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●●● 【请问怎么用C语言 为shell写 “重定向”功能?】 ●●●
来源: 互联网 发布时间:2015-12-15
本文导语: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 请问怎么用C语言 为shell写 “重定向”功能? 就是用 , 和 >> 提示输入输出。 freopen()应该可以,但我没有成功, 请给个C语言得代码例子吧。 万分感谢、 ////////////////...
请问怎么用C语言 为shell写 “重定向”功能?
就是用 , 和 >> 提示输入输出。
freopen()应该可以,但我没有成功, 请给个C语言得代码例子吧。
这是一个pipe的例子, 父进程往管道中写数据,子进程从管道中读出数据.
/* Write COUNT copies of MESSAGE to STREAM, pausing for a second
between each. */
void writer (const char* message, int count, FILE* stream)
for (; count > 0; --count) {
/* Write the message to the stream, and send it off immediately. */
fprintf (stream, “%sn”, message);
fflush (stream);
/* Snooze a while. */
sleep (1);
/* Read random strings from the stream as long as possible. */
void reader (FILE* stream)
char buffer[1024];
/* Read until we hit the end of the stream. fgets reads until
either a newline or the end-of-file. */
while (!feof (stream)
&& !ferror (stream)
&& fgets (buffer, sizeof (buffer), stream) != NULL)
fputs (buffer, stdout);
int main ()
int fds[2];
pid_t pid;
/* Create a pipe. File descriptors for the two ends of the pipe are
placed in fds. */
pipe (fds);
/* Fork a child process. */
pid = fork ();
if (pid == (pid_t) 0) {
FILE* stream;
/* This is the child process. Close our copy of the write end of
the file descriptor. */
close (fds[1]);
/* Convert the read file descriptor to a FILE object, and read
from it. */
stream = fdopen (fds[0], “r”);
reader (stream);
close (fds[0]);
else {
/* This is the parent process. */
FILE* stream;
/* Close our copy of the read end of the file descriptor. */
close (fds[0]);
/* Convert the write file descriptor to a FILE object, and write
to it. */
stream = fdopen (fds[1], “w”);
writer (“Hello, world.”, 5, stream);
close (fds[1]);
return 0;
/* Write COUNT copies of MESSAGE to STREAM, pausing for a second
between each. */
void writer (const char* message, int count, FILE* stream)
for (; count > 0; --count) {
/* Write the message to the stream, and send it off immediately. */
fprintf (stream, “%sn”, message);
fflush (stream);
/* Snooze a while. */
sleep (1);
/* Read random strings from the stream as long as possible. */
void reader (FILE* stream)
char buffer[1024];
/* Read until we hit the end of the stream. fgets reads until
either a newline or the end-of-file. */
while (!feof (stream)
&& !ferror (stream)
&& fgets (buffer, sizeof (buffer), stream) != NULL)
fputs (buffer, stdout);
int main ()
int fds[2];
pid_t pid;
/* Create a pipe. File descriptors for the two ends of the pipe are
placed in fds. */
pipe (fds);
/* Fork a child process. */
pid = fork ();
if (pid == (pid_t) 0) {
FILE* stream;
/* This is the child process. Close our copy of the write end of
the file descriptor. */
close (fds[1]);
/* Convert the read file descriptor to a FILE object, and read
from it. */
stream = fdopen (fds[0], “r”);
reader (stream);
close (fds[0]);
else {
/* This is the parent process. */
FILE* stream;
/* Close our copy of the read end of the file descriptor. */
close (fds[0]);
/* Convert the write file descriptor to a FILE object, and write
to it. */
stream = fdopen (fds[1], “w”);
writer (“Hello, world.”, 5, stream);
close (fds[1]);
return 0;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
FILE *stream ;
if((stream = freopen("file.txt", "w", stdout)) == NULL)
printf("this is stdout outputn");
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
FILE *stream ;
if((stream = freopen("file.txt", "w", stdout)) == NULL)
printf("this is stdout outputn");
C语言有对应的Pipe API,
int pipe_fds[2];
int read_fd;
int write_fd;
pipe (pipe_fds);
read_fd = pipe_fds[0];
write_fd = pipe_fds[1];
int pipe_fds[2];
int read_fd;
int write_fd;
pipe (pipe_fds);
read_fd = pipe_fds[0];
write_fd = pipe_fds[1];