当前位置: 技术问答>linux和unix
来源: 互联网 发布时间:2016-09-13
本文导语: 下面这段文字是《Advance Linux Programming》中关于动态链接库的描述,我英语不好,有些地方不太明白,烦请高手翻译一下。 A second important difference is that a shared library is not merely a collection of object files, o...
下面这段文字是《Advance Linux Programming》中关于动态链接库的描述,我英语不好,有些地方不太明白,烦请高手翻译一下。
A second important difference is that a shared library is not merely a collection of
object files, out of which the linker chooses those that are needed to satisfy undefined
references. Instead, the object files that compose the shared library are combined into a
single object file so that a program that links against a shared library always includes all
of the code in the library, rather than just those portions that are needed.
A second important difference is that a shared library is not merely a collection of
object files, out of which the linker chooses those that are needed to satisfy undefined
references. Instead, the object files that compose the shared library are combined into a
single object file so that a program that links against a shared library always includes all
of the code in the library, rather than just those portions that are needed.
大体意思是说 应用程序链接动态库时,会把动态库中所有的东西都链接进去,而不是只选择需要的那部分链接