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redhat es4 rc.local 文件被误删了,麻烦有的兄弟传给我一个,或者贴一下内容
来源: 互联网 发布时间:2016-02-17
本文导语: RT 另外,rc.local 文件好像还有个link的,知道的兄弟告知一下link的路径和名称,谢谢啦! | rc.local里缺省的什么都木有。 #!/bin/sh # # This script will be executed *after* all the other init scripts. #...
另外,rc.local 文件好像还有个link的,知道的兄弟告知一下link的路径和名称,谢谢啦!
另外,rc.local 文件好像还有个link的,知道的兄弟告知一下link的路径和名称,谢谢啦!
# This script will be executed *after* all the other init scripts.
# You can put your own initialization stuff in here if you don't
# want to do the full Sys V style init stuff.
touch /var/lock/subsys/local
# This script will be executed *after* all the other init scripts.
# You can put your own initialization stuff in here if you don't
# want to do the full Sys V style init stuff.
touch /var/lock/subsys/local
/etc/rc.d/rc.local呢? /etc/rc.local就是/etc/rc.d/rc.local的一个软链