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socket 编程 connect ()的问题求教!
来源: 互联网 发布时间:2016-01-06
本文导语: 本人在AIX写了段SOCKET SERVER程序,运行之后,察看了端口状态为LISTEN,server端程序也运行到了accept()了,但client死活都连不上去,提示“Connection refused”,用telnet也测试了服务端口,同样是“Connection refused”,有哪位...
本人在AIX写了段SOCKET SERVER程序,运行之后,察看了端口状态为LISTEN,server端程序也运行到了accept()了,但client死活都连不上去,提示“Connection refused”,用telnet也测试了服务端口,同样是“Connection refused”,有哪位高手碰到过类似的这种情况吗?告诉我一下解决的办法,不胜感激!被折磨的快崩溃了...... 帮帮我!
* A test for anaylise the HTTP
* @author Mike
#define PORT 8081
#define MAXMSG 512
#define MAXQUE 3
using namespace std;
int sock = 0;
void* DoResponse(void* data)
char* buffer = new char[MAXMSG];
int nbyte = MAXMSG;
int client = int(data);
* A test for anaylise the HTTP
* @author Mike
#define PORT 8081
#define MAXMSG 512
#define MAXQUE 3
using namespace std;
int sock = 0;
void* DoResponse(void* data)
char* buffer = new char[MAXMSG];
int nbyte = MAXMSG;
int client = int(data);