当前位置: 技术问答>linux和unix
来源: 互联网 发布时间:2015-06-10
本文导语: 一启动VM的POWER ON就 Not enough physical memory is available to power on this virtual machine. To fix this problem decrease the memory size of this virtual machine to 12 megabytes, or adjust the additional memory settings to allow more virtu...
Not enough physical memory is available to power on this virtual machine. To fix this problem decrease the memory size of this virtual machine to 12 megabytes, or adjust the additional memory settings to allow more virtual machine memory to be swapped.
If you were able to power on this virtual machine on this host computer in the past, try rebooting the host computer. Rebooting may allow you to use slightly more host memory to run virtual machines.
偶在WIN2K下的,128M,P4 1.3
Not enough physical memory is available to power on this virtual machine. To fix this problem decrease the memory size of this virtual machine to 12 megabytes, or adjust the additional memory settings to allow more virtual machine memory to be swapped.
If you were able to power on this virtual machine on this host computer in the past, try rebooting the host computer. Rebooting may allow you to use slightly more host memory to run virtual machines.
偶在WIN2K下的,128M,P4 1.3
VM是看你的机器上的可用物理内存数量的。你需要尽量减少W2K使用的内存,然后把VM的内存设置设的尽量高看看吧。Good Luck!
真正能跑 起码512M
我师傅1G的内存 有时候还是卡
我师傅1G的内存 有时候还是卡
分128M 就足够了
要正常点的话,建议你的机器在256M以上,分LINUX 128M
要正常点的话,建议你的机器在256M以上,分LINUX 128M