under Linux, tar your old files under /boot to /tmp/boot.tar (e.g., 'tar -cvvf /tmp/boot.tar /boot'), and label the 20M partition as Linux Native, format it, mount it under /boot, and extract the tarred file into it by 'tar -C /boot -xvvf /tmp/boot.tar'. Now run 'lilo' and see if it still cry about 1024 limit ... [since your boot is under the Native ext2fs partition, it is far more secure to prevent it from damaging :)]
modify your lilo.conf, and add : lba32 to your lilo.conf, then you can run lilo to update mbr.
最好先做一张启动盘进入Linux,运行lilo -L -c lilo.conf 即可打开lba32模式