当前位置: 技术问答>linux和unix
unix 有关crontab 的问题
来源: 互联网 发布时间:2015-11-01
本文导语: 我做了个小程序auto_exc,想加在crontab 中让系统自己执行,功能是实现自动的从sybase数据库中检索数,我的sybase用户是建在/home/sybase下的,也就是/home/sybase/sybase 文件夹,这个auto_exc文件我直接在unix中调用是可以执行的...
我做了个小程序auto_exc,想加在crontab 中让系统自己执行,功能是实现自动的从sybase数据库中检索数,我的sybase用户是建在/home/sybase下的,也就是/home/sybase/sybase 文件夹,这个auto_exc文件我直接在unix中调用是可以执行的,但加入到crontab后就出了如下的问题:
The context allocation routine failed when it tried to load localization files!!
One or more following problems may caused the failure
Your sybase home directory is /home/sybase. Check the environment variable SYBAS
E if it is not the one you want!
Cannot access file /home/sybase/config/objectid.dat
An error occurred when attempting to allocate localization-related structures.
The context allocation routine failed when it tried to load localization files!!
One or more following problems may caused the failure
Your sybase home directory is /home/sybase. Check the environment variable SYBAS
E if it is not the one you want!
Cannot access file /home/sybase/config/objectid.dat
An error occurred when attempting to allocate localization-related structures.
应该是环境及环境变量问题。要么在具体用户级上修改crontab,要么在root级上设置crontab为su 用户名 -c "你的具体命令"