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shell problem, hurry!!!help!!!
来源: 互联网 发布时间:2015-05-07
本文导语: When I try to test the shellscrip as following, it seems wrong, can anyone tell me why and hoe to solve it? $echo "fff"|read x $echo $x the result of echo $x show nothing, it is not the value of fff, why? I cann't pipe standard input to re...
When I try to test the shellscrip as following, it seems wrong, can anyone tell me why and hoe to solve it?
$echo "fff"|read x
$echo $x
the result of echo $x show nothing, it is not the value of fff, why? I cann't pipe standard input to read???
$echo "fff"|read x
$echo $x
the result of echo $x show nothing, it is not the value of fff, why? I cann't pipe standard input to read???
AisAnotB(一呈一) 是对的,因为有subshell,所以会出现这个现象。
echo "fff"| (read x; echo $x)
echo "fff"| (read x; echo $x)
用|会先fork一个进程执行sh再运行|后的命令,所以read x运行后对当前sh没有影响