当前位置: 技术问答>linux和unix
来源: 互联网 发布时间:2014-10-21
本文导语: 在solaris启动时,如何不让它起openwin,在哪里设置?|OpenWin is launched by the dt* startup scripts, you should check /etc/init.d/*dt*, and do "find /etc -name 'S*dt*'" to list all the S??*dt* startup scripts. If you find the one for dtlogin (I forget...
OpenWin is launched by the dt* startup scripts, you should check /etc/init.d/*dt*, and do "find /etc -name 'S*dt*'" to list all the S??*dt* startup scripts. If you find the one for dtlogin (I forget the exact name, sorry), aka S80dtlogin, rename it to K20dtlogin or even remove it from /etc/rc2.d or somewhere, kill your current dtlogin process by "/etc/init.d/dtlogin stop". I think you can now start your DOS like Solaris operation, very tedious, I am afraid ... (Please be smart with my referring to dtlogin, it might be something else)
OpenWin is launched by the dt* startup scripts, you should check /etc/init.d/*dt*, and do "find /etc -name 'S*dt*'" to list all the S??*dt* startup scripts. If you find the one for dtlogin (I forget the exact name, sorry), aka S80dtlogin, rename it to K20dtlogin or even remove it from /etc/rc2.d or somewhere, kill your current dtlogin process by "/etc/init.d/dtlogin stop". I think you can now start your DOS like Solaris operation, very tedious, I am afraid ... (Please be smart with my referring to dtlogin, it might be something else)